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Addis-Ababa:Madaxweynayaasha Puntland & TFG oo kulan qaatay.

30. september 2010




Addis-Ababa:(Allpuntland)-Wararka laga helayo Magaalada Addis Ababa ee caasimada dalka Ethiopia ayaa kusoo waramaya in halkaas ay kulan muhiim ah ku qaateen Madaxweynaha Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud & Madaxweynaha Dawlada Kumeel gaarka ah Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed kahor intii uusan Saaka aroor hore kasoo baqoolin magaalada Addis Ababa Ethiopia.


Kulanka labada Madaxweyne ayey wararku sheegayaan in looga hadlay Arimo badan oo Quseeya Xaalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaana Xiriirka Puntland & Dawlada Dhexe,waxaana sidoo kale kulanka oo Saacado badan socday lagu falanqeeyey Dagaalada Muqdisho kasocda & Magacaabista Ra’iisul Wasaare Cusub oo ay Dawlada Kumeel gaarka ahi yeelato.


Safiirka Soomaaliya ee dalka Ethiopia AMP,Siciid Yuusuf Nuur (Geesdheer) oo kamid ahaa Saraakiishii kulankan ka qeybgashay Ayaa Warbaahinta u sheegey in kulanka sidoo kale lagu soo qaaday Dagaalada aan dhamadka lahayn ee kasocda Magaalada Muqdisho & kuwa ay Dawlada Puntland kula jirto Kooxda Alshabaab ee ka dagaalama Buuraha Gobolka Bari gaar ahaan agagaarka Deegaanka Galgala.


Safiirku wuxuu sheegey in kulankan oo Waqti dheer socday Guud ahaantiisba la’isku afgartay islamarkaasna ay labada Madaxweyne iskuraaceen in lasii labajibaaro Xiriirka labada dhinac islamarkaasna ay Wadashaqeyntu ka badato inta ay hada joogto,Waxaase jira Waxyaabo kale oo la qariyey oo Kulankan looga hadlay.


Warar Hoose oo ay APL ka helayso Kulanka Labada Madaxweyne ayaa sheegaya in uu Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr,Cabdiraxmaan Faroole uu Madaxweynaha Dawlada Kumeel gaarka ah ka codsaday in ay Dawladu badiso Awoodeeda shaqo islamarkaasna Ra'iisul Wasaaraha uu dhawaan magacaabayo uu noqdo mid faa'iido leh,waxayna Wararku hoosta ka xariiqayaan in ay Suurtagal tahay in madaxweynaha Puntland uu codsaday taageero dawladiisa laga siiyo Dagaalka ay kula jirto kooxda Galgala.


Cabdiqani Xayir


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Interesting, it seems with the news that the U.S will be working more with the Northern governments our enemies and part-time Puntland flip floppers are working overtime, scared to death at what will happen.


This is a good time for Puntland I hope the president handles it well. Many people will benefit from the much needed aid.

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:D @ with the Northern governments..


Say ismaamul goboleed waryaa, regional admins. Otherwise I will be forced to ask for valid sources. ,, :D

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Originally posted by Ferguson:

@ with the Northern governments..


Say ismaamul goboleed waryaa, regional admins. Otherwise I will be forced to ask for valid sources. ,,

I will always provide you with a source!!


In this case I thought it was common knowledge that the U.S specifically said the "Governments of Puntland and NW Somalia," that is why I didn't think I had to. Both governments are both located in the North of Somalia, hence northern governments. Please don't tell me to start using the terms you want to hear like regional admin, I am just quoting what the U.S uses.


27 September 2010


United States to Strengthen Engagement with Puntland, Somaliland


Washington — The United States will strengthen engagement with the governments of Puntland and Somaliland in Somalia as part of a two-track policy aimed at curbing the growth of terrorist extremism, but also to support the Transitional Federal Government, says Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson.


