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Pakistani clerics slain in Somalia

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Pakistani clerics slain in Somalia


Map locates Galkayo, Somalia, where 5 Pakistani preachers were killed (W. Castello - AP)

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The Associated Press

Wednesday, August 12, 2009; 12:46 PM


MOGADISHU, Somalia -- Masked gunmen stormed a mosque Wednesday in western Somalia, killing at least five Pakistani Muslim clerics in a country already bloodied by an Islamic insurgency and where al-Qaida is believed to be gaining a foothold. Authorities tried to find out who carried out the execution-style murders, and why.


The victims belonged to the Islamic missionary movement Tablighi Jamaat, Pakistan's foreign office spokesman Abdul Basit told The Associated Press in Islamabad. Some extremists, including shoe bomber Richard Reid, have been linked to the group but Tablighi Jamaat is believed to be apolitical and nonviolent. Some of its members travel the world, preaching to fellow Muslims.


"They have almost a rule of not discussing politics. They prefer to avoid it," said Ghaffar Hussain of Quilliam Foundation, a London-based think tank. "Their stance is quite conservative, quite puritanical. But they themselves are not ... extremist."


Police surrounded the mosque after the horrific attack in town of Galkayo and said they were searching for suspects. No one immediately claimed responsibility.


The gunmen entered the Tawfiq Mosque right after morning prayers, forced six Pakistani preachers and a Somali man out, and opened fire, said Ismail Mohamud Hassan, a witness.


"Five of them died on the spot," Hassan told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from Galkayo, 470 miles (750 kilometers) northwest of the capital, Mogadishu. "Two others were injured - one Pakistani and a Somali."


Nahar Hussein Gutale, who lives near the mosque, rushed from his home after hearing gunshots and saw several men fleeing and five men lying in a pool of blood.


"They were screaming," he said. "They were on their last breath when I arrived at the scene. They died shortly after."



He said police quickly arrived and fired into the air to disperse a crowd of onlookers before loading the corpses onto a pickup truck and speeding away.


The victims were among 10 Pakistanis in the mosque who belonged to Tablighi Jamaat. All were from Dera Ghazi Khan in southern Punjab, Basit said.


The bloodshed highlights the violent instability in Somalia, which has been caught up in vicious disputes for nearly two decades over ancient clan loyalties, religion and government. The country's lawlessness has spread security fears around region and raised concerns that al-Qaida is making inroads in the Horn of Africa.


Somalia's Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake condemned the attack.

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I wonder why these people weren't in Dubai or Kuwait to preach why they come to Africa and spread taliban thoughts.

Why do the arabs have starbucks and skyscrapers and they deny this to others?

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Carab maxaa keenay now?


Sadex Suufi kala nooc lee Soomaalida kala ahaayeen: Qaadiriya, Axmediya iyo Saalixiya. Laakiin dagaalkii sokeeye dhacay laga faa'ideystay, oo abkoow mid walba iska soo xaadiriye meesha. Walaa Tabliiq, walaa Salafi, walaa Salafijadiid, walaa Wahaabi -- kooxdaa aragtid Soomaaliya waa iska soo wada xaadiriyeen.


Sadexdii hore ayaaba boos loo waayee kuwaana intee joogaan.


Eebbe ha u naxariisto mar kale wadaadadaas.

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