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^^^ Horn,


I know that you are not comparing a mini juniour JVA MEMBER to the elected President of Somalia. :D


As for the Ethiopia invasion now turned to crossing oh my, its all bulb, a smokescreen by the warlord Inada Cade and his new club. Oh I know you are the informed ones, so give us some info.

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G-Duke let's talk about what Allputland and Idimaale are reporting, we all know how all and i mean all somali websites exacdrate things, been abuurka waa lagu wada yaqaan balse inaad hal mid iska dabadhigato maahan sxiib.



Go figure:............

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Originally posted by Wiilo:

G-Duke let's talk about what Allputland and Idimaale are reporting, we all know how all and i mean all somali websites exacdrate things, been abuurka waa lagu wada yaqaan balse inaad hal mid iska dabadhigato maahan sxiib.

Duke Smithy used to be a big fan of Shabellenews, just like he was of Mox'd Dheere and co. It now suits his uncles' agenda to attack websites that he sees as not complimetary to the Baidoa House of Warlords and he feels duty-bound to spread the gospel of Col. Yey. It's just a life-cycle of an honest and hard-working warlord cheerleader, nothing more.. smile.gif

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Wiilo, dear sister did I once say that Idamaale and Allpuntland are not biased, they are. It is the second time you are making up things with regards to what I belive, or have said. If you want to attck these news outlets by all means do.

Puntland media supports the Federal state of Puntand and the TFG , while Shabbele support the courts and warlord Inda cade, is that not clear?


Ayoub, can you hear the drums?

Have you got back the two technicals or was yor VP, Defence minister smoking the same thing as you used to theaten Las Anood with your 30,000 soldiers.. :D


Somali politics is fluid, however I support the TFG, Mohamed Dheere and Shabbele are yesterday.. :D

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Yeah, everyone knows that you support the TNG, and you have every right to support your adeer,,, but you xumaanta in laysku taageero in aysan diintu ogolayn ma ogtahay. Why don't we say that all the somali web sites are bias.......simple,,,,,


By the way, did you know that Maxamed Dheere is in Gaalkacyo at the moment?



Julu 5, 2006 Markacadeey.





Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere ) oo ka mid ahaa qabqablayaashii dagaalka Soomaalida ee laga raacdeeyey koonfurta Soomaaliya ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in maanta uu soo gaaray magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug isagoo kasoo tallaabay xadka Puntland iyo Ethiopia ay wadaagaan.


Maxamed Dheere ayaa magaalada Gaalkacyo waxa uu kula kulmay maamulka gobolka Mudug isagoo kala hadlay ujeedka socdaalkiisa, waxaana Maxamed Dheere uu maamulka u sheegay inuu kusii jeedo xarunta Puntland ee Garoowe oo uu ka helay magangelyo siyaasadeed ka dib markii koonfurta Soomaaliya uu kasoo waayey meel ku nasto.


Maxamed Dheere ayaa la sheegay in ay la socdeen maleeshiyooyin hubeysan oo watta dhowr gaadiid oo kuwo dagaalka ah waxaana la dejiyey Hoteel lagu magacaabo TOBAN TALAALE.


Joogista Maxamed dheer ee magaaladda Gaalkacayo ayaa keeni karta in muran siyaasadeed oo dhalin kara Khilaaf, waayo Maxamed dheer ayaa ka mid ahaa xubnihii la dagaalanka argagixisada ee dhowaan magaaladda Muqdisho laga soo saaray.


Dawlada Goboleedka Puntland ayaa iyadu beryahan iska fogaynaysay in degaanadeeda lagula soo galgasho khilaafka siyaasadeed ee ka jira Konfurta Soomaaliya, wuxuuna u muuqday Maamulka Puntland mid aan xasaasiyad ka qabin kooxaha wadaada ah ee reer Puntland kuwaasi oo maamulka ku xaqiijiyey inaanay wax dhibaata ah ka gaysanayn degaanadda Puntland.


Soo gelinta Puntland ee Maxamed dheer ayaa durba la iska weydiinayaa suaalo.



Maxamed Carab

Xafiiska Markcadeey ee Muqdisho





Go Figure:..................

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^^^ You asked me about Idamaale and Allpuntland, I gave you a frank answer. What else can one do.

I support an all inclusive governemnt with a parliment which includes every Somali. You in the other hand can not see past my uncle being President. ;)

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It seems that we are getting somewhere now, i don't have a problem that A/hi Yusuf is your uncle, and that you are supporting him, i on the other hand don't have a problem with your uncle, but what i have a problem with is his siyaasad xumadiisa, just tell me 300 ee ciidan oo Ethopian-ka ah ee ku sugan Baydhabo oo la leeyahay A/hi yusuf ayay ilaalinayaan ayay ka ilaalinyaa? Haddiisa ay A/hi yusuf dowladdiisu tahay dowlad dib u heshiinayd maxuu si toos ah ola hadli la'yahay courts-ka? Why does he need Ethopia? Sxiib adeerkaa maskax uu asaga leeyahay kuma shaqeeyo ee maskaxda uu ku shaqeeyo waxaa laga maamulaa Addis Ababa, hala yimaado mid uu asaga leeyahay.



Waxay kuu sheegaysaa in Adeerkaa meesha siyaasad xumo ku heysho, cid u diidan malahan uu madaxwaynihii dalka noqdo, balse waxa ay dadka u nacayaa waa Ethopian-ka uu dhabada ku wato sxiib, i'm sure haddii uu iska daayo Ethopian-kan iyo ciidamada uu had iyo jeer dalbanayo in madaxwaynanimadiisa ay leejo u noqonayso, balse maxay kuugu taalaahee, he can't see that.



Go figure:.....................

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Duke waxaan kugu odhan lahaa waan idhi. SBCdu Boosaaso hadaad doonti xaqiiqda ka akhri. Ninyaho horta waaba masiibo iyadoo aduunka haatan marahaya in Maareeye iyo Abdulahi yusuf ay been ka sheegan wax dadku aduunka caalami oo idile ogsoon yihiin.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Somali politics is fluid, however I support the TFG, Mohamed Dheere and Shabbele are yesterday..

Fluid politics or a case of verbal shuban ? :D

Anyways, you are so funny that when the Courts take over, they will let you off hook just the Gringos did to Comical Ali. :D



Originally posted by General Duke:

[QB]I support an all inclusive governemnt with a parliment which includes every Somali.

Yes, but, when you side with Cando Muuse when he attacks the TnG vet-cum-PM Geedi, that little theory becomes adeero-shaped. smile.gif

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