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Social Debate: IQ is below retardation level?

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i disagree with this argument.I took the test the details are below




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Sent : 07 July 2004 09:49:16


Subject : Your IQ Test Results


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Thank you for recently taking the IQ Test, your score was: 139


If you wish to purchase your Complete Personal Intelligence Profile,

you can do so by going to this address:


You may return to this address anytime to view your score. Click on

the link and use your web browser to bookmark this page's location.


Our test usually gets within 5 points of the professional tests--a

remarkable feat for a 13 minute test.


Our test gives you a quick and fast measurement of your abilities, and

that can indicate directions for you to take.


Average: 85 - 115

Above average: 116 - 125

Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 - 135

Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145

Genius: 146 - 165

High Genius: 166 - 180

Highest Genius: 181 - 200

Beyond being measurable Genius: Over 200


Please go here for an explanation of what an IQ Score is and how it can

be used to compare one's abilities to that of others:


Please go here for an explanation of our Complete Personal Intelligence



Please go here for an explanation on how a response to a problem can be

analyzed in terms of various types of intelligence being used:


Please go here for a history of the development of this test:


Finally, we hope you appreciate that we seldom write to you unless

something important has happened on the site, but if these few times

are not welcomed, please go to the following location, and we'll take

you off of our mailing lists.


Finally, stay tuned for our new test. It's coming out soon, and you'll

be amazed at the new format. We'll write when it's available.


Best Regards, Staff

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