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At what cost?

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French President Jacques Chirac said Tuesday that Turkey would need to undergo a "major cultural revolution" before entering the European Union.

By demanding turkey to change its culture and believes to be accepted into Europe contradicts Europs claim of being champion of diversity and tolerance in the world.


As for turkey, a proud nation that gave birth to the ottoman empire should not humiliate it self by always knocking EU door hoping to join, and start its own Union rivaling that of Europe with the large turk speaking nations of centeral asia and become its leader.

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Seriously, It almost allways brings tears to my eyes,... I guess if they can refuse Muslim girls from wearing head scarfs to school, Jacques Chirac's words are redundant.

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Haruun, in politics there is no such thing as shame. And the reason Turkey keeps knocking EU's door is because it will give Turkey a great boost in its own economy by being able to export to these EU nations without tarrifs or quotas. Turkey has a competitive advantage in many industries which explains the reason EU keeps turning them down out of fear.

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Turkey has a competitive advantage in many industries which explains the reason EU keeps turning them down out of fear.

Its not the fear of competition thats the driving force of the people who reject Turkey to become EU member, its because its a huge country with majority muslim people.

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Harun, though that is a valid argument, it is not the main reason or the only reason. I agree if you mean that they are with holding access to prevent Turkey from gaining the economical opportunities that member countries enjoy. You also got to remember that Turkey is a big military personnel supplier to the NATO.

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