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Somali forces poorly trained and equipped, and receive no pay, says minister


Wednesday, August 22, 2007



NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Somali forces fighting a bloody insurgency in the capital are poorly trained and equipped and receive no pay, the country's interior minister said on Wednesday.


The government, however, is not relying on a military strategy to defeat the insurgents, Somali Interior Minister Mohamed Mohamoud Guled told journalists in the capital of neighboring Kenya. The government uses clan elders as mediators to negotiate with insurgents to stop fighting, said Guled. Violence has gripped the Somali capital, Mogadishu, for the past eight months and thousands of civilians have been killed.


In the latest incident, a grenade attack on the convoy of the government's Ethiopian allies killed two civilians and wounded five others in north Mogadishu. One of the dead and three of the wounded were women, said witness Abdi-shakur Ga'al, a local garage owner.


«We cannot deny that there are difficulties. We have got a lot of challenges ahead,» said Guled, adding that the government was confident it will defeat the insurgents. In the past, Somali officials have said they have defeated the insurgents in Mogadishu, only for more fighting to begin.


Somalia's government has fewer than 10,000 soldiers and 5,000 policemen, Guled said.

He said the U.N. Development Program used to pay the salary of 1,800 policemen but stopped payments in July.


«The rest are not paid because the government has no local revenue,» said Guled, without elaborating on how the soldiers and policemen survive.


But a U.N. Development Program official said the organization only pays 50 percent of stipends to 1,010 policemen, and not 1,800. There has been a delay in payments because of checks to make sure the right policemen are paid, but the program has not been stopped, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.


In the past, businessmen in Mogadishu's largest market, Bakara, have accused soldiers and policemen searching for arms of looting their premises.


In December, Ethiopian troops and Somalia government forces toppled Islamic fighters who controlled most of southern Somalia. The militants vowed to conduct an Iraq-style insurgency.

Somalia has been mired in chaos since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on each other. A U.N.-backed transitional government was formed in 2004, but is has been unable to assert its authority.


Source: AP, Aug 22, 2007

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Mogadishu mayor says govt has boosted security



MOGADISHU, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Somalia's fledgling interim government has committed all its resources to restoring stability in the capital Mogadishu during major reconciliation talks threatened by Islamist insurgents, the mayor said.


Mohamed Omar Habeeb "Dheere" told Reuters in an interview late on Tuesday that security had improved in a city mostly in chaos since dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991.


"Hundreds used to die," the former warlord said. "Only a few people die these days from pistol and grenade attacks. We hope to end these minor attacks as soon as possible.


"Most of our resources go to security in order to return peace to the city. We expect to deploy more police officers in the streets."


But Mogadishu remains one of the world's most dangerous cities, with Islamist rebels and clan militia fighting a guerrilla war against government troops and their Ethiopian military allies.


In the latest violence, residents said seven civilians were killed in separate attacks across the capital on Tuesday. Two of them died in a landmine blast at one of the squalid camps on the outskirts of the city populated by displaced families.


Dheere said his forces had reliable intelligence that "terrorists" were hiding in those camps.


"We will go after them wherever they are for the sake of security of the region," he said.


The insurgency is blamed on remnants of a hardline Islamic Courts movement chased out of Mogadishu by a joint Somali and Ethiopian force at the start of the year.


The United Nations-backed interim government is hosting a major reconciliation conference aimed at kick-starting a peace process. But the talks are being boycotted by Islamist leaders.


And late on Saturday the meeting was marred by the killing of a top clan leader and key player in the bid to unite Somalia's disparate factions that triggered fears of reprisals.


On Monday, a landmine blast injured four civilians near the venue of the meeting, then insurgents attacked a police patrol in the north of the city, wounding at least seven people.


Source: Reuters, Aug 22, 20007

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Labadani niin ke ba wax ogaal ah marka?

Then we have Duke who has been dishing out thousands of trained police officers on daily basis.

This is not working and someone should make them aware.

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miisha mo dheere laga digeey mayor...maxaad ka fileeysaa!! brain power is not required.


do u know what test question yeey gave mo dheere before he hired him.. he asked him that if he went out on a patrol with 5 ethios soldiers and 3 were killed, how many survived?


mo dheere said, dee hal!!...yeey shouted good boy! u is hired. soo u get the pic!

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C/llaahi Yuusuf "Hadalka Cali Geedi, anigu ma maqal laakiin hadduu jiro..."


Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxa laga weydiiyey hadalka dhawaan ka soo yeeray Ra’isul Wasaare Cali Max’e Geedi ee ahaa in dowladdu ay sameyn doono Qad Cagaaran, waxa uuna yiri madaxweynuhu isaga oo hadalkasi ka jawaabaya “
Anigu ma maqal, laakiin haddii uu jiro waa mid aan ka tarjumeyn siyaasadda Dowladda Federaalka


Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed waxa uu sheegay in arrintaasi ay sid ugu dhaqsiyaha badan uga wada hadali doonaan Ra’isul Wasaare Cali Max’ed Geedi, isagoo sheegay in Shacabka Soomaliyeed u baahan yihiin nabad balse aysan u baaneyn in dhibaato kale lagu sii siyaadiyo.


“Dowladda waxay la dagaalameysaa kuwa nabad diidka ah ee aan ogoleyn in dalka Dowlad ay ka jirto” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne C/llahi Yuusuf oo sheegay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed looga baahan yahay in ka shaqeeyaan nabdda dowladdana ay ku gacan ku siiyaan.




Ninkaan waa in satellite isbishaalo ah minanka loogu rakibaa maadaama wax walba uu leeyahay idaacaddaha ayaan ka maqlaa amaba, worse, maba maqlin, ee marka waa in loogu dhajiyaa meeshuu joogo ee Xabashada ku ilaaliso idaacad weyn oo caalami ah wixii war ee ku saabsan the occupied nation he claims uu u taliyo see u dhaafin. :D


How many times uu idaacad wax ka maqlaa or not even maqlin at all? Shuud, waligeey tanoo kale ma arkin. Senile miyaa taloow oo kastuumadiis xataa marka laga badalo idaacaddaha ka maqlaa miyaa or maba la socdo dheh. :D

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^ Rudeness! Take it easy on the old man and don't go below the belt. Maybe the "Dukes" that surround the Colonel feeding him "half the story" are to blame.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

C/llaahi Yuusuf "Hadalka Cali Geedi, anigu ma maqal laakiin hadduu jiro..."


Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxa laga weydiiyey hadalka dhawaan ka soo yeeray Ra’isul Wasaare Cali Max’e Geedi ee ahaa in dowladdu ay sameyn doono Qad Cagaaran, waxa uuna yiri madaxweynuhu isaga oo hadalkasi ka jawaabaya “
Anigu ma maqal, laakiin haddii uu jiro waa mid aan ka tarjumeyn siyaasadda Dowladda Federaalka


Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed waxa uu sheegay in arrintaasi ay sid ugu dhaqsiyaha badan uga wada hadali doonaan Ra’isul Wasaare Cali Max’ed Geedi, isagoo sheegay in Shacabka Soomaliyeed u baahan yihiin nabad balse aysan u baaneyn in dhibaato kale lagu sii siyaadiyo.


“Dowladda waxay la dagaalameysaa kuwa nabad diidka ah ee aan ogoleyn in dalka Dowlad ay ka jirto” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne C/llahi Yuusuf oo sheegay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed looga baahan yahay in ka shaqeeyaan nabdda dowladdana ay ku gacan ku siiyaan.




Poor Yey, he has been marginalised big time. He should have come up with different answer, where is his advisers?

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