
Labadii xaaraan ku heshiisaa...

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In this pages, I did siad few weeks ago that Cumar Sharmaarke shouldn't never have been appointed prime minister or something of the weight. I take that back. I was just not happy about how certain guys were given the job due to 4.5. Ina C/rashiid is a big time plater who works slowly but surely. 

Having said that, I don't think Mr. Sharmmarke to be recless or spoiler like the man who is hell bent on stopping the election and creating chaos, Mr. C/raxman C/cabdishakur. Neither Khayre nor former president Shariif Ahmed would accept a power grab from an opposition who played a reckless strategy without thinking the consequences. We all wanted a one person one vote where many of these guys could have secured some votes and offical party status. 

Farmaajo wanted to extend two years, but they thought that was power frab. Now, one years is already gone, and these fools are square one.

THis election is between C/laahi Dani, the man of the hour and Farmaajo. I am cheering for Dani to crush the corrupt Reer Bari onligarchs who want to act like Muuse Suudi in Boosaaso. Too bad Dani could have gotten my vote if he had dismissed Faroole , the man that refuses to disappear. 

Ninku hadduu tag iska soo reebo waa geesi. Ka cabso Dani.

The stupid HAG had lost by gambeling and relying on the illegal guns of Suudi and Indhacade in 2021. Now they have to choose between Dani and Farmaajo.

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HAG Turub weli maran miyaa?, Dani played them over the last year and a half & by the time they figured him out - Mr Xalwayste arrives with an empty large belly & $$ From UAE to squander more opportunities for them to Unitfy under one candidate...

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Mr  Shasrmaake  really inherited  very good political genes from his father, he is playing with them like toys. Watch this guy, I predict he will be  back again in the top post.



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7 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Mr  Shasrmaake  really inherited  very good political genes from his father, he is playing with them like toys. Watch this guy, I predict he will be  back again in the top post.

I met him in early 2013 at Nairobi's famed Grand Regency (also called Laico Regency) where he was based at. He was introduced to me along with the late Gaandhi and after hearing my old man's name, he asked me whereabouts of some older brothers, then gave me his phone number and asked me to call him. Somehow, I never saved his number nor called him. Maba kala jecleen. He seemed a decent man, but didn't like his ugly politics. Anyway, on today:

Qorshe uu keenay Cumar Cabdirashiid kala fogeeyey Deni iyo Axmed Madoobe iyo Midowga Musharaxiinta

Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni iyo Axmed Madoobe waxay u muuqdaan inay si weyn uga sii fogaanayaan xubnaha Midowga Musharaxiinta Mucaaradka.

Labadaan hoggaamiye goboleed waxay waqti dheer is hayeen madaxweyne Farmaajo, colaadda danta gaarka ah ku dhisan ee iyaga iyo Farmaajo u dhaxeysa ayaa keentay in mucaaradka midoobay helaan Laba maamul Goboleed oo xagga aragtida ay isaga dhow yihiin, gaar ahaan aragtida laga qabo nidaamka Madaxweyne Farmaajo.

Maalmo badan dano ayaa isaga dhex jiray mucaaradka iyo labadaas Maamul Goboleed, laakiin tan iyo markii uu dilaacay damaca Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni ee ku wajahan Villa Somalia cilaaqaadkooda ma uusan fiicneyn.

Mucaaradka midoobay waxaa u muuqda inuu Deni rabo inuu kaligiis qaato mirihii dagaalkii sanadaha soo socday, balse sidaas oo ay tahay weli waxaa jiray waxyaabo laga wada shaqeyn jiray oo ay ugu muhiimsaneyd in la saxo hannaanka doorashada dalka.

Todobaadkii hore waxaa Muqdisho kusoo laabtay Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke oo Laba jeer Ra’iisul Wasaare kasoo noqday dalka. Cumar oo loo arko siyaasi xasiloon oo mar walba qaba aragtida is aqbalaada fudud ayaa la yimid dood ah Farmaajo iyo mucaaradka midna gacanta waxba uguma jiraan ee sidee awoodiina usoo ceshan kartaan.

