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Haylan: Mayor of Dhahar Calls for an Emergency Assistance for Victims Displaced

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Kulan Looga Hadlaayo Dadkii Ka Qaxay Galgala oo Ka Dhacay Xarunta Haylaan

August 23, 20108 comments| leave your own!


Share Kulan ku sabsan sidii gargaar bin’aadanimo lala gaari lahaa dadkii ka barakacay dagaaladii ka dhacay Buuralayda Galgala ee u dhaxeeyey Ciidanka Puntland iyo xoogaga taabacsan wadaadka lagu magacaabo Attam ayaa lagu qabtay degmada Dhahar ee xarunta gobolka Haylaan.


Duqa degmada Dhahar Salaad Xassan Shire oo la hadlaayay Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in kulanka ay ka qaybgaleen masuuliyin ka tirsan maamulka Puntland iyo dadka degaanka si weyn looga hadlay sidii deeq loo gaarsiin lahaa dadka soo gaaray degmadaas oo kasoo barakacay goobaha kala ah Galgala,Balikhadar iyo kuwa kale.


Wuxuu intaas ku daray in dhamaan dadkii ka hadlay kulankaas ay ku baaqeen in si deg deg ah wax loo gaarsiiyo dadkaas oo intooda badan ku sugan gudaha degmada Dhahar.


Guddoomiyaha Dhahar ayaa ka codsaday maamulka Puntland iyo dhamaan hay’adaha samafalka in ay gurmad lasoo gaaran dadka ka barakacay dagaaladii Galgala.


Muddooyinkii lasoo dhaafay waxaa socday abaabulo ku aadan sidii gargaar loola gaari lahaa dadkii ka cararay guryahoodii kadib markii ay qarxeen dagaaladii Galgala.


Horseed Media

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For you clan cheerleader in denial of the attrocities commited against the Makhiri community of Western Bari, is your own clan outlet not a credible source?


Thousands were displaced by Faroole and the SSDF administration. This is a clear violation of human rights, and media outlets have ignored the loss of wealth, farms and the destruction of homes as a result of Faroole invasion.


The mayor of Dhahar is asking NGO's and other interested parties for an immediate humanitarian assistance. Dhahar city is hosting thousands displaced from Galgala, as a result of Faroole and his clan fiefdom's administration.

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Faroole is in Garowe and has never stepped foot in West Bari or Eastern Sanaag.In fact one of the top government officials leading this attack on Atam/Al-Shabaab is a man who is from Eastern Sanaag - Interior Minister Ilka-Jiir. Who is a former presidential candidate who came in second place in the 2009 elections and was representing Eastern Sanaag and West Bari.


If human rights abuses are occurring, the people of these areas would have attacked those responsible. Yet it is Atam/Al Shabaab who is hiding in the mountains and lost ground and it's the Puntland government with support from the people of these areas’s who has taken Atam's land.


If the clan and people are against Puntland, why is Atam being chased into the mountains?

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Thnkful: If these people had a problem with Atam, they would left years ago. Aint that obvouis.


Human rights abuse or not, you officails are saying that there are displaced people and you deny it. You seem too happy about these displaced Muslims/Somalis.


Xudeedi: Times like this, you dont need to point fingers, you need to start to help these people for the sake of Allah.

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Gallad good point: It's humorous how the SSDF clan cheerleaders are denying that people were displaced, yet Puntland officials are saying they were.


Libaae, it doesn't take too much intellect to comprehend that people will flee their homes in a hostile environment. The fact that the vice-president stated that people were displaced is a concrete evidence.

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Huge Demonstration Against Puntland's False Allegation and Uprooting of Western Bari community is Taking Place in Dhahar



Wasiir ku xigeenka amniga Puntland CabdJamaal Cismaan Maxamed ayaa caawa guriga uu ka degan yahay magaalada Dhahar waxa ku ilaalinaya ciidankiisii,isaga oo cabsi weyni soo wajahday markii reer dhahareed diideen joogitaankiisa uu wakiilka uga yahay Madaxweyne Faroole sidoo kale waxa maanta ka dhacay Magaaladaas Mudahaaraad weyn oo looga soo hor jeeday dagaalkii Galgala.


Cabdi jamaal oo dhowaan loo magcaabay xikan wasiir ku xigeenka Amniga puntland ayaa hada wuxuu ku sugan yahay Magaalada Dhahar hase ahaatee waxa looga hor yimid Mudaharaad lagu canbaareenayo dagaalkii dhowaan ay dawlada puntland ku qaday degaanada Galgala iyo nawaaxigeeda oo ahaa mid aan sharci ahayn laakiinse looga soo qaatay mashaariic lacageed Caasimado ka mid ah Aduunka iyaga oo la sheegay in dadka ku nool Galgala ay yihiin argagixiso.


