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Politicians, The e-Nuri Perspective

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Politicians and Prostitutes



Faarax Gololley, the legendary Political Humorist during the Afweyne Regime was quoted as saying :


" Afweyne raac, ama Afgooye aad, ama Afkaaga heyso,"


Today, our country, the former Somali Republic, and the world in general is going through difficult times, in Somalia, we are witnessing a 12 year uncivil war going on with no end in sight, a dilemma that is inhibiting any progress while at the same time exacerbating living conditions . The result is that many Somalis who are stranded overseas as refugees are unable to go back home, worse yet, they are unhappy to live in the Diaspora and are very fearful of melting in the American pot, adopting the McDonald and Levi's culture of consumerism, with no apparent purpose of life beyond that.


The solution of this problem lies in understanding politics, the politicians mindset and what drives them to make such horrible decisions as to to tear apart entire nations, seaparate friends who grew up with a tribalist mantra and exploit their fears to keep their pockets full of cash and their mouths full of qaat.


Politicians at home mobilize the masses and create an enemy for them to hate, later they use this hate energy to fuel their vehicles to grab power and lead their people to miseries. Likewise, on a wider scope, Internationally, politicians are doing the same thing , the scale of the village and human agony is just much bigger than Somalia, but the pain of innocent civilians in Iraq and Somalis caught across fire , hurts the same, like they say, killing one person is murder, annihilating a village is a policy, stark realities of the the Global Village and the New World Disorder.


Politicians usually rise to the top to fill power vacuums created when decent people shun politics due to its close relationship with dirty tricks, so most decent people who value their dignity stay away from politics for fear that it would tarnish them, and their loved ones with bad reputation by casting doubts on their character.


As a result, the bad apples in society, who care les for their reputation, take the lead and speak for the people and nation. Interest groups, those with material stake in the affairs of the nation, as opposed to moral values, begin supporting those who are seeking power. The interest group gives these power hungry hopefuls financial support in their quest for power, and slowly, they begin controlling them and directing them to serve the interest groups agendas against the interest of the constituency they claim to represent. Welcome the birth of a Politician, a Hero and Great leader of his tribe.


The politician has just sold out his people to an interest group behind the scenes with a secret agenda. He sold his conscious and that of his people for a quick personal gain that will haunt his nation for many years to come, and it is partially due to the citizens who allowed him to speak in their name and shunned active participation for fear of smearing and mudslinging. So, if good principles were like our clean bodies, a politician becomes an Intellectual Prostitute ready to trade his people principles and values for his personal gain.


A prostitute is therefore a person who allows others to buy time to desecrate her/his body in exchange for a material gain, like money. An Intellectual prostitute on the other hand is a person who allows others to desecrate her/his soul and intellect for a material wealth.


Politics was defined as the art of avoiding to tell the truth to those who need it most, but short of defending an outright verifiable lie, the more creative a politician gets in concealing the truth, the savvier that he is valued as a politician by his mentors, the interest group. The highest honor for a politician should win him the coveted Pinocchio Trophy.


Politicians are thus people who are interested in their personal interests and who are willing to pursue them even if it conflicts with their constituent's interest. At times, our warlords reason very logically. Everyone is claiming that he is working for what is good for our country and people, they tell us that they are saving Somalia by killing Somalis, no wonder their job is taking 12 years and counting.


Prostitutes sell their body for the highest bidder, in contrast, politicians sell their moral convictions to the richest financial donor. Prostitutes do not enjoy selling their bodies, but they are just compelled in doing so ,they reason, since everyone else is on their own, what the heck.. But neither do politicians enjoy telling lies, at the end of the day though, they have to pay their bills to support their special lifestyle, so, a white lie wouldn't hurt, so what the heck.


Most people would agree with the above statements that I made, but to date, only the Italians, our past colonial masters have made the link, let us see if our Somali politicians , Presidents, Boqors, Warlords and Anarchists@ El Doret can learn a lesson or two from Reer Benito Mussolini.