Cumar Cabdirashiid iyo Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni waxaa dhex yaala loolan culus iyadoo uu Saciid Deni kursigii Aqalka Sare ee Cumar siiyey qof uu aaminsan yahay inuu berri cod siin doono.

Midowga musharixiinta mucaaradka iyo Cumar Cabdirashiid ayaa deg deg isku qaatay, waxay billaabeen inay ka talo-galiyaan doodaha horyaalla iyo sida arrimaha cakiran loo xallin karo.

Kusoo biiristii Cumar ee Midowga Musharaxiinta waxay si weyn usii kala fogeysay Saciid Deni iyo xubaha midoobay ee mucaaradka. Sidoo kale waxaa la sheegay in dooda Cumar ee ah Farmaajo iyo mucaaradka ha is-aqbalaan lagana fakaro 2 sano oo awood wadaag ah haddii maamulada sidaan kusii wadaan doorashada, ayaa iyadana la sheegay inay Axmed Madoobe xiradii kasii saartay.

In Farmaajo sii joogo Villa Somalia oo uu la heshiiyo mucaaradka Xamar ku sugan waxay Axmed Madoobe u tahay geeri siyaasadeed.

Deni iyo Madoobe hadda mucaaradka waa ay ka xarig furteen, midkood Cumar Cabdirashiid ayuu si shakhsi ah u diidan yahay waana Saciid Deni, midna wuxuu ka walaacsan yahay qorshaha uu wado ee isku soo dhaweynayo Farmaajo iyo Mucaaradka.

Axmed Madoobe wuxuu diiday inuu sugo inta wax laga qabanayo cabashada ay mucaaradka ka keeneen doorashada, wuxuuna soo tuuray 14 kursi oo Golaha Shacabka ah. Sidoo kale Saciid Deni ayaa la sugayaa inuu isagana sidaas oo kale sameeyo marka uu iska xaliyo dhibaatada ka heysata magaalada Boosaaso.

Dhinacyadii shalay isku danta ahaa maanta daris ma ahan. Doodda uu Cumar Cabdirashiid la yimid ee ah inay Farmaajo iyo mucaaradka u fakaraan si ka duwan sidii hore waxay dili kartaa aragtida awood maroorsiga ah ee madaxda gobollada.

Kooxaha labada dhinac ee mashruucaan u riyaaqsan ayaa xoojiyey shaqadooda dhowrkii Maalmood ee lasoo dhaafay. Madaxweyne Farmaajo waxaa la sheegay inuusan aad ugu qanacsaneyn doorashadaan boobka ah uuna ka walaacsan yahay inay aqoonsi heli karto doorasho noocaan, balse waxaa laga soo wariyey in haddii uu xal kale keeno xataa inuu aaminsan yahay inay mucaaradka diidi doonaan.

Hadda aragtida ka timid dhanka Cumar Cabdirashiid labadaba kama didsana, balse madaxda Gobolada kuma qanacsana inay is fahmaan Farmaajo iyo mucaaradka taasoo xitaa keeni karta in doorashadaan boobka ah cod wadajir ah lagu laalo.


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Arrinta kala qeybisay xubnaha Midowga Musharaxiinta Mucaaradka oo la shaaciyey


Siyaasi Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame ahna musharax u taagan xilka madaxweynimo ee Soomaaliya oo wareysi siiyey telefishanka Universal ayaa markii u horeysay ka hadlay dooda kala qeybisay Midowga Musharaxiinta Mucaaridka.

Cabdiraxmaan ayaa qiray in Midowga Musharaxiinta ay ku kala qeybsameen doorashada socota, oo qaarkood ay rabaan in la hakiyo, halka kuwa kalena ay rabaan in doorashada ay sii socoto oo la saxo qaladaadka ka jira oo keliya.

