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Mogadishu Islamists ban World Cup....

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^Infact Reuters are more reliable than most of the somali websites.


But anyway, no one is denying the closed cinemas. It is simple, if you show X-rated moves than your cinema will be closed for good wheather you show football or not.


So to twist the story by making it look like if Maxkamadaha don't want people to watch football is outrageous. Sheikh Sharif also denied this accusation when he was asked this question last night on the BBC. So guyz you are holding the stick on the wrong end.

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Shaneemooyinka deegaanka suuqa xoolaha oo dib loo furay lagana daawaday Ciyaaraha Aduunka


Deegaanka Suuqa Xoolaha oo ay dhawaan gacan heyntiisa la wareegeen ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ee Magalada Muqdisho ayaa halkaas ku xir xiray shaniimooyinka Degaankaas. Waloow Sheekh Shariif Sh Axmed oo ah Gudoomiyaha Midowga Maxaakimta uu qiray inuusan isagu amarkaas bixin ayaa muqato in saraakiil hoose ay amarkaas iyagu bixiyeen Link

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Maf Kees   

Originally posted by Dhubad:

they have closed some cinemas where they show porn movies at

Waad isku xaartey. Porn movies is impossible in Somalia, war afkaaga maxaa ka soo baxay? Its the bollywood and hollywood movies that are described as demeaning to 'awqaafta'.


Just correcting you intaadan ragga hortooda in real life waxaas lasoo shirtagin. Walaahi waa lagula yaabaya ninyow.

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Originally posted by Liquid Nomad:

quote:Originally posted by Dhubad:

they have closed some cinemas where they show porn movies at

Waad isku xaartey. Porn movies is impossible in Somalia, war afkaaga maxaa ka soo baxay? Its the bollywood and hollywood movies that are described as demeaning to 'awqaafta'.


Just correcting you intaadan ragga hortooda in real life waxaas lasoo shirtagin. Walaahi waa lagula yaabaya ninyow.
Sxb, it seams that you don't know anything about Somalia walaahi. They even show during the day, ask anyone who lived there after the collapse of the central government.


Saaxiib aduunku wuu is badalay.

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This is a warning



Somalia Online


[ June 13, 2006, 04:36: Message edited by: Admin ]

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^^can the Mods/Admin deleat the above statement?


But anyway, no one is denying the closed cinemas. It is simple, if you show X-rated moves than your cinema will be closed for good wheather you show football or not.


So to twist the story by making it look like if Maxkamadaha don't want people to watch football is outrageous. Sheikh Sharif also denied this accusation when he was asked this question last night on the BBC. So guyz you are holding the stick on the wrong end.

I'm afriad we have become the equivalent of the misinformed westerners, jump on the bandwagon types without much thought or 'filtering' of the regular news. :rolleyes: we accept things at face value

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Originally posted by The Rendez-vous:



This is a warning



Somalia Online

Why are you posting those WARNINGS in my name....admin...Of all people...Who do u think you are...Can u delete the details there all together Immediately..

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We form strategy, they conspire.We are clever, they are sneaky.We are wonderful peace loving Muslims, they are fanatics.They build weapons to tramp the world, we acquire weapons to defend our tribe . Over the last few days I have tried to gain a useful Somali news without a propaganda or a one side slanted news.In the mainstream media news outlet like CNN and BBC, the number one priority is to "sell" news.It is not to be educative or fair to the muslim world. I was not surprised to be bombarded by headlines like " Islamists Claim Control of War-Ravaged Mogadishu". As a news consumer I have decided to fish outside the normal news pond.I tried to acess some somali news outlet. I have noticed vast interest associated with every piece of news they reported.I have noticed an irresponsible journalism both in the western world and Somali news.I think it will be great if we all develop a way to detect any kind of social indoctrination that are against our free thought. Neither do we want to be a customer of sensualized news smile.gif .

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Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamka oo beeniyay in ay diideen in Muqdisho lagu daawado Ciyaaraha Adduunka


Talaado, June 13, 2006 (HOL): Maalmihii tegay ayaa magaalada Muqdisho waxaa la isla dhexmarayay warar sheegayay in Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamka ay Xaafadda Suuqa Xoolaha ku soo rogeen xayiraad ah in aan la daawan karin ciyaaraha Adduunka, walow warkaasi uu ahaa mid aan si rasmi ah u soo shaac bixin.


Haddaba Guddoomiyaha Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamka Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa beeniyay warkaas oo uu ku tilmaamay mid aan jirin oo looga been abuurtay, wuxuuna caddeeyay in aaney xiligan Midowga Maxkamadaha fursad u heynin xayiraad ay ku soo rogaan daawashada ciyaaraha Adduunka.


Shiikh Shariif waxaa uu intaas ku daray in xiligan ay ku dhex taagan yihiin qadiyado culus oo xasaasi ah, wuxuuna carrabka ku adkeeyay in wararkaasi ay buun buuniyeen Saxaafadda, gaar ahaan kuwa shisheeyaha.


Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamka ayaa Soonkii la soo dhaafay waxay magaalada Muqdisho ka sameeyeen howlgallo ay ku xireen shineemooyinka, iyadoo intii ay howlgalkaas wadeena albaabada u laabay Shirkad Filimada Hindiga Af-Soomaali u bedeli jirtay, taasi oo lagu magacaabi jiray Al-Faghi.


Hadalka Guddoomiyaha Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamka Muqdisho waxaa si weyn u soo dhaweeyay dhalinyaro badan oo wel wel ka qabay in laga joojiyo daawashada Ciyaaraha Adduunka oo ah ciyaar ay dadka intiisa badan daawadaan.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Stoic, so you are a news junkie huh? Didn't know that buddy :D The name of the game is read both sides of the "fill the blanks". If the news is about American politics then it is prudent to read both conservative and liberal take on the issue at hand. That way you can get past the spin doctors and get informed.

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Originally posted by Mr.Faarax:

I see fingers being pointed- and this time i dont think any muslim would go as far as pointing the finger at those who are ordering good and forbidding evil. Unless u want alot of tornment in the hereafter.

Only Allah gives the order of what is good/forbidden..not a bunch of lunatic rebels with AKA47s who have no inkling of the concept of Islam.


Anyway, what the hell is going in Somalia..if its not one thing, it's the other. Sad, really!

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Originally posted by Reality Check:

Only Allah gives the order of what is good/forbidden..not a bunch of lunatic rebels with AKA47s who have no inkling of the concept of Islam.

Yeah, well, someone on earth needs to enforce Allah's order, right? We don't just all do what we want and then wait for the Judgement Day. If the courts shut down the theaters because of the porn movies, I'm all for it. Doesn't matter if they play soccer games as well.

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