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Che -Guevara

Protecting Africa's Indigenious People!

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I find this article which is not only disturbing but heart-breaking considering the fact that it is about pygmies, a very peaceful people and good natured. Apparently, the pygmies have become food source for the rebels in the northeastern Congo. I actually listened to programme chronicling the accounts of pygmies being attacked by rebels and eaten as well. It was unbelievable sad listening to what these people have been through. Don't you think it is about the African Union recognise the plight of indigenious Africans,and take measures to defend these people whether be pygmies, the bushmen of the Kalahari, ect.


Here is da article.


DR Congo pygmies appeal to UN



The pygmies have been hunted like animals

Pygmy representatives have asked the United Nations to set up a court to try government and rebel fighters from the Democratic Republic of Congo for acts of cannibalism against their people.

Sinafasi Makelo, a representative of Mbuti pygmies, told the UN's Indigenous People's Forum that during the four-year civil war his people had been hunted down and eaten.


"In living memory, we have seen cruelty, massacres, and genocide, but we have never seen human beings hunted down as though they were game animals," he said.


"Pygmies are being pursued in the forests. People have been eaten. This is nothing more, nothing less, than a crime against humanity."


More than 600,000 pygmies are believed to live in the DR Congo's vast forests, where they survive by hunting and gathering.


Both sides in the war regard them as "subhuman", and some say their flesh can confer magical powers.




UN human rights activists reported this year that rebels had carried out acts of cannibalism.


Some of the worst atrocities allegedly took place when the rebel Movement for the Liberation of Congo (MLC) - which controls the northern DR Congo - tried to take the town of Mambasa from the rival Congolese Rally for Democracy last year.


Mr Makelo called on the forum to ask the UN Security Council to recognise cannibalism as a crime against humanity and an act of genocide.


There have been allegations of cannibalism during the recent conflict between Hema and Lendu militia in the north-western Ituri region but a spokesman for the UN mission in Kinshasa said these were difficult to confirm.


At least 300 people are said to have died in the fighting.


A mass grave containing the remains of more than 30 men, women and children was found near the town of Bunia, UN officials said.


Church leaders and residents have accused Lendu militiamen of killing civilians, cutting open their chests, removing hearts, lungs and livers, and eating them.


UN investigation


Father Joseph Deneckere, a Belgian priest who has lived in the DR Congo since 1970, said that traditional superstitious beliefs, entrenched hatreds and attempts to settle old scores lay behind the atrocities, the Associated Press news agency reported.


"Some of the victims had their sexual organs missing after tribal fighters cut them off to use as charms," he said.


Tribal fighters had also been seen wandering around the bush with human organs "draped from their weapons".


UN officials have opened a formal investigation into the allegations.


Source: BBC

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