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Last minute manoeuvring to prevent war in Mogadishu

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Originally posted by Sergeant Sakhar:

It's 10:00 am London time and I'm very confident that there will be no war at all.


I expect a comprehensive ceasefire to be agreed on. Already the clan movement vacated all the areas they were defending in the first place. They have dispersed into the neighbourhoods so that nobody recognises them.


This is a sign that they don't want to fight and that they willl accept any condition levied on them. Count me on that.



For your information Mr Sergeant (SOL beryahaan Askar baa ku soo Itoobiyaanka odayaasha inay u booteeyaan bay rabeen, hadda xitaa warar hoose ayaa sheegaya inay odayaasha ka codsadeen in xabbad-joojinta meesheedii laga sii wado. Way noqon kartaa qayaano, laakiin mid ogoow ma kula tahay Itoobiyaankii ku faanayey argagaxiso ayaan la dagaalaynaa in markii la arko iyagoo beel beelaha Soomaaliyeed ka mid ah la dagaalayo xaaladduna is bedeleyso oo adduunkuna ogaanayo inay arrintu awalba faragelin cad ee arrimaha Soomaaliya ahayd, nimankaan Amxaaraduna saas doqommo uma ahan oo in arrintu halkaas u bayrto ma rabaan.

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Originally posted by Sergeant Sakhar:

It's 10:00 am London time and I'm very confident that there will be no war at all.


I expect a comprehensive ceasefire to be agreed on. Already the clan movement vacated all the areas they were defending in the first place. They have dispersed into the neighbourhoods so that nobody recognises them.


This is a sign that they don't want to fight and that they willl accept any condition levied on them. Count me on that.



For your information Mr Sergeant (SOL beryahaan Askar baa ku soo Itoobiyaanka odayaasha inay u booteeyaan bay rabeen, hadda xitaa warar hoose ayaa sheegaya inay odayaasha ka codsadeen in xabbad-joojinta meesheedii laga sii wado. Way noqon kartaa qayaano, laakiin mid ogoow ma kula tahay Itoobiyaankii ku faanayey argagaxiso ayaan la dagaalaynaa in markii la arko iyagoo beel beelaha Soomaaliyeed ka mid ah la dagaalayo xaaladduna is bedeleyso oo adduunkuna ogaanayo inay arrintu awalba faragelin cad ee arrimaha Soomaaliya ahayd, nimankaan Amxaaraduna saas doqommo uma ahan oo in arrintu halkaas u bayrto ma rabaan.

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Originally posted by Sergeant Sakhar:

It's 10:00 am London time and I'm very confident that there will be no war at all.


I expect a comprehensive ceasefire to be agreed on. Already the clan movement vacated all the areas they were defending in the first place. They have dispersed into the neighbourhoods so that nobody recognises them.


This is a sign that they don't want to fight and that they willl accept any condition levied on them. Count me on that.



For your information Mr Sergeant (SOL beryahaan Askar baa ku soo Itoobiyaanka odayaasha inay u booteeyaan bay rabeen, hadda xitaa warar hoose ayaa sheegaya inay odayaasha ka codsadeen in xabbad-joojinta meesheedii laga sii wado. Way noqon kartaa qayaano, laakiin mid ogoow ma kula tahay Itoobiyaankii ku faanayey argagaxiso ayaan la dagaalaynaa in markii la arko iyagoo beel beelaha Soomaaliyeed ka mid ah la dagaalayo xaaladduna is bedeleyso oo adduunkuna ogaanayo inay arrintu awalba faragelin cad ee arrimaha Soomaaliya ahayd, nimankaan Amxaaraduna saas doqommo uma ahan oo in arrintu halkaas u bayrto ma rabaan.

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Saraakiisha Itoobiya oo mar kale u yeeray hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** kadib markii ay amar ka heleen Wasaaradooda Arrimaha dibadda .



Muqdisho ,Axad ,Marso , 25, 2007 , Waagacusub Online


Saraakiisha Itoobiya ayaa mar kale u yeertay hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** oo ay ku kala tageen Car iyo Wir ,kulamo laba maalmood qaatay oo la isku mari waayay kadib.


