Game changer

My take on faratoon

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It's a victory for the somaliland army ,   muse biixi secured the corridor to the Hell  ,   jaamac siyaad militias Will be in control of western lascaanod , intay nimankaasi meesha haystaana guuli Ka dheer huwanta.  Waa niman danaystayaal ah oo waxba Ka naxayn tuulooyin kooda mooyee.    Anagu  HJ ahaan waxaanu is lahayn meesha haydiin Ka baxaan oo idinka iyo fiqishini dhulka qaybsada. Laakiin garacdani hand brake bay gashadeen .   Mana dhaqaaqayan.   

Maalmaha soo socda waxad arki doontan huwanta oo wada hadal iyo wax Ku baaqaya.  Wada hadal kaasna  waa mid khiyaano ah , muuse biixina ma aqbali doono.   Dadkii meesha kusoo duulay waxay u kala bixi doonan qaar iskaga laabta meeshay Ka yimaaden , iyo qaar iska dhex fadhiya guryaha shacabka .

Puntland waxay Ku guulaysatay dagaalkii bulshada iyo dad kicinta.   Somaliland waxay Ku guulaysatay dagaalkii dhulka. Dhuloosna haduu sii kala qaybsamay nin walbaana wuxu aadi doona halkii dantiisa shakhsiga ahi Ku jirto.   Mid dhadhaab aada , mid yagoori taga.  Ku maraykanka gala iyo Ku majrtenka ka Malay ga la cunaba .   

Maxaa xal ah ?    Waxa xala in layska qayilo.  Salli calee.  Saaca bi saaca.    Meeshan waxba kala qabsan Wayne nin walba halkiisa haloo daayo. 



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July is a bad month for the the coalition of chaos. It is a turning point. 

Caasho Maxamuud timid, camabaro la arag, Cosob is soo qaadqaaday. Waxna waa tari kari waayeen. :D 

Wixii intan ka hadhay waa iska kabo raacin. 




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Bada cas bada bada madaw kuwa Laylka  duula.   siwaaq roonba lagaaga dhigaya dad cun Waaryee 😃 ninba laga hayaa  waar shaw marbay ido Ku jiidhaan.   


  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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5 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

Xaashi found a sweet spot to fish in both sides of the waters

Somaliland is the only place where  thieves are honored. How a lowly chief of staff became the richest politician who bankrolled a quarter of the parliament. Even the load mouth Mohamed Abib has turned his phone last week with orders of Mohamuud Hashi. This Hashi fellow isn't even in the parliament and his party is in name only among the 13. Dahabshiil has to answer one day how he allowed millions stolen from the people are laundered in his bank.

Yet, if Muuse and company think an 80 years old (Asaasaqay oo biyaha kululna kabada) loser would give hope and  defeat the will of the SSC whose ship has sailed is just a pipe dream.

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15 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

Somaliland is the only place where  thieves are honored. How a lowly chief of staff became the richest politician who bankrolled a quarter of the parliament. Even the load mouth Mohamed Abib has turned his phone last week with orders of Mohamuud Hashi. This Hashi fellow isn't even in the parliament and his party is in name only among the 13. Dahabshiil has to answer one day how he allowed millions stolen from the people are laundered in his bank.

Yet, if Muuse and company think an 80 years old (Asaasaqay oo biyaha kululna kabada) loser would give hope and  defeat the will of the SSC whose ship has sailed is just a pipe dream.

Niyaw your conspiracy theories are so BIZARRE,   let me explain to you why  xaashi is so powerful in the parliament.    It's not about  money.  It's because  his Clan  received an unusual  large number of  MPS from Sool.   Last election HJ  collected all MPs of sool  except 3  .   Maxamuud xaashi is from Sool and most of the MPs from that region and sanaag  are related to him.   He uses this to his advantage .   




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2 hours ago, Game changer said:

Maxamuud xaashi is from Sool and most of the MPs from that region and sanaag  are related to him.   He uses this to his advantage

He is more powerful than those from east Burco who are in the government. In fact, a freind who is from Hargeisa told me today that it was Ina Xaashi who forced Muuse Biixi to proceed with the party elections before the president.

He threatened to vote with the opposition and elect the speaker. If the speaker comes from the opposition they could overturn the decisions of the commission and enact a new law. Furthermore, they could impeach Muuse Biixi. So, Ina Xaashi said he will vote with the opposition if he doesn't get his way.

THey guy even owns a third of Awdal MPS. They only way he could have that power is because he could feed these hungry politicians sitting Hargeisa hotels. So, tell me where did he got the money to buy votes? because he got deep pockets.

If elections of the party are held within few months, I have no doubt he will be among the three.

The good news is GH will reject that manipulated vote. If fireworks start in east, we will join the fray. 

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The biggest loser is Abdirizaq Khaliif, Ex-Speaker of Parliament. He is now contemplating his future as a 3rd rate nobody in Garowe. His JS subclan will come back to the SL fold, this time with a lot more power and control over Laascaanood. 

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9 hours ago, galbeedi said:

He is more powerful than those from east Burco who are in the government. In fact, a freind who is from Hargeisa told me today that it was Ina Xaashi who forced Muuse Biixi to proceed with the party elections before the president.

He threatened to vote with the opposition and elect the speaker. If the speaker comes from the opposition they could overturn the decisions of the commission and enact a new law. Furthermore, they could impeach Muuse Biixi. So, Ina Xaashi said he will vote with the opposition if he doesn't get his way.

THey guy even owns a third of Awdal MPS. They only way he could have that power is because he could feed these hungry politicians sitting Hargeisa hotels. So, tell me where did he got the money to buy votes? because he got deep pockets.

If elections of the party are held within few months, I have no doubt he will be among the three.

The good news is GH will reject that manipulated vote. If fireworks start in east, we will join the fray. 

 I don't think he pays any of them ,  politicians gather around him because they know  his urur is a potential national party. dadku guushay la walaal yihiin .   Eastern burao politicians no longer dominate HJ politics.  Reer walba gudahooda waxay heshiis Ku yihiinba jirta,  siilaanyo baa ninkan tooshka noogu dhiibay.  Maxamuud xaashi  qoladiisa 60kii baa ugu danbaysay inay HJ hor boodaan.   Berigii  Micheal Mariano . Hagbad ururtay 6  decades buu maalaya.  

 Xirsiba kun jeer Ka lacag  badan isaga kana laandheeraysan.  Hadana beeshu xaashi bay u xaglisa.

Waxyaabahas iyo qaar kaloo badano aydaan fahan sanayn baa odayga saacidaysa , ee sirtu lacagta maaha.   Waxa macquul in odaygu broke yahay haduu doono  oo uu daawaha Ku wado.

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