Just before the last gulf war, a group of Italian voters, mostly young, elected an Italian Porn Star called Miss Cicciolina to Italian Parliament, They wanted to send a message to their politicians about their intimate feelings toward them, so they sent Miss Cicciolina to the Italian Parliament. The only promise the young lady made was that she will bare her top in Parliament. Subsequently, Miss Cicciolina was elected, and to the embarrassment of the Italian lawmakers, she sat topless in their midst, delivering on her promises and scoring a victory for the Italian voters who were displeased with their politicians. Later she confirmed that many politicians in parliament were staring at her with interest.


Cicciolina became an embarrassment in Italian Parliament, so she was asked to participate in the Parliament's Defense Committee, a boring committee that she would later breathe some evil excitement into it. As a member of the Defense Committee, she demanded to be sent to the Gulf War to entertain the Italian Soldiers in the Gulf. She was a sellout. After the show, she wondered what was all these troops doing in the gulf ? she was told that Saddam was a crazy and hostile to his neighbors and the troops are amassed here to control his evil intentions. She reasoned that they were doing the wrong thing amassing so many troops and risking so many human lives to handle a stressed out politician, instead, she offered to visit Saddam personally in order to defuse the tense situation, but her defense committee became too defensive about such a "sinister" idea.


Politicians also need the media to transmit their lies to their constituents, they need to reassure the public that everything is OK, and that big corporations are doing community work, burying Nuclear waste in Yoontey and cashing the checks in Nairobi Banks. They convince the locals that they can have free chest X ray and a glass of milk every day if they look after the nuclear waste in their backyard. Somali politicians think that Radiation is good for the public, so is disease, poverty, illiteracy , chaos and the ongoing anarchy, if that is not the case, then tell me please, why are they so adamant in prolonging our pain?


The News media in turn catches the prostitution disease, Ideally, News media were meant to report truth, and to be objective about what goes on in the our community. If you are as naive as I am, you would ask foolish questions like " Why are the politicians and the News media telling tall tales, why is each periodical, radio or a website supporting a local loser?" But Something tells me: " It is all about money ****** " So as a result, the news media continues to stay in business, attracting more and more sponsors which leads to our present situation in which the news media is so adultered, doctored and altered beyond recognition. To make it even more patriotic, the newspapers become a platform for disorientation of the public, The masses are lied to, manipulated and processed like a slaughter house by the influential few with wealth and who have an interest in continuing to dominate their community, their ultimate goal being Power. Now, can you blame the warlords for clinging to power so tightly?


As the public is bottle fed with lies on a daily basis, bull manure begins to smell like Giorgio's of Beverly Hills perfume, a lie needs to be repeated so many times before it is upgraded to reality, and as we the public are busy making ends meet in our daily circus to survive, we learn to adjust to live with such a lie, suddenly, a naive person like me or a child yells " Siyaasiyintu waa Qaawan Yihiin"





2003 Nurtel Political Research


Nur Post appear regularly at Somaliaonline Islam Pages

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Yet, the politicians are the ones who are empowered to legislate - at least in non-Islamic polities. They pass laws that govern from driving tests to capital punishments. They set the agenda for all of us. They have the power to declare war or make peace. When the realm of politics is left for few “bad apples” to lead, the rest of us would pay a terrible price.


Bro Nur, I’ve pondered over the whys and hows our current “warlords” attain such awesome power at the expense of the rest of the Somali population. I went to the bottom of this question and come out empty. It appears that the convergence of gamut of factors gave them the upper hand. Greed, collapse of the government, and animosity between the lineage segmentation of the Somalis aside, it’s the negative tribalism as a political tool that the warlords find very useful to stay in this game of political “anarchy” that enrich them so much.

