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Fixing Somalia: a plan

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It seems like every African country has had problems maintaining a government treasury. This is because those with power have many kin. The kin exert pressure on the person with power to loot the treasury, and the person in power must inevitably oblige lest he lose the support of his kin. Other people see this and suddenly want to come into power so they too could feed/enrich their kin. Voila! Soon you have a civil war over resources fought along tribal lines. And pretty soon there won't be a government treasury.


So, to we Somalis: corruption is naturally in our blood. It has to be because of our cultural mindset. Since a lot of people know that having power puts you in a position to loot the treasury, African countries inevitably have trouble forming stable governments as a lot of people want to come into power to loot the treasury and others are suspicious of them/want to do the same thing. How the hell do we escape from this trap?


By being aware of it and exercising self-control. It takes a few people believing in non-corruption before it becomes widespread and becomes a standard as everyone comes to see the benefit of non-corruption. Right now, as things stand, a non-corrupt idealist in Somalia is a fool for the simple reason of all the other corrupt people near him. He will be taken advantage of and his idealism will amount to nothing. We must attack the problem at its root: fighting hunger.


For if a government minister doesn't have so many kin tugging at his pants begging money so they could eat, that government minister would not NEED to be corrupt. Sure, he could STILL be corrupt, but there won't be that sort of need that usually drives african people to such crime. The government minister could instead, perhaps, be only slightly corrupt instead of totally corrupt. That difference would be significant.


Thus the most important, immediate goal for any Somali nationalist -- as opposed to Somali tribalist -- is to increase food production in Somalia. Southern Somalia could produce a hell of a lot of food. And along with food production we need to take care of the water problem, which we need tackle before producing food. We need to set up irrigation systems from the Jubba and Shebelle rivers.


If we take care of the food problem and turn just 10% of Somalis into very productive farmers, and tap the available arable land in Southern Somalia, a lot of problems will go away and stability will return to the region.


Young Somali westerners could, instead of studying whathever the hell they study in college, study horticulture and apprentice themselves to modern farms to see how things are done.


The goal, then, is simple: turn a small, but substantial, amount of those Somali nomads into permanent, GOOD farmers. This will end up fixing 70% of the country's problems.


(Also, consider the economic impact: your average Somali, if he doesn't have to worry about food (i.e, herding his cows and whatnot,) could then devote his free time to acquiring other skills. This is the most important impact of a good agricultural system: it frees up everyone else to master other trades necessary for progress.)


What do you think? Is such an idea doomed because pretty soon ****** and ****** would be arguing over who gets to be farmers and then would start fighting, thereby dooming the people to eternal destitution?

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Can you say it in English please?


I can't read Somali anymore. =(


(I could when I was 7 though!)


You said "uncle" and "bone" but I don't get the rest. I think you're saying "you're chocking on a bone." So you can go to hell.

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The problem of somali people and governance is the mindset and no philisophical basis. Western governance took many hundreds of years to develop and it developed around a simple question liberty and the boundries of liberty. and the need of the people for order and protection. Read Isiah Berlin and John lock the two great thinkers who created the notion of modern day governance. Any successful notion of governance has to come straight from philosophy. Simply, ask yourself this question why has somalia failled,


not because of curroption, because there are alot of countries out there that are curropt and still standing, somalia failed because of the lack of justice. You had real abuse of power, centered around a man not an elected body or constitution, this lack of justice led to the divisions which still exist today.


How can we solve it, by bringing justice back. what do i mean by this, as people with different interests every man should be allowed to deside his own future.


Somaliland and Somalia as two seperate nations, with puntland being allowed to have its own referendum on its future. Let everyman deside his own fate and future. this would restore justice and allow the order to come back to the somali mind, which would give precident for all somali territories to have peace by working together on certain mutual interests such as peace, while maintain individual interests that help maintain justice.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

and you want to fix Somalia ? ,,,



Look at the Jews in the U.S who help Israel thrive: how many of them can speak Hebrew?

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Originally posted by GAAROODI:

The problem of somali people and governance is the mindset and no philisophical basis. Western governance took many hundreds of years to develop and it developed around a simple question liberty and the boundries of liberty. and the need of the people for order and protection. Read Isiah Berlin and John lock the two great thinkers who created the notion of modern day governance. Any successful notion of governance has to come straight from philosophy. Simply, ask yourself this question why has somalia failled,

It's simply too much to try to set up a Western style government in Somalia because, as you suggest, the people are not culturally ready. The immediate question is making Somalia a functional state, and the root cause of that statelessness is the food problem. Our style of corruption flows from the food problem. This is not a binary issue, i.e, corruption and non-corruption. Corruption happens in degrees. Corruption in black african countries, because of the food problems, are at one extreme, and corruption in Western countries is on the other.


not because of curroption, because there are alot of countries out there that are curropt and still standing, somalia failed because of the lack of justice. You had real abuse of power, centered around a man not an elected body or constitution, this lack of justice led to the divisions which still exist today.

This is short-sighted. The lack of justice stemmed from the lack of food: desperate people do desperate things.


If Somalia breaks apart, then all the smaller Somalias will have to contend with these issues on their own. I am not of the north, and I do not have any issues with Somaliland seeking secession (whether you'll get it is a whole separate question) but the secession issue is beside the point: you'll still face these problems.


Somaliland and Somalia as two seperate nations, with puntland being allowed to have its own referendum on its future. Let everyman deside his own fate and future. this would restore justice and allow the order to come back to the somali mind, which would give precident for all somali territories to have peace by working together on certain mutual interests such as peace, while maintain individual interests that help maintain justice.

Just as Somalia is a shit-hole because its full of Somalis, so too is Somaliland a shit-hole because it's full of Somalilanders. Admittedly, Somaliland is somewhat of a better shithole, but it's still considered to be one of the worst places in the world. So, really, saying 'this shithole is now independent" is only pushing back the problem and not solving it.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

They help ,,, they don't fix ,,

Much of Israel's economic success is due to help from the Jewish diaspora.


Dismiss me all you want. I'm just trying to be constructive. You on the other hand are a clown making jokes.

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your plan makes sense...but ur way of conveying this plan might not seem so clear to those who do not see hunger as the root of the problem in somalia.


there was a documentary i was watching some while ago. and it was about a philantropist who was traveling through latin america and his encounter with one of the natives in one of those countries. the native asked this man a simple question. the question was " why do your ppl have so much, and mine so little?" the philatropist thought deeply and could not specificly point to an advantage the westerner had, that an asian, african or a southern american lacked. the man eventually devoted much of his time to researching this phenomena. why the western world was so ahead in progress, relative to the rest of the world? the answer of this man's research came down to something very simple...FOOD SUPPLY!!.....i have tried finding this documentary or the book the man wrote...but couldnt find it....ill post it when i do

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That documentary was based on a book called "Guns, Germs and Steel." It's by a guy named Jared Diamond. And it wasn't South America -- it was in New Guinea.


Here's the documentary:


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^^^^^YES...YES...YES MAN...thats what im talkin bout....u have to present that when makin a case; Food supply makes or breaks a society.......



we're on the same page tho

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