Sida lagu helayo war hoosaadyo lagu kalsoon yahay Saraakiisha Itoobiyaanka ayaa xalay Addis Ababa laga soo amray inay u yeeraan hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** ,lana sii wadaan wada xaajoodka .


Amarkaan oo la sheegay inay soo dirtay Wasaaradda Arrimaha dibadda ee Itoobiya ayaa dhigaya in hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** soo magacaawdaan guddi Siyaasiyiin ah oo la xaajoodo Siyaasiyiinta Itoobiya si is faham loo helo.


Lama ogga in hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** mar kale aqbalayaan kulanka loogu yeeray laakiin Muqdisho waxaa laga dareemayaa diyaar garoow dagaal oo baaxad leh kaas oo ay wadaan beelaha dega Muqdisho.


Dagaal qabiil oo Muqdisho ka dilaaco ayaa saameeyn kara goboladda Soomaaliya oo dhan.



Dahir Abdulle Alasow

Mogadishu – Somalia

+2521-320000 Telcom Somalia

+2521-5565600 Hormud Telecom

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Saraakiisha Itoobiya oo mar kale u yeeray hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** kadib markii ay amar ka heleen Wasaaradooda Arrimaha dibadda .



Muqdisho ,Axad ,Marso , 25, 2007 , Waagacusub Online


Saraakiisha Itoobiya ayaa mar kale u yeertay hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** oo ay ku kala tageen Car iyo Wir ,kulamo laba maalmood qaatay oo la isku mari waayay kadib.


Sida lagu helayo war hoosaadyo lagu kalsoon yahay Saraakiisha Itoobiyaanka ayaa xalay Addis Ababa laga soo amray inay u yeeraan hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** ,lana sii wadaan wada xaajoodka .


Amarkaan oo la sheegay inay soo dirtay Wasaaradda Arrimaha dibadda ee Itoobiya ayaa dhigaya in hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** soo magacaawdaan guddi Siyaasiyiin ah oo la xaajoodo Siyaasiyiinta Itoobiya si is faham loo helo.


Lama ogga in hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** mar kale aqbalayaan kulanka loogu yeeray laakiin Muqdisho waxaa laga dareemayaa diyaar garoow dagaal oo baaxad leh kaas oo ay wadaan beelaha dega Muqdisho.


Dagaal qabiil oo Muqdisho ka dilaaco ayaa saameeyn kara goboladda Soomaaliya oo dhan.



Dahir Abdulle Alasow

Mogadishu – Somalia

+2521-320000 Telcom Somalia

+2521-5565600 Hormud Telecom

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Saraakiisha Itoobiya oo mar kale u yeeray hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** kadib markii ay amar ka heleen Wasaaradooda Arrimaha dibadda .



Muqdisho ,Axad ,Marso , 25, 2007 , Waagacusub Online


Saraakiisha Itoobiya ayaa mar kale u yeertay hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** oo ay ku kala tageen Car iyo Wir ,kulamo laba maalmood qaatay oo la isku mari waayay kadib.


Sida lagu helayo war hoosaadyo lagu kalsoon yahay Saraakiisha Itoobiyaanka ayaa xalay Addis Ababa laga soo amray inay u yeeraan hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** ,lana sii wadaan wada xaajoodka .


Amarkaan oo la sheegay inay soo dirtay Wasaaradda Arrimaha dibadda ee Itoobiya ayaa dhigaya in hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** soo magacaawdaan guddi Siyaasiyiin ah oo la xaajoodo Siyaasiyiinta Itoobiya si is faham loo helo.


Lama ogga in hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka ****** mar kale aqbalayaan kulanka loogu yeeray laakiin Muqdisho waxaa laga dareemayaa diyaar garoow dagaal oo baaxad leh kaas oo ay wadaan beelaha dega Muqdisho.


Dagaal qabiil oo Muqdisho ka dilaaco ayaa saameeyn kara goboladda Soomaaliya oo dhan.



Dahir Abdulle Alasow

Mogadishu – Somalia

+2521-320000 Telcom Somalia

+2521-5565600 Hormud Telecom

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This odayaal were wrong in the first place because they went to the Ethiopians as traditional elders who are representing a certain clan but where are their politicians?


They have to talk to the government and as I say fulfill the demands of the government and that of the Ethiopian commanders.


War has been averted and a complete ceasefire is expected to be announced any minute inshallah.