“Midowga Musharaxiinta waa dhici kartaa, kuwa kale oo banaanka ka jira waa dhici karta oo leh doorashada ha socoto. Waxaa jirra dad u haysta Ninkaan (Farmaajo) aan geyno teendhada koley ku guuleysan maayo, anagana doodeena waxay tahay anaga oo badan mushkilad asaga ka weyn oo haysata dalka majirto,” ayuu yiri Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur.

Sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay in madaxda dowlad goboleedyada ay ku heshiiyeen boobka kuraastaas, kuwaasi oo qaarkood u shaqeynayaan Farmaajo, halka kuwa kalena ay musharaxiin yihiin laftigooda, sida uu sheegay.

“Qalalaase ama rabsho ayuu sameyna ninkaas (Farmaajo), ama natiijada doorasho kasta ayuu diidi doona. Ciidamadaasna (kuwii laga soo celiyay Eritrea) waxa uu rabaa in uu xoog ugu qabsado dalka.”

Hadalkan ayaa imanaya xilli ay maalmihii dambe soo baxayeen kala qeybsanaan midowga musharaxiinta dhexdooda ah, taasi oo ku aadan go’aamada qaar ee ay goluhu soo saareen ee ku aadan doorashada socota ee dalka.

Xisbiga Mucaaradka ee Himilo Qaran, islamarkaana uu hoggaamiyo madaxweynihii hore ee dowladdii KMG aheyd, Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa hore u shaaciyey in aysan marnaba raalli ka aheyn doorashada boobka ah, balse haddii la saxo qaladaadka ka jira hannaankeeda ay soo dhoweynayaan inay sii socoto doorashada.


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Somalia opposition caucus loses ground on election momentum

Somalia’s opposition caucus appears to have lost ground on stalling the country’s controversial elections after the Prime Minister urged the organisers to move on with the polls.
The group, known as the Council of Presidential Candidates (CPC) had been calling for suspension of the elections for the members of the Lower House of Parliament, citing irregularities and glaring rigging.
But on Wednesday, Somali Prime Minister Hussein Roble moved to congratulate the State Electoral Implementation Team (SEIT) of Jubbaland State, one of the five local electoral organisers in Somalia, for publishing the names of contenders for the first seats of the House of the People (HOP), the Lower House, to be held in Jubbaland.

“It is a positive reflection, having Jubbaland embarking on the way to hold the elections of significant number of the Lower House seats,” Roble stated as he travelled to Djibouti to participate the Heritage Institute for Policy Study’s Forum for Ideas, an annual gathering meant for intellectuals and people of wisdom to share opinions on the Horn of Africa.
On Tuesday evening, the Jubbaland SEIT, the organ empowered to hold the elections in Kismayu and Garbaharrey towns, respectively in Gedo and Lower Jubba regions of the Jubbaland State issued a list addressed to the Federal Electoral Implementation Team (FEIT) and copied among others to the Office of the Prime Minister.
That decision signalled that the country had moved from the crisis point in South West, where initial seats offered for contest had elicited complaints of unfairness. The Lower House is part of the bicameral federal parliament that also includes the Senate, or the Upper House with 54 members.


While elections for the Senate ended early in November, having dragged on for three months, the Lower House of 175 members has been more controversial. As it is, 101 delegates nominated by clan elders in conjunction with SEITs are supposed to elect each of the 175 legislators. The Lower House and the Upper House are then expected to vote for the president in a joint sitting.

The problem though is that the candidature lists is the prerogative of the sitting federal state presidents, who have been accused of settling old political scores by omitting contenders or rigging them out.

In South West, Mohamed Osman Jawari’s omission became the indicator of the controversy. A former Speaker of the Lower House, his omission from a list of contenders forced him to allege rigging and demanded that the polls be paused. The CPC joined in the calls and initially, the SEIT in South West was advised by the federal electoral body to cancel the polls for all seats which had elicited complaints. The SEIT in South West defied the call.