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Baashi walaal


You write:


" Bro Nur, I’ve pondered over the whys and hows our current “warlords” attain such awesome power at the expense of the rest of the Somali population. I went to the bottom of this question and come out empty"



I think we are the problem, a warlord who can hardly read his name, who only thrives on the cycle of violence and hatred can only rise to such unquestionable status and power when we, his tribesmen endorse him by our silence. The result of what is going on today is the net sum of our past collective inactivism and complacency. It is rare if not existent, a single case where a decent guy challenged a warlord to represent his group and came out a winner, the reason being that warlords are ruthless and would go to any length to keep their interest above the interest of their people, and their people learned to live with their ruthless warlord instead of trusting their competing Rer Qansax. So there you have it , the formula for perpetual misery, Made in the land of the Somali race.




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Assl All Wr Wb


I am afraid I am gonna have to agree with Nur. these crooks and whatever means they are using to hijack a country and its people havent had a real challenge from decent people.


It seems we have put our feet up and are hoping that someone else is gonna take care of it, whilst we complacently enjoy someone else's shelter. It is sad. The notion that seems to becoming common in many muslim populas that someone else is gonna take care of your own backyard is just plain ********* .


I hate to think this, but I think it will even get worse when some evil people with western mind and educaton and spin colloborates with these ruthless war-gangs, it is gonna be even tougher to beat them and present to the public the image of these guys as 'bad boys'.


I think it is gonna take increadible group of people with increadible souls to beat the war-gangs and get this country to its people.


the wound of somalia is not gonna heal until we quit talking and start acting positively and honestly.




P.S. Nur-ow, the term 'intellectual prostitute' suits them right and was really innovative.

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Originally posted by Nur:



I think we are the problem, a warlord who can hardly read his name, who only thrives on the cycle of violence and hatred can only rise to such unquestionable status and power when we, his tribesmen endorse him by our silence. The result of what is going on today is the net sum of our past collective inactivism and complacency.

You have a point there Nur.

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Baashi bro.


From what I hear these days, the light at the end of the tunnel may be another incoming train, we have the most confused collection of politicians for train operators, and they are on a collision course, meanwhile, passengers like me and you can avoid a train crash by looking out of the window of the train to enjoy the nice scenery of the Somali countryside while it lasts!




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asalaaum calaykum.


i agree with u all, but from wat has happen for the last 14 years or so,,is continueing upto now, and as U Nur put it"light at the end of the tunnel may be another incoming train, we have the most confused collection of politicians for train operators, and they are on a collision course,.yes,things may get ,God forbid, worser.


so i wonder by looking from past and present ,can any one guess, forsee, what the future holds for us,and our country.


Only Allah knows the best.

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Same here too bro Nur from what I hear these days power brokers, king makers, and warlords are not on the same page. I'm still holding on to every bit of hope though. Why don't we mimic the passengers aboard of the one of the 911 planes and wrestle them warlords for the control of the operating room before the crash eh? Atleast we will be remembered as the brave cyber boys.

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I think the term warlord does not describe the bandits. A friend of mine calls them conflict entrepreneurs whose business concept is to incite fear and quiescent hatred towards governance. Our people are held hostage to the discourse of these buggers who dwell on our misfortunes.


The combination of these conflict entrepreneurs and a maligmatic form of tribalism aka fake regionalism that boasts of pseudo achievments are two curtailing factors that is taking the somali name into Dante's world!


Ilaahow noo gargaar!!!

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Bashi and Shifta bros


Thanks for your righteous feelings. Many Somalis see what is going on, few can understand the big picture, of those no one is acting to light a candle, we shall disapprear and melt in our respective sanctuaries outside of Somalia. It is sad, but true.



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Is Somalia going to be a Sovreign nation or are we an IGAD Protectorate managed by our former arch-Eenemy Ethiopia?



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Nur, in my humble opinion, Ethiopia has succeeded in reaching a political milestone: weak and unstable Somali state prone to its political manipulation. Some may argue the fact that Ethiopia has now realized its strategic national security, it is something of our own making and we should blame none but ourselves.