Mudaharaadkii maanta ayaa Odayaashii ka hadlay oo qaarkood aad looga yaqaan Gobolada Sanaag iyo Bari waxay ahaayeen kuwo u sheegay dadkii isu soo baxay in arinta Galgala lagu xaliyo si nabad ah waqtina la siiyo Odayaasha si ay u soo afjaraan rabshadahan ka jira Puntland ,sidoo kale waxay Caalamka ku casumeen in ay iyagu indhohooda ku soo arkaan waxa ka jira Magaalada Galgala oo ay tahay been ay ka sheegtay Dawlada dawlada Puntland in degaanka ay joogaan argagixiso Caalami ah, sidii horay uga dhacday beena uga sheegeen Degaano kale oo Puntland ka mid ah sida meesha la yiraahdo Shinbiraale oo sidan oo kale la yiri waxa jooga Dad Afgaanistaan iyo Pakistaan ah oo ka mid argagixisada caalamiga ah hase ahaatee markii warbaahintu tagaty degaankaas lagu arkay Shinbiro xitaa Duunyo iyo dadba laga waayey.


Madaxda Puntland oo horay u soo sameeyey beentan ay ku qaraabtaan ee argagixisnimada ayaa horay waxay u qabteen Farsamo yaqaan sameeya qaboojiyaha guryaha kana soo jeeday dalka Falastiin waxayna u gacan geliyeen Sirdoonada Reer Yurub iyaga oo ku sheegay in uu yahay argagixiso hase ahaatee la ogaaday in uu yahay nin dhowr jiil deganaa Degaanadan ahna muruq soo baxa quutal yoomka.

Madaxweynihii hore Puntland cade Muuse ayaa wasiir ku xigeenkan cabsida caawa u jooga gurigiisii uu ka degan yahay Dhahar waxa lagu duqeeyey guri uu ka deganaa Boosaaso waxaana Ciidanka PIS ku dileen labo wiil iyada oo warbixintii loo gudbiyey in ay dileen labo argagixiso ah .


Ugu danbayntii dagaalkii Galgala ayaa sidii uu u maareeyey Madaxweyne Faroole waxa ka raacday jab aad u halis ah Ciidankiisii u dagaalami lahaana maalinba shan ayaa ka baxsada Ciidama ka dib markii ay ******** in uu dagaalku yahay Mashruuc Reer faroole rabaan in ay ku lacagaystaan. ,Sidoo kale haduu iska dhego tiro cabashadan Reer Dhahareed ku diidan yihiin dagaalkan iyo bayaanka ay soo saari doonaan sida ay maanta sheegeen maalmaha soo socda waxay noqon doontaa in markii u horaysay halis gasho jiritaanka Puntland iyo isku socdka Gobolada hada sida nabada ah ku wada nool

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It seems like the radical Diaspora newsportals are running out of ideas.

For example ……………………….



Duqa degmada Dhahar Salaad Xassan Shire oo la hadlaayay Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in kulanka ay ka qaybgaleen masuuliyin ka tirsan maamulka Puntland

If atrocities were committed against the people, why has this man and the rest of the admin of the district and the region not resigned?

why has not a single man from this clan that seems to be in trouble not resigned?


The answer is simple, the radical clan Diaspora are basicly foaming from the mouth, trying to start division and discord all in supporting Attam and his militia that were beaten badly by the security forces.

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The Dhahar mayor is still an Puntland official, so are the other Puntland officials who took part in the meeting including the Puntland Deputy Minister for State Security Cabdi Jamaal.


So the displaced have a meeting with their displacers, it doesn't make sense. But again this is Xudeedi afterall and his fancy interpretation of the his version of the 'news'. He picks a number and then posts an article that refers to the Puntland Deputy Minister for Security and the Puntland Mayor of Dhahar attending the meeting.


How strange, what facts is Xudeedi hiding?

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^^^Also what role do the Attam supporters have in all of this, after all they want more clashes in this region, they are praying for a clan war how is this love for the civilians?


Its a fact no farms were burned, and 25000 people did not get displaced by these clashes.


Attam and his supporters ego has been displaced, but lets not hide behind the civilians, who's state officials are trying to help.

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Random numbers it seems they pick carelessly, I truly believe that they're cursing our people by saying that such proportions have been displaced. They're doing a great disservice all because their man Attaam got chased and their ego took a batting.


No farms were burned and the government is addressing the problem of the people fled of Attaam's instigated fighting.


It was Attam who first pull the trigger on the Puntland troops and calling for a bigger war in which clan's are involved all because of the support of Attaam is insane to say the least.


Insane folks should abstain from such wishes 'Lest one' fool get's what he wishes for.'


This is no clan war nor a war of resources but a necessity born out of one's man desire to establish an Islamic wilaayah under the command of Shabaab in the hinter and heartlands of Puntland and this we cannot tolerate.

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Gallad; the man Sackar aka Duke is really suffering from an unusal sickness. He's replying to himself, adeer don't loose your sanity over clan frictions.


The news portal that reported this was from your clan, why would your clan report a fake a story that harms them politically?


Mayor of Dhahar and those with posts are after-all their kinsmen, thus them attending a meeting for the course of the displaced can easilly be seen.


Duke adeer you have to create more characters (Sakhar)to covince your self, just to shed light on how weak your argument is.

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