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Abdiqasin Salad Xasan war criminal no 1

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Another case of ...Your uncle is more evil then mine haha. With all that said...


"During his tenure, he presided over several controversial actions, including the severe crackdowns and aerial bombings in Hargeysa and Berbera, during which large numbers of civilians disappeared and are known to have disappeared (and believed to have been tortured and killed.)[2] After Barré's ouster in 1991 he fled to Cairo."



With all that said...A/Yusuf= The most evil Somali person in history.

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If it makes a difference His very own father was killed by the government that later appointed him so he obviously was in no position to order killings or stop them from happening hence him being a prominent figure of ‘Al ISLAAX’ who are known for their Anti Blood shed campaigns.



It would be absurd for one to support an illiterate blood thirsty swine livered Warlord who boasts openly about being an old enemy of the state of Somalia despite their shamelessness, attempt to humiliate a true States Man like Dr CadiQasim Salaad.


He has his mistakes but by no means comparable on any scale of corruption to Col.Biijo's 80 yr of Shame.

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^^^Adeer his father was killed by Siyad Barres clan and not his governemnt. Siyad was not in power then. So you are saying he was given the post because of the death?


Also Abdiqasin was a communist for most of his adult life untill Siyad was deposed.


Anyhow you want to defend someone at leats know the facts.

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