With Jubbaland going forward too with 14 seats, it leaves the opposition groups in a dilemma. They had vowed not to take part in elections resulting from this chaos. But staying out means the country could move forward with the polls, however controversial.

The Jubbaland SEIT stated that it will announce when the elections will be held, leaving the door for speculation and also adding further doubt on whether those polls can be completed across the country by December 26 as planned earlier.

Electoral agreements

“In line with the electoral agreements and associated election mechanisms, the SEIT of Jubbalnd is hereby making public that 14 of the 43 seats allocated in the Jubbaland state are going to be held,” the letter indicated, but only short of date.

Jubbland’s SEIT made the announcement only hours after the SEIT of Banadiri community in Mogadishu had issued a similar letter on Tuesday, stating that all 5 seats belonging to the community were up for election.

The Banadiri SEIT labelled its seats as HOP 034, HOP 084, HOP 105, HOP 265, and HOP 266.

“The Banadiri community’s five seats will be held in Mogadishu,” the SEIT’s letter indicated without specifying dates.

The slowly progressing Lower House elections has so far elected about two dozen seats by representatives of Somaliland, the South West State and Galmudug State.

If the elections of these seats are realised and in the meantime the election of more seats are announced, it will mark a big progress for PM Roble to whom the management of the election processes have been delegated to him by President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo on 1st of May this year.

A grand-meeting

The announcement by the SEITs of Jubbaland and Banadiri community coincides with a statement issued by the Coalition of Presidential Candidates (CPC), a grouping of over dozen top politicians lead by Former President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and includes another Former President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud and ex-Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire.

The CPC’s statement stressed that they are going to arrange a grand-meeting for the establishment of what they called a ‘National Transitional Council.’ They pointed out that the ‘Council’ will be formed out of politicians, civil society activists, intellectuals, women activists and traditional clan leaders in order to initiate free and fair elections.

“It is clear to the Coalition of Presidential Candidates (CPC) sees that neither the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) nor the Federal Member States (FMS) are interested in the achievement of free and fair elections, whose results are commonly accepted that leads the country to stability,” the CPC’s statement reiterated.

“Based on such an approach, the CPC is going to nominate two committees: one to organize the conference and the other to ensure the security of the gathering,” it added.    

So far, neither the FGS nor the five FMS and other election constituencies like Somaliland and Mogadishu’s Banadiri community have responded to the opposition politicians’ strong and often hostile looking remarks.

The CPC’s latest suggestion to initiate a sort of parallel government in Somalia in the form of a ‘National Transitional Council,’ seems not affecting the election process directed by PM Roble and executed by the FEIT and the SEITs. Indeed, the Chairman of FEIT, Mohamed Hassan Irro stressed that the election processes will continue unobstructed.

“It does not matter whether the electoral process is slow, but what matters is that some seats have been elected and others in the pipeline that will eventually lead to a full house,” remarked Irro this week.

He insisted that any delay to the elections of the seats of the House of the People results from the federal member states that do not offer speedy facilitations.

Indeed, the FEIT and SEITs did not even react to a lengthy document published by the opposition presidential candidates a week ago on 9th of December. The CPC appeared issuing their own electoral guidelines with the intention of indirectly altering or even nullifying the existing electoral agreements and laid down procedures.

“The list of the official 135 clan leaders and the council that selects the election delegates must be publicised,” the 9 December statement by the CPC insisted.


“The list of the election delegates must be ensured that they are the ones selected by the clan leaders,” the statement stated, underlining that no seat should be reserved for any particular candidate.

These and other points were raised by the opposition politicians in very demanding manners, including their insistence that they will establish a ‘National Transitional Council.

However, rumours circulating through the social media indicate that the CPC members are not in full agreement on the initiative to establish a ‘National Transitional Council.’

Talking to the media on Wednesday, Dr Mohamud Mohamed Ulusso, a former Somalia presidential candidate in 2016, called it ‘unfortunate’ that the CPC members no longer have a unified vision.

