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qalbimadoobaad = oblivion


there once was a warrior...a regular "loca in love"

he had killed many kuffaar in defense.

some were even his relatives.

he felt guilty.

he prayed.

they got a 2nd chance.


many times he feels like killing them all again..his relatives inculusive,or maybe first.

but it's their 2nd chance...

will they go after pharao into the big hell?

will they begin to appreciate all the love,and the cherry pie and mango shorbét ice cream.



like most warriors throughout history,he wants to be a man of peace now,he wants to learn how to make pots,and how to knit little sweaters for babies.


..but they're still here,corrupting ,disturbing..pushing him over the edge,every day..


he just wanted a coffee and some cherry pie.


last thing i heard him and his friends were headed back to the mountain where they hid their "equipment"

they were chanting old poems and polishing their swords.

they were softly whispering reassuring words to their horsed.


please ,can somebody stop this madness?!!

either way ,it will soon be over.

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he just wanted a coffee and some cherry pie.

He did all those crazy stuff just to get ^ He was indeed qalbimadoobe :D


Waryee, how many stars have you counted so far? smile.gif

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