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Idaacadda Shabeelle: The 6th Day

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Press group deplores attack on Somali media boss


NAIROBI, Sept 27 (
) - A press watchdog has condemned the attempted murder of a Somali journalist working for an independent media house targeted in a government crackdown.


Somalia's interim administration raided Shabelle media in Mogadishu last week, briefly arresting 18 staff and then spraying the building with gunfire during a second visit.


The watchdog Reporters Without Borders said the broadcaster's acting manager Jafar Kukay was then the target of an attack on Monday this week by a gunman who fired a pistol at him twice but missed


"Caught in the crossfire of targeted killings and arbitrary arrests, Somali journalists have reached a critical threshold that is threatening the survival of an independent press in Somalia," the press group said in a statement on Thursday.


"The transitional federal government's failure to take action in these circumstances in incomprehensible."


Shabelle has been off air since last week's raids, and Reporters Without Borders said the station's employees were either in hiding or trying to flee the country. Kukay could not immediately be reached for comment.


A security guard was wounded during the Sept. 18 siege at Shabelle, which -- with other independent local media -- has been accused by the authorities of supporting insurgents and had already been taken off the air twice this year.


Reporters Without Borders said the attempted on Kukay's life brought the number of attacks against journalists in the Somali capital since January to four.


Two journalists were killed in these attacks, it said, while 13 of Mogadishu's 16 district commissioners or their deputies had been murdered in similar circumstances.


On Saturday, the new U.N. envoy for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, said Somali government leaders had admitted to him in private that the action taken against Shabelle had been a mistake and would not happen again.


A U.S. State Department spokesman said Washington was gravely concerned, and the broadcaster played a vital role in political dialogue and reconciliation.



Finally, finally, we now do know who the real killers of innocent marxuumiinta were. The hired murderers of Mahad Axmed Cilmi iyo Cali Iimaan Sharmaarke of Hornafrika. Now waxeeba u jeesteen kuwii Shabeelle. Eebbaa ka bad baadiye Jacfar Kuukaay.

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LoooL, sometimes I find people in this forum to be funny, offcourse shabelle is shut down for misbehaving, spreading propaganda, inciting hatred and inaccurate reporting of news and etc...... STANDARD JOURNALISM kumalaho, lool....dat's wat I mean wen I say funny people in SOL!!!!!

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What a brave men and women...they are those Shabelle journalist...treadin on where other journalist deem unsafe and riskin their own lives to let the Truth b known..reporting the news and informing the poeple...what a cause!!!



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It is two full weeks now that idaacadda Shabeelle being off air.


If these Xabashi stooges can shut Shabeelle, then imagine if they had the power, the puppets would even try to shut SOL! That is what is at stake: The complete freedom of information. They are taking tricks from their Xabashi master of abusing warbaahinta, after they abused, murdered, committed genocide against shacabka iyo masaakiinta.


I am glad and am comforted by a fact that they will never last. Let the Xabashi traitors and stooges enjoy for now of abusing masaakiinta with the perceived Xabashi power.



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Cabdiqaadir Nadaara iyo Xasan Cadde oo soo gaaray London kadib markii ay kasoo carareen Muqdisho


01 Oktoobar, 2007 - Waxaa Magaaladda London ee xarunta dalkan Britain soo gaaray labo Wariye oo kamid ah Wariyayaashii ugu caansanaa Magaaladda Caasimadda ee Muqdishu kadib markii ay la kulmeen hanjabaado iyo xadgudubyo ay sheegeen in ay kala kulmayeen dhinacyada Siyaasadda isku haya ee soomaaliyeed.


Labadan wariye oo kala ah Cabdiqaadir Caashir Nadaara oo u shaqaynayay Taleefishinka Universal ee Muqdisho iyo Xasan Sheekh Axmed "xasan Cadde" ayaa u sheegay Wariye Ridwaan Xaaji Cabdiwali oo ah Tafatiraha Warbaahinta Onkod News Agency in ay ka soo carareen dalkaasi Soomaaliya kadib markii ay la kulmeen hanjabaado isla markaana lagu dilay Muqdishu Madaxii Idaacadda HornAfrik cali Iimaan Sharmaarke iyo Mahad Axmed Cilmi isla markaana lagu dhaawacay wariyayaal kale.