“The CPC members should have harmonised their statements (on the establishment of a ‘National Transitional Council’) and made sure their proposals were put in a logically implementable sequence,” Dr Ulusso remarked, talking to Kulmiye Radio, an independent broadcaster in Mogadishu, on Wednesday.

Abdirahman Abdishakur, the outspoken member of the CPC and a former planning minister, used his facebook account on Wednesday, warning unnamed politicians that he called ‘those lured to false hope’ not to fall on trick being assembled by Farmaajo camp.

“You will realise the ploy when the game is over,” Abdishakur warned, hinting that the Farmaajo camp aims to win the elections by whatever means.

The FEIT Spokesman Ahmed Aden Safina has said on Thursday that the elections are proceeding adequately.

“We have witnessed the Somaliland representatives plus the Galmudug and South West states holding the elections of some House of the People (HOP) seats,” has remarked Safina to the media, expressing satisfaction as more seats to the Lower House will be elected by Jubbaland and Banadiri community.

- Nation Africa

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Axmed Madoobe ma ku abaal-dhacay Xasan Sheekh iyo Sheekh Shariif?


Doorashada Soomaaliya ayaa si toos ah loo guda galay, musharixiinta xilka madaxweynaha ayaa ti toos ah u bilaabay ololahooda xukun doonka ah.

Maamulada qaar waxay u diyaarsan yihiin inay 100% kaarkooda saartaan madaxweynaha waqtiga ka dhammaaday Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo. Inta la ogyahay Puntland iyo Jubbaland ayaa ka maran gacanta madaxweyne Farmaajo.

Mucaaradka Xamar jooga waxay waqti dheer rajeenayeen in codadka labadaas maamul ee Puntland iyo Jubbaland ay wax fiican ka heli karaan marka la gaaro xilliga doorashada, balse waxaa meel dhexe uga soo baxay Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni oo aaminay inay fursad madaxweyne ku jirto halkaan.

Musharaxnimada Madaxweynaha Puntland Saciid Deni ayaa rajada codadka musharixiinta mucaaradka ka dhigtay sida Farmaajo oo laga xirtay codadkii Puntland.

Waxaa soo haray Jubbaland, Farmaajo wuxuu 16-kursi geystay magaalada Garbahaarey, dadka uu isagu rabo ayaa heli doona kuraastaas, ma u codeyn doonaan waa dood kale.

Kuraastii Kismaayo ku hartay ayey mucaaradka baadi rajo ka qabeen, laakiin dhawaan Axmed Madoobe oo Muqdisho uga qeybgalay shirka Golaha Wada-tashiga Qaran ayaa la kulmay xubno kamid ah midowga musharixiinta mucaaradka, wuxuuna toos ugu sheegay inuu dhisayo Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni.

Axmed Madoobe wuxuu sheegaa inuu Saciid Deni ku leeyahay abaal badan oo siyaasadeed. Axmed oo dib usoo doorashadiisii muran badan la geliyey, loona diiday aqoonsigii dowladda dhexe wuxuu si weyn ugu baahnaa ictiraaf siyaasi ah, maadaama uu ciidan ahaan ku tiirsan yahay dowladda Kenya.

Waxay aheyd 2 Sano ka hor, Axmed wuxuu aqoonsigiisa dul dhigay xafladdii caleema saarkiisa. Saciid Deni wuxuu ahaa dhanka maamul goboleedyada, maamulka qura ee tagay caleema saarkaas, laakiin maamul goboleed miyaa aqoonsi siin kara maamul goboleed kale? Jawaabtu waa maya.

Axmed Madoobe wuxuu markaas u baahnaa madax heer Qaran ah, Labadii madaxweyne ee hore ee Soomaaliya, guddoomiye ku xigeenkii Aqalka sare iyo dhammaan xubnihii mucaaradka ayaa u duubtay in Axmed Madoobe loo sharciyeeyo doorashadiisa.

