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Ahmadinejad won. Get over it

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It's quite painful to see some of you, who cannot even agree for a minute how to handle your own country's problems, seemingly attempt to dictate and break down the situation in Iran. Stop trying to fit everything under your political paradigm of the world that is mostly reserved for Somalia, this is much more complex than the West v.s. Iran. Considering the fact that some of you have attritbuted the protests to solely the desire of "liberal democracy" shows that you have missed the point as badly as the same Western media sources that are( rightfully) being criticized. The fact is the vast majority of people attempting to dictate and explain the results of the election,as well as its response have been woefully unaware of Iranian politics prior this 2 week window. The basis of this dispute is between the ruling elite in the Islamic Republic,it is NOT an attempt to overthrow the regime as a whole. The bankrollers of Mousavi, and his supporters are in fact key figures with Iran's current ruling regime including the likes of Rafsanjani, Khatami as well as the clerics that are allied to their views. Nejad is supported by another side of this ruling regime,the IRGC( which has become a state within a state), as well as their allied clerics. It is this main division between the ruling elite that is the real issue at question, and is what has allowed for such public demonstrations to be at center stage.


Simplyfying the issue into Mousavi being a Western puppet and Nejad a saviour for the East, shows that plenty of you CANNOT seperate your Somali political biases when evaluating the outside world. In fact if Mousavi's faction does eventually gain control of the ruling leadership and succedes and deposing Khameni, it'll slowly come to play that there is BARELY any difference between Mousavi and Nejad. The main point of contention between the two, has been Nejad's handling of the economy,as opposed to foreign policy as many seem to believe. Mousavi has already stated that the nuclear program is non-negiotable with the West, and was even the PM during the Iran-Iraq war. When all this becomes clear( if Mousavi does indeed come to power), he will be tarred and feathered by the same Western Media you are complaining he represents. Rafsanjani( Mousavi's biggest backer) has already served as President within the Islamic Republic, and is one of the biggest figures within the ruling regime. All of these facts contradict the simplicity with which so many of you view these events( and by extension the rest of the world).

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