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Ultimate Bulletin board and Somali websites new found fame of cyber-warlordism

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We all have seen the rise of Somali websites in the last few years, google it and I’ll get quite a lot of hits, in recent years, we have come to expect that almost every region of Somali had a website appealing to that particular section of the nation and their inhabitants. Some even, went as far as promoting the warlords that control their section of the region and being mouthpiece for them. I remember a year and half ago seeing a website posting pictures of Confiscated property on their site from the opposing region trying to subject humiliation to them. But lately it went farther then that, just last month during Ramadan we all heard about the sad even of the war b/w Somaliland forces and Puntland forces, same of these websites started a trend of posting gruesome dead people pic’s on their website. One of the websites supporting one of these forces posted pics of the dead on their site, and the other responded with similar fashion, I am not sure if both had a dead people’s pics, I believe one site had dead people and the other responded with the names of the people they have killed from the opposing force and pics of the prisoners. We know there is some Somali websites who do honourable service to their clients and provide them useful information.


But I believe these acts have started irreversible cruelty that other websites will follow in the future, since we can’t stop brutally back home we sure can have a say in these websites glorifying civil war, these website are run by people like you and me, in fact a 15 year old with a basic knowledge of HTML tags and JavaScript can run these static website, But lets hear your thoughts and suggestions on what we can do to let them know that inflicting maximum humiliation of others by posting gruesome pictures of dead human’s will not serve any one’s interest.

I for one suggest we can write to these websites directly through their webmasters, or since they don’t have their own Servers to host their site, you can gota or and find out their Web hosts and write complaint letter directly to them.



Ps. Please if you decide to give your thoughts on this, lets stay away from naming any particular Somali website or a group please, so that we don’t trivialize the issue.

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Waa runtaa saaxiib, aniga waxaan dhihi lahaa aduunyo gadoonkii ayaa soo dhawee hala is diyaariyo oo ilaah haloo toobad keeni inteeysan qoraxda dhinaca kale kasoo bixin. Wax walba waala arkay waxaa dhiman kaliyah calaamadihii waaweynaa, markeey kuwaas bilowdaan, am sure things will drastically horrify us in the worst unpredictable scenerio.

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