Qaarkood halis duulimaad ayey la kulmeen, balse ugu dambeyn waa ku guuleysteen in Axmed uu u noolaado, sidii madaxweyne sharci ah, iyadoo dowladda federaalka ay markii dmbe ku qasbanaatay inay aqoonsato Axmed Madoobe.

Madaxdii heer Federaal ee u dagaalantay aqoonsiga Axmed Madoobe, maanta waa laga soo xirtay albaabada Jubbaland, Axmed-na wuxuu leeyahay Saciid Deni oo kaliya ayaa abaal igu leh.

Dood kama taagna inuu Deni siyaasad ahaan u garab istaagay Axmed Madoobe, laakiin kaligiis waxba uma tari karin.

Lama yaqaano waxay maanta dareemayaan xubnihii shalay naftooda halista u geliyey inay Axmed Madoobe difaacaan, si uu xilliga doorashada u garab siiyo, balse maanta irdaha laga soo xirtay.

Axmed Madoobe sida muuqata Saciid Deni oo qura ayuu u abaal gudayaa maanta, waana cashir siyaasi ah oo la diiwaan geli doono.

Waxa qura ee arrintaan laga baran karo waa sida siyaasiyiinta Muqdisho kasoo jeeda ay ugu liitaan akhrinta iyo is waafajinta waxa taagan iyo timaatada. Dagaallada ay mabda’ la’aanta u galaan iyo inay rajooyinkoodii siyaasi ga ah dul dhigeen xubno aysan ballan xoogan kala dhaxey.

Inkastoo aan la aqoon halka ay codka geyn doonaan xubnaha lasoo siin doono kuraasta, haddana waxay dad badan aamisan yihiin in tallaabada Axmed Madoobe ay dhallin doonto in siyaasiyiinta Soomaalida ah ay cashir ahaan u heystaan inta aysan mar walba qaadin tallaabo laab la kac ah.


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Cumar Cabdirashiid oo weerar culus ku qaaday madax goboleedyada

Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya, Mudane Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke ayaa ka hadlay xaaladda siyaasadeed ee dalka, gaar ahaan doorashada Golaha Shacabka Soomaaliya ee dib loo bilaabay, kadib heshiiskii Muqdisho.

Cumar Cabdirashiid ayaa marka hore walaac ka muujiyey hannaanka doorashada, wuxuuna sheegay in weli kuraasta baarlamaanka lagu hayo boob, sida uu hadalka u dhigay.

Ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee dalka ayaa shaaciyey in boobka socda uu ka awood badan yahay habraacyada doorashada ee lasoo saaray, taasina ay keentay in la xakameyn waayo.

Sidoo kale wuxuu weerar afka ah ku qaaday madax goboleedyada oo uu tilmaamay in awooda oo dhan loo gacan geliyey, isla-markaana ay iyagu maamulanayaan ergooyinka, halkii beelaha u madax bannaan lahaayeen, ayna soo saarayaan xildhibaano daacad u ah.

“Sida bareerka ah ee gacmaha loola galay qabaa’ilada kuraastooda waxay keentay in la xakamayn waayo, waayo habraaca doorashada waxaa awood lagu siiyay dowlad goboleedyada in ay yeeshaan awoodda ergooyinka halkii beelaha u madax bannaan lahaayeen arrintaas,” ayuu yiri ra’iisul wasaare hore Mudane Cumar Cabdirashiid.

Sharmaarke oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa tilmaamay in arrintan ay keeni karto in xoog lagula soo baxo xildhibaanka la rabo, taasina ay tahay mid xilligan aan habooneyn.

Hadalkan ayaa kusoo aadayo, iyada oo haatan doorashada Golaha Shacabka ay ku socoto si dardar leh, isla-markaana qorshuhu yahay in lasoo gabagabeeyo 25 Febraayo ee 2022.

Si kastaba, Soomaaliya ayaa ku daahday xaaladda adag ee kala guurka ah, taas oo ka dhalatay muranada heereeyey doorashada oo dib u dhacday muddo hal sano ah.

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