
Proposed constitutional amendments - redrafting the Fed. constitution

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45 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Puntland is heading towards secession what will happen when hassan abolishes the whole federalism thing

No one is breaking up the country cuz of HSM.

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What is the altarnative though if Hassan Sheikh manages to Hijack the country and abolish Federalism will reer Puntland keep their heads down and bow for a centralist state thats where its headed the Premier position has been turned into a meaningless position inkastow marxuumka Hamze meyd hadaba yahay lax la qalay oo aan waxba iska waabin karayn isagu xil dastuuri ah haya. What will happen when the power of the president is in the hands of one man, Reminds me of the late General afweyne. Well there is an option for Puntland a new civil war fighting the Mogadishu establishment a long war i guess Puntland will continue to call Hassan madaxweynihi hore eeh Somalia as they do now, it can only go from worse to worse unless Hassan is stopped Killed or what ever



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1 hour ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

It is. Wac Reer Garoowe.

The elites and general public will not stand for it, and no politician has the stomach to do that, even if they wish to tango dance with the idea. As noted before, PL is now the de facto Federal gov't. If any breaking away is to be discussed, it is HSM who is deviating from agreed principles engaging in secession by seeking to create a South Central gov't.

Let me ask you: when will reer S West take a stand, be counted, and be written into the annuls of history?


1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

What will happen when the power of the president is in the hands of one man, Reminds me of the late General afweyne. Well there is an option for Puntland a new civil war fighting the Mogadishu establishment a long war i guess Puntland will continue to call Hassan madaxweynihi hore eeh Somalia as they do now, it can only go from worse to worse unless Hassan is stopped Killed or what ever

It is not the 1st, the 2nd or the 3rd time a rogue leader tried to hijack or dismantle the national platform to serve own short-term interest, and advance ill-advised, clan-centric politics. It is a known malady, and its cure is readily at hand.

Very soon you will see HSM bellowing and wailing in the streets of Xamar when another leader has been (s)elected, and all his doodles had been reversed with the State back on track.

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HSM is simply not sincere about moving the country, forget about consensus building and finishing the constitution. In the end, he will be forced to sit with the opposition. It will be back to Afisyooni teendho. What a waste! He is wasting such a unique opportunity. 

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So what will be discussed at the Afysooni  tent ,  and who will be forced to concede , do u think hasan will back down  from his new constitution if he backs down he will never be taken serious again, it will be a major win for the garowe people , How ever it will show him the world and his clan that he has no real power 



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That was stupid and ugly idea to go and negotiate in a foreign country. Ma Huteel Muqdisho ku yaala ayey waayeen. Odayaashu ma kuwii beeshaa?

I hope the real issues president HSM traveled was to discuss the so called Wiliam Ruuto proposal for the maritime issues in order for Abiy to get an exit strategy.

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17 hours ago, galbeedi said:

That was stupid and ugly idea to go and negotiate in a foreign country. Ma Huteel Muqdisho ku yaala ayey waayeen. Odayaashu ma kuwii beeshaa?

I hope the real issues president HSM traveled was to discuss the so called Wiliam Ruuto proposal for the maritime issues in order for Abiy to get an exit strategy.

Waxaa ka sii daran munaafuqnima Xasan wuxuu cambaareyn weyn u jeediyey beel ka mid ah beelaha Soomaaliyeed oo shir ku qabsaday Nayroobi oo baaq ka soo saaray dowladiisa. Sanadkii 2022 ayee ahayd, beesha Sanbalooshe ayeena ahayd.

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Mucaaradka oo dhaq-dhaqaaqyo ka dhan ah Xasan Sheekh ka bilaabay Nairobi – Xog

Magaalada Nairobi ee waddanka Kenya waxay marwalba ahaan jirtay halka uu ka bilowdo abaabulka ka dhanka ah nidaamka waqtigaasi jira ee Soomaaliya.

Si gaar ah saddexdii doorasho ee ugu dambeysay ee 2012, 2017 iyo 2022 waxaa isbeddelka laga jiheeyay magaalada Nairobi, halkaasi oo ay badi deegaan ku yihiin siyaasiyiinta xil sugayaasha ah ee Soomaaliya.