I shall update you when that happens.


Anyhow as I said, this odayaal and now their politicians, who are engaged in the negotiations need to do what the government and the ethiopians demand from them in order to pacify and safeguard the capital for once and all.


The daily mortar have to stop now and the people that are amongst them and who are hunted must be ejected and whilst at it they have to agree to disarm.


What else is there? The odayaal and their politicians if they have any intelligence will fulfill the things that are demanded from them and I'm confident in that.


So war has been averted and avoided and there will be none at all and on top of that a complete ceasefire will be announced very soon I believe. Count me on that. Now it's 13:00 London time and I expect a peace deal and a new ceasefire announced any minute from now on.


Count me on that inshallah. If there's a war today, you can all call me all the names in the world you want.


If there's not a deal of some sort announced today and a comprehensive ceasefire within the next couple of hours, then again you can call me any name you want. Count me on that.


Will Sakhar's predicition come true this time around as well? I believe so inshallah.


Count me on all the things I said. War has been averted and avoided for today and I said that any minute from now on a truce and deal will be announced and a new ceasefire will be put in place. If all this things don't happen within a few hours and a war starts or a truce is not announced, then you can call me any name you wish.


I know what I'm talking about, trust me.



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This odayaal were wrong in the first place because they went to the Ethiopians as traditional elders who are representing a certain clan but where are their politicians?


They have to talk to the government and as I say fulfill the demands of the government and that of the Ethiopian commanders.


War has been averted and a complete ceasefire is expected to be announced any minute inshallah.


I shall update you when that happens.


Anyhow as I said, this odayaal and now their politicians, who are engaged in the negotiations need to do what the government and the ethiopians demand from them in order to pacify and safeguard the capital for once and all.


The daily mortar have to stop now and the people that are amongst them and who are hunted must be ejected and whilst at it they have to agree to disarm.


What else is there? The odayaal and their politicians if they have any intelligence will fulfill the things that are demanded from them and I'm confident in that.


So war has been averted and avoided and there will be none at all and on top of that a complete ceasefire will be announced very soon I believe. Count me on that. Now it's 13:00 London time and I expect a peace deal and a new ceasefire announced any minute from now on.


Count me on that inshallah. If there's a war today, you can all call me all the names in the world you want.


If there's not a deal of some sort announced today and a comprehensive ceasefire within the next couple of hours, then again you can call me any name you want. Count me on that.


Will Sakhar's predicition come true this time around as well? I believe so inshallah.


Count me on all the things I said. War has been averted and avoided for today and I said that any minute from now on a truce and deal will be announced and a new ceasefire will be put in place. If all this things don't happen within a few hours and a war starts or a truce is not announced, then you can call me any name you wish.


I know what I'm talking about, trust me.



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This odayaal were wrong in the first place because they went to the Ethiopians as traditional elders who are representing a certain clan but where are their politicians?


They have to talk to the government and as I say fulfill the demands of the government and that of the Ethiopian commanders.


War has been averted and a complete ceasefire is expected to be announced any minute inshallah.


I shall update you when that happens.


Anyhow as I said, this odayaal and now their politicians, who are engaged in the negotiations need to do what the government and the ethiopians demand from them in order to pacify and safeguard the capital for once and all.


The daily mortar have to stop now and the people that are amongst them and who are hunted must be ejected and whilst at it they have to agree to disarm.


What else is there? The odayaal and their politicians if they have any intelligence will fulfill the things that are demanded from them and I'm confident in that.


So war has been averted and avoided and there will be none at all and on top of that a complete ceasefire will be announced very soon I believe. Count me on that. Now it's 13:00 London time and I expect a peace deal and a new ceasefire announced any minute from now on.


Count me on that inshallah. If there's a war today, you can all call me all the names in the world you want.


If there's not a deal of some sort announced today and a comprehensive ceasefire within the next couple of hours, then again you can call me any name you want. Count me on that.


Will Sakhar's predicition come true this time around as well? I believe so inshallah.


Count me on all the things I said. War has been averted and avoided for today and I said that any minute from now on a truce and deal will be announced and a new ceasefire will be put in place. If all this things don't happen within a few hours and a war starts or a truce is not announced, then you can call me any name you wish.


I know what I'm talking about, trust me.



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