Cabdiqaadir Nadaara oo soo gaaray London maalmo ka hor waxaa uu sidoo kale uu kamid ahaa wariyayaal lagu xiray Muqdishu mudooyinkii ay shaqooyinka warbaahineed ka wadeen dalka, Waxaa uu intaasi ku daray in ay adagtahay in la amaan galiyo howsha warbaahineed xiligan.


Cabdiqaadir Nadaara oo isagu lagu xasuusan karo barnaamishyadiisi dhiiri galinta in ay dadka ku soo labataan dhulkiisa hooyo isagoona lagu xasuusan karo barnaamishkii ku dalxiis Xeebta jasiira.


Xasan Sheekh Axmed Cadde ayaa sidoo kale isna London jooga Muddo kooban, waxaana uu isaga soo cararay Muqdisho kadib markii lagu dilay Magaaladaasi Mas'uulkii uu u shaqaynayay iyo mid kamid ah Wariyayaashii ay ka wada shaqaynayeen HornAfrik.


Dadka ka soo cararay ee wariyaasha ah ee Muqdisho kuma eka labadooda ee waxaa jira wariyaal badan oo soo cararay sida madaxii Dayniile iyo Qaranimo ee Muqdisho Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan oo isagu xiligaan ku sugan Dalka Holond


Soomaaliya waxaa ay kamid tahay goobaha sida wayn loogu ugaarsado wariyayaasha ka howlgala hadii ay yihiin Soomaali iyo Ajnabi intaba , waxaana sanadkii lasoo dhaafay oo kaliya Muqdishu lagu dilay 7 wariye oo labo kamid ah ay ahaayeen Ajaanib u dhashay dalalka Europe.




That is what the stooges want. An information vacuum, their atrocities unreported.


It is day 15th now.



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Well, well, it is about time. After two toddobaad of forcibly being off air, it is back, beybi. Shabeelle is back.


Idaacadda Shabeelle oo maanta dib ugu soo laabatay hawada


Shabakadda warbaahinta Shabeelle ayaa maanta dib ugu soo laabatay hawada 15 maalmood ka dib markii ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda ay soo weerareen xarunta idaacadda oo albaabada ay isugu dhufteen.


Idaacadda Shabeelle ayaa maanta abaaro 12:00 Pm hawada dib ugu soo laabatay, iyadoo dhageystayaasheeda iyo aqristayaasheeda bogga Internetka ay ugu bishaareyneyso in ay si toos ah ugala socon doonan wararka iyo barnaamijyadii ay uga barteen idaacadda.


Dib u soo hawa galidda idaacadda Shabeelle ayaa ka dambeysay ka dib markii ciidamadii xanibay howlaha idaacadda ay ka guureen wadooyinka soo gala xarunta idaacadda.


Idaacadda Shabeelle oo ka mid ah idaacadaha madaxa banaan ee ka howl-gala gudaha dalka Somalia ayaa waxa ay u taagan tahay soo gudbinta warar ku saleysan xaqiiqda, dhex dhexaadnimo.


Maamulka shabakadda warbaahinta Shabeelle ayaa sheegay in aysan waxba u dhimi doonin howlaha idaacadda mudadii ay xanibeen.


18 kii bishii September ayay aheyd markii ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda KMG ah ay weerar toos ah ku soo qaadeen xarunta idaacadda, iyagoo rasaas la beegsaday dhismaha xarunta iyo dariishadaha, taasina ay sababtay in idaacadda ay hawada ka baxdo.


Rasaastii lala beegsaday xarunta ayaa waxa ay sababtay qasaaro soo gaaray qalabka iyo dhismaha idaacadda oo qiimo ahaan lagu qiyaasay in ku dhow 50 kun oo dollar.


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