Toddobaadkii hore madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa shir beeleed siyaasadeed uga qeyb-galay Nairobi. Xubno mucaarad ah oo markii hore ka ganbanayay inay Nairobi shaqo ka bilaaban ayaa hadda laga soo xigtay inuu madaxweynaha siiyay fursad ay dibadda uga bilaabi karaan shirar iyo abaabul ka dhan ah nidaamkiisa.

Sabtidii waxaa Nairobi ku shiray Shariif Sheekh Axmed, Xasan Cali Kheyre, Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur, Dr Cabdinaasir Cabdulle iyo Cabdulqaadir Cosoble Cali. Kulankan oo Shariifka uu dalbaday ayaa ahaa mid uu xubnaha kaga warsiinayay wixii uu kala kulmay madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh markii ay isku arkeen Nairobi.

Xubnaha kulanka fadhiyay qaar ayaa laga soo xiganaya in uusan madaxweyne Shariif ka qarin in doodda labada nin ku jiray awood qeybsiga siyaasadda, laakiin wixii ugu muhiimsana oo ay ka dooddeen wuxu ku tilmaamay xaalka siyaasadeed ee dalka, si gaar ah; in la iska kaashado amniga, laga heshiiyo dastuurka iyo doorashooyinka, la xaliyo tabashooyinka Puntland, fikir mideysana lagu wajaho culeyska ka imaanaya dhanka Itoobiya.

Dhamaan arrimahaasi ayay isla fahmi waayeen Xasan Sheekh iyo Shariif Sheekh Axmed.

Mucaaradka ku kulmay magaalada Nairobi waxay ka sinaayeen in Xasan Sheekh la joojiyo oo aan la aqbali karin halka uu madaxweynaha dalka kusii wado, oo ay qaar sheegeen inay ku dhamaan doonto inuu dalka kala tago.

Dhinacyada Nairobi ku shiray waxay isku soo hadal qaadeen qaabka loo dhigi karo mucaaradnimada, qaar ayaa soo jeediyay in guud ahaan mucaaradka arrintaan u midoobaan oo xitaa Farmaajo iyo dhinacyo kale lagu soo daro, balse xubnaha qaar ayaa taas ka cago jiiday waxayna soo jeediyeen in qolo walba gaarkeeda ula timaado hal abuur mucaaradnimo oo ay Xasan Sheekh kula dirirto, iyaga oo ka gadoodsan inay Farmaajo ku saf noqdaan.

Sida aan xogta ku helnay go’aan buuxa lama gaarin, balse waxaa lagu balamay in kulamada lasii wado. Sidoo kale in lala hadlo wakiiladda beesha caalamka oo la dareensiiyo sida aanay Soomaalida iskugu raacsaneyn halka uu Xasan Sheekh wax ku wado ayay diyaarinayaan mucaaradka qaar.

Waxaa kale oo la filayaa inuu dhawaan magaalada Nairobi yimaado hoggaamiyaha Puntland Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni, kaas oo isna si weyn u diidan hanaanka uu wax ku wado madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh, kadibna kulan weyn oo dhinacyada mucaaradka ah ayaa la filayaa inuu dhaco.

Madaxweynaha tallada haya ee Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa hadda duri karin in mucaaradkiisa shirar, dooddo iyo diidmaba kusoo bandhigaan dalal shisheeye kadib markii uu isagu dhawaan aqbalay, kana qeyb-galay gogol ay beeshiisu dhigtay magaalada Nairobi.

Kulamada mucaaradka ayaa imaanaya, iyada oo bisha soo aadan ee May ay madaxweyne Xassan Sheekh u buuxsami doonto laba sano, waxaana caado ahaan jirtay in labada sano ee ugu dambeysa muddo xileedka madaxweyne kasta oo fadhiya Villa Somalia in lagula dhago isteerinka haddii uu isku dayo inuu dalka u jiheeyo dhinac aan heshiis lagu aheyn.


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