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My sports family, take a peek!

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1- Location- Toronto

2- Fave sport- NFL football

3- Fave team(s)- Titan, Cowboys, Maple Leafs, Flyers

4- How often do u do sport - not in the winter.

5- Occupation - Telecom technician

6- Other interests - Social justice

7- other sports - Hockey, Basketball (Lebron is the real deal)

8- what sport do u hate and why? - Baseball...12 minutes of action spread over 3 hours.


what sport do u hate and why? - anything american. yep including basketball

How can you possibly hate this?

In Week 16, trailing by a touchdown with six seconds remaining in the Saints' December 21 game in Jacksonville, quarterback Aaron Brooks connected with Donte' Stallworth on a 42-yard pass. Stallworth then ran across the field and flipped the ball to Michael Lewis, who gained seven yards and pitched the ball back to McAllister who ran five yards into a pack of Jaguars before pitching the ball back across the field to Jerome Pathon. With the help of an outstanding block by Brooks, Pathon scampered the final 21 yards for an apparent game-tying touchdown. However, New Orleans became the first team in NFL history to score a touchdown as time expired and lose the game on a missed extra point.


YEAH, the kicker missed the easy conversion.

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So far it's seems like this is a sexist sec.of the forum..anywhooo(as 1 of my friends who has already posted says :D )...



Fave Sport-Volleyball/Track & Field(-I used to be a track & field star in Junior high & Basketball in High school)-momentarily is March Madness and College Bowls-Football-believe me this gets personal! ;) (very refreshing & agitating too)

Fave Team(s)-Arkansa State Uni, Wolverines/Vikings(Randy is the Man!)

How often do you play sports?-anytime B4 winter(so depressing)

Occupation-Student/Research Assistant

Other interests-ISLAM,Travelling(adventure)Analyzing somali behavior,Reading,music(Jazz, Ethnic-lingala, Taarab, etc)

Other sports-Soccer(but the coverage in U.S. sucks :mad: )

What sport do you hate and Why?-Lacrosse & water polo-What the c*** is this?(rich-man's sport?)


did someone say Bowling? (this is my best social tool along with ultimate frisbee..are you kidding--haha! :D:D )

The Olympics is my Fav.televised games to watch-just wanna see "Watu Yangu.. :D;) -akina junior kiptanui's repeat the steeplechase :cool: )

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let me share my sports acts..


1- Location- London, England


2- Fave sports- footy aka soccer


3- Fave team(s)- United, Milan, Real n Barca, England, Brazil.. L.A Lakers..


4- How often do u do sport - none since me injury.


5- Occupation - I.T


6- Other interests - so much to write..


7- other sports - NBA, Tennis and Olympics.. F1 and Rally Championships



8- what sport do u hate playin and why? - Rugby!! too ruff!! plus, am too tall..lool..



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