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Fake poetry can be the best medicine

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Salam all brothers and sisters. Thank you for opening my post. My sincere respect goes out to you in this blessed month. Walaal...What I wanted from you is for you to give me some hints on writing an A'star poem that is directly. Below is a first draft that was aimed for the die hard sisters. :cool:


Could a heart be as hard as rock

To ignore is to mock


For being sly

You will fly


Away from a team player

And into a dream player


Straight into a hole

Smaller than a mole


Could a heart be as hard as rock

To ignore is to mock


For being sly

You will fly


Turning a chapter is fresh air

Returning to the previous one is old air


You can be cunning

But it isn’t tuning


Into my frequency

Only at my currency


Don’t bear a grudge

Be excited to cringe


Could a heart be as hard as rock

To ignore is to mock


For being sly

You will fly


Opportunities passed

Kiss tasted

Innocence retained


Why untouchable on a high altitude

With an airtight attitude


Perhaps I am in the right latitude

But in the wrong longitude


Unkindly rocked

Savagely mocked


Like a Caucasian with no culture

I am no vulture


But a being

With a thing

That thing is a heart!






P.S Replies would be appreciated. Hey OGMOTI, get your skinny rear end up here for a cuppa with your long lost buddy. Remember what I told you about hunting undercover, It works! ;)

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