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Walaal SS,


thanks for sharing your thoughts with us sister. The subject you raised is difficult to debate and and I have no easy way to explain my thoughts adequately with words.


In the philosophical circles the debate about (pre-)determinism has been raging for centuries with no avail.


I am not a LEARNED cleric, nor have I deep knowledge of the subject, but as someone who has been around in this Life for a while , I have made my own PERSONAL observations.


Whenever I think about pre-determination of the time of death I remember also the following facts:


1) God is the CREATOR and supreme RULER of the universe. In the process of creating He plans, manifest his plan, preserves it and destroys the creation when the later has served His (God's) purpose . Whatever we see, feel and think is the WILL of God in action. His will being dynamic, is in the present tense. Everything begins it's origin from Him. Even my wish to write this WORD is not an act which is independent from Him but is in fact granted to me by Him.


The DIVINE will is Supreme and enduring while the individual will is confined and temporary. If the later has to endure it must come into harmony with the first.


2)God has created this theatre of action, the earth, where embodied Souls can study and unfold spiritually. Among others things Souls on their sojourn on the earth learn to experience the dual powers of GOOD and EVIL. No Soul, while staying on the earth is immune to experience these two forces. For example grieve and happiness are emotional expressions of the presence of these two forces in our being. .


3)God rules His created universe through a book of laws. These laws do not only regulate the mechanical running of the universes but they also regulate the actions of the living beings he has created. Everything: the particles of the atoms, the atom and consequently the forms that are formed of these atoms, has blueprint which it cannot deviate from. Likewise The actions of the of the human beings are regulated by their own blueprints. Without these blueprints the world would have been in a chaotic state. But God is a presence which is acting now and His decisions are NOW.


One of the laws which we, Souls on the earth have to abide by is " for every action, there is apposite and equal reaction". That means whatever you do have consequence and YOU are accountable for your actions. This law makes OUR FUTURE FLUID. Because we are always reaping the fruits of our actions.




Now we can use these three points as anchors for our thoughts and when it comes to the question of the TIME of death, the first question that comes to the mind is: what is TIME ? and a second question is: what is the position of man in the scheme of Life ? The answer of the first question is we do not adequately know what time is ? Time although familiar is still illusive. We usually think that time is like an arrow, has past, present and future but when we study the time phenomena we find that the past is a memory and future is a imagination. We are ALWAYS living in the present, the NOW.


The answer of the second question is: man can not do ANYTHING which is independent from the will of God. The position of man in the scheme of the creation is TO PROPOSE. Man proposes and God disposes is TRUE. Man cannot dispose anything. He can not even move his finger without these divine dispositions.


When then someone decides for example to kill someone, he planes, decides and then carries out his decision. When such a person comes to the stage which he decide to kill, due to our sub-ordinate position to the will of God, our proposition ( to kill another person) becomes subject to approval/rejection of God! If our proposal is approved by HIM then the killing is IN FACT predetermined and it takes place in a fixed time which is the moment it takes place, NOW.


Consequently all deaths are predetermined because they are not accidental but rather accepted by the divine plan BEFORE the moment of death!


Now for the second part of your question: does it matter how one dies ? Yes sister It does !


In addition with what I already said in point three I will add the following:

When something bad happens, like the killing of somebody, the perpetrator has to suffer.In that way the SOUL of the perpetrator feels the same suffering that it has inflicted on the other part. Justice is served. The lesson to learn in here is: KILLING IS BAD. We learn WHAT IS BAD AND WHAT IS GOOD through the difficult way: through direct PERSONAL experiences of the BAD and GOOD. The choice is always personal. Everyone of us is free to make his/her choices but WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO OUR OWN ACTIONS. We are accountable for the PROPOSALS which we make to God. Whenever our proposal is approved by God we become responsible of the consequences of our actions.


The path of LOVE is best and more superior than to make justice in a human level !We can choose to forgive! to voluntarily forgive:) smile.gifsmile.gif That is being GOOD smile.gif Those who can do that have learned a lesson. to voluntarily do good actions and refrain from bad action!




That is all for now.



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this absolutely very intrestin topic.thanks for those who started it.

i am not caalim or a person who can adequatelanswers for the questions posted in this topic, however, for my part in this topic i can say this.

the question of pre-determination or destiny is absolutely important for one very important reason,which is ,the possibility one to use hi/her potential energy is highly dependent on whether that indvitual believes destiny or pre-determination the reason being that some believe that what ever happened was their destiny and subsequebtaly do not need to do some about it, this kind of behaviour is very popular in somalli community.obviously this kind of believe is totaly agaist the freewill of human,God give total freedom to human being to control hi action, that is why we are accountable for what we do in this world,had it been not the freedom it would have meant that we are accountable of deeds we forcely ordered.but God do justice.

even some western philosophers believed that the reason why islamic impire vanished was purely thier bellive of destiny.of course muslim philosophers do not agree and rather have diffrent point of view.becuase if we go along with that view( islamic impire vanished because their believe in destiny ) we will end up with bigger scerio which is can one factor be both causer of vanishing and causer of development.

any way the question is philosophical and requires much time to debate,but we must understand one this.thus is that there two types of destiny or pre-determinations:

1-absolute destiny or unchangeble.

2-none-absolute destiny or changeable.

so what is the unchangeable?and what is changeable.

to answer we say that changeable predetermination is all the action activities have more conditions rules and regulations, for example if jaamc want to become football player then he has to make sure certain conditions are met.if he fail this conditions then he can't succed his dream, now the failures of jaamac was changeable had he made the required steps,so the more conditions,rules.reason one action requires the more the actionn becaome changeable( what is mean by condition are shuruud.asbaab.and cilal also what i mean by changeable and changeable is, alxatmiyi wa ghayral alxatmiyi )

now what unchangeable is for example the death and birth.or

i would have advice all nomad to read a book called the human being and destiniy it is written in arabic by Ayatolaah alshahiid almatharii

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Originally posted by LIQAYE:

"when you die i feel you have lost a very important part of your life"

-Brooke sheilds

loooool. She is dumb.

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First : Neva knew how interestin is this topic...I tought it was about Death and all...but To me it seemed the question was about Qadar....I have to second what Baashi said...


Second: the Quran was Not WROTE By Allah!!!.....The Quran is The Words of Allah (Kalaamullaaah)....



PS: I didnt want to repeat what others said.....S_S well-done for raisin such an important question.....Keep askin ppl with sincerity and Allah will guide u to the right Path....



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