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Selfless Farax’s e-mail to his Arab Colleague

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Faarax was dismayed by his Arab friend's carelessness. They both live in a non-Muslim country. Rashiid, the Arab, left for a work and didn’t leave any message behind for Faarax to follow up with the safety of the family. This is utter negligence. What if one of the guards rapes Rashid’s wife? What if they rob the house? What if they kidnap his little Aisha?


Faarax tried Rashid’s number several times, but it was out of reach. He doesn’t have the number of Rashid’s wife too.


But now, that is not the issue. He has done what he felt he was obliged to do but this was time for some rebuke.


He wrote the following e-mail:



You are not a good man. You don’t value our friendship, nor our Muslim brotherhood. How do you leave the family like that in a country you know security is a big issue? That is not what I expected from you. Anyway, Alxamdu lilaah all is well. I went to your house yesterday and spent time with the kids. The big one hurt his knee while jumping from the big tree in the compound. All others are doing fine. The wife is very good and took care of me. She gave me strong tea and some kuskus.


The cooker was not working. So, I brought a technician who worked on it. It wasn’t expensive. I bought the family’s groceries and delivered as your driver is sick and they couldn’t buy by themselves.


Don’t do what you have done again, and take care.


Signed: May you come back in peace."


Few hours later, the reply came.


“ Antal Kalb, wa hiya kalb, wa Ana kalb in ishta!” (You are a dog! She is a dog, and I am a dog too if you live for long.)


Signed: nacalatulaa calayk!"

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