At a briefing September 24 in New York, Carson said the two-track policy supports the Djibouti peace process, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the government of Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, president of Somalia.


Carson, who is the assistant secretary for African affairs, told reporters at the special briefing that the first track is designed to help the TFG become more effective and more inclusive and to give it the ability to provide services to its people. In addition, the United States will continue to work to strengthen the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).


Engagement with Puntland and Somaliland is part of the second track, he added.


“We hope to be able to have more American diplomats and aid workers going into those countries on an ad hoc basis to meet with government officials to see how we can help them improve their capacity to provide services to their people, seeing whether there are development assistance projects that we can work with them on,” Carson said. “We think that both of these parts of Somalia have been zones of relative political and civil stability, and we think they will, in fact, be a bulwark against extremism and radicalism that might emerge from the South.”


The United States, as part of the second track, will reach out to groups in south-central Somalia, local governments clans and subclans that are opposed to al-Shabaab, the radical extremist group in the South. These are groups, Carson said, that are not allied formally or directly with the TFG.


“We will look for opportunities to work with these groups to see if we can identify them, find ways of supporting their development initiatives and activities,” Carson added.


But Carson said the United States will follow the African Union position and recognize only a single Somali state.


A major meeting on Somalia was held by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the sidelines of the opening of the U.N. General Assembly that brought together heads of state from five different African nations, several African foreign ministers and European foreign ministers, Carson said.


Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg represented the United States as this meeting and set out the two-track policy, Carson said. The problems in Somalia, he added, are viewed as a national problem for the people of Somalia, a regional problem for Africa and a global problem.


“It is a problem that has metastasized over the last two decades, which has led to a situation where we now have international piracy, foreign fighters going into Somalia, and some groups in Somalia supporting remnants of the al-Qaida East Africa cell,” he said.


The situation in Somalia poses a regional problem because of the large number of refugees flowing into neighboring Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Yemen and Djibouti, he said. In addition to a large flow of refugees, large amounts of illegal arms are flowing into Somalia and illegal commerce is going on, he added.


“Somalia is a collapsed state with a weak government unable to project either power or stability or to provide services to its people,” Carson said.


Carson said that greater engagement means meeting periodically with government officials from Puntland and Somaliland, discussing a range of development issues that include health, education, agriculture and water projects.


The aim is to strengthen their ability to govern and to deliver vital public services, he added. All U.S. operations for Somalia are run out of Nairobi, Kenya, he said.


The Djibouti peace process is an African-led initiative that has the support of IGAD, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, according to Carson in a March press briefing on the peace process. It has the support of the African Union and the key states in the region, and has also been supported by the United Nations, the European Community, the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, he added. The Djibouti peace process recognizes the importance of trying to put together an inclusive Somali government and takes into account the importance of history, culture and clan and subclan relations.


(This is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site:

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Originally posted by Thankful:

quote:Originally posted by Ferguson:

@ with the Northern governments..


Say ismaamul goboleed waryaa, regional admins. Otherwise I will be forced to ask for valid sources. ,,

I will always provide you with a source!!


In this case I thought it was common knowledge that the U.S specifically said the "Governments of Puntland and NW Somalia,"

That are the terms you want to hear. But in reality they are regional admins. Suppose I'd give you some more sources from other nuetral governments, would you prefer Egypt to Iran? :D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

The only place the two can meet is in Addis .... not in a Somali soil.


Sad indeed ...........

I was thinking the same.... also thinking will American diplos meet with them in Somalia or Addis/Nairobi?

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^Who said they cannot meet in Puntland's capital of Garowe, or the 2KM area of Shariif hotel's control in Villa Somalia.


They can meet inside Somalia, whether they will is a matter of choice, no force stops that if they choose to, at least not an apparent one.

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Indeed they can meet in Somalia for er TfG PM Geedi , Speaker Sbarif Xasan and many cabinet Ministers have visusted Puntland in the past and vica versa.


It's also good news that those who font like the state are working over time.

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