Where we go from here and whether the current crop of politicians can pull this one off is something that remain to be seen. To answer your question YES it seems that way for now. For Somali state to succeed, if revived and if it survives from the internal squabbles inherent in the federal charter, it will depend on the goodwill of the IGAD states.

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Bashi Bro.


You write: Where we go from here and whether the current crop of politicians can pull this one off is something that remain to be seen. To answer your question YES it seems that way for now. For Somali state to succeed, if revived and if it survives from the internal squabbles inherent in the federal charter, it will depend on the goodwill of the IGAD states .





Can we trust IGAD?




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From Toronto Sun



The 'fin de regime'?



An out-of-touch George Bush now presides over a lost foreign war and a morass of influence peddling


By Eric Margolis



WASHINGTON -- China's Taoists philosophers warned that you become what you hate. We see this paradox in Washington, where the current administration increasingly reminds one of the old Soviet Union.


The U.S.S.R. went bankrupt after spending 40% of national income on the military. President George Bush's administration will spend a staggering $419.3 billion US on the military this fiscal year. An additional $130 billion US has been budgeted in 2006 for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.


That's $10.8 billion a month -- 40% above previous estimates -- and somewhat more than the monthly cost of the Vietnam War at its height. Add to this huge sum an estimated $1.5 billion in monthly secret expenditures in Iraq and Afghanistan by CIA and Pentagon intelligence.


Astoundingly, U.S. military spending in 2006 will equal the rest of the world's total combined military expenditures. I just saw an ad for the new, $115-million F-22 Raptor stealth fighter, trumpeting how its radar can "intercept communications of insurgents." Using a $115-million aircraft to listen to cellphone calls by a bunch of jihadis in Waziristan staggers the imagination.


Meanwhile, Moscow on the Potomac is in an uproar over government spying on citizens, torture, and what appears to be the mother of all influence-peddling scandals. Revelations that the super-secret National Security Agency and FBI have been monitoring domestic as well as international telecommunications have roused even the deadheads in Congress and the lapdog media. FBI agents are reportely spying on such nefarious "terrorists" as vegetarians and animal rights activists.


Bush (shades of Leonid Brezhnev) claims the right to override any laws because the U.S. is at war. "Terrorists" ("enemies of the state" in Soviet talk) threaten the U.S., so anything goes. What next -- cancelling next fall's elections because of the threat of the phantom al-Qaida?


Meanwhile, a scandal bursts right out of the last days of the corrupt Soviet Union. A sinister Republican apparatchik named Jack Abramoff has admitted dishing out $4.4 million in bribes to senators, congressmen and political aides. Bigwigs like Bush, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Republican grand poobah Tom DeLay, Bible-thumping crusader Ralph Reed, Hillary Clinton and a bevy of venal legislators have been implicated in this culture of corruption.


Abramoff got over $30 million from various Indian tribes promoting their casino businesses. He and cronies scalped their Indian clients, pocketing $11 million in kickbacks. Where, one wonders with awe, did those persecuted native Americans find so much cash?


Republicans (and also some Democrats) are scared silly by the scandal. Many legislators may be headed for the big house.


All parties that stay in power too long become deeply corrupt. Wise voters need to kick out incumbents regularly. Longevity in office ensures bad government. The Republicans, buoyed by faked-up war fever, became deeply corrupted more quickly than usual.


The Achilles heel


Money is the Achilles heel of democracy. In America, winning and keeping office demands spending huge sums on TV advertising. The Washington lobbyists and bagmen who produce millions to fund politicians have become more powerful than elected legislators. This is how parasites like Abramoff flourish.


A smell of "fin du regime" hangs over Washington, just as it did over the last days of decaying Soviet oligarchy. An out-of-touch leader presides over a lost foreign war and a morass of influence peddling and bribery, as the secret police struggle to keep a lid on growing dissent.

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