baala xoofto

Mustafe Cagjar seems approaching his "USE BY" date

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Usually, it was  our esteemed and sage Mr. Che who used to update us whatever is been cooked in Ethiopia. It seems a lot had taken place lately in that " empire of rags".

First let me say that Che and company were correct in assessing the political moves of Abiy Ahmed to make himself dictator for life while shifting his alliances. As of this week , he is sticking with his promise to make a peace with the battred Tigray leadership. The Amhara, who wanted to ride the Abiy horse and crush their enemies( Oromo and Tigray) until he decimated them for good, rejected the peace overtures and became an arch enemie of Abiy Ahmed. THey want Abiy gone.

Futhermore, during the congress of the PP in Addis few weeks ago, the Amhara had lost their number two place in the party and was replaced by a Somali by the name of Aadan Farah who used to be the deputy president of the Somali region under Mustafe Cagjar. last year hee even participated a plot to overthrow Mustafe Cagjar and fled to Harart. Rather than been punished, he was promoted as the secratary general of the party and now the number two man of PP. When the next shuffle happens, A Somali could be the deputy premier of the empire. 

AS Baala Xofta said, the knives are out for president Mustafe. the Opposition are encouraged to scrutinize his administration. His Amhara freinds have been weakened and  people say Mustafe will move to the federal cabinet soon and will be replaced.

To be fair, other the Liyu police killing innocent people without no reasons, or using life bullets for every small demonstration, the Somali region was the most peaceful place in whole of Ethiopia. Jigjiga is like any Somali town where you could stroll freely without any fear. The biggest problem is just like Mogadishu and Hargeisa, Jigjiga has a large ex politicians sitting in hotels and Khat Majlis houses waiting to be appointed or ploting to get rid of the current leadership for the hope of joining the next one.

Yet, despite his shorcomings, appointing another guy from Addis to do their dirty work will not help the cause of the Somalis in the region unless they elect their own leader.

Anyway, there is no hope of any meaningful institution or reasonable government coming from the Somali region until the clan system is disbanded.



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