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The essence of femininity is for a woman to depend on the man she loves.

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MVP, :D this is a classic Ecofem essentialism. They are very interesting and thought-provoking brand. Their writings and analysis of things is bemusing and insightful at the same time.


Nomads ladies, I think you all need to consult the ecofem's essentialism to understand the message MVP's article conveys. Here is a good place to start:


- Masculinity, Nature, Ecofeminism


PS: Atleast if one wishes to walk and talk like a feminist, one must atleast know how a feminist should walk and talk :D . There so many brands of feminism, so girls, know your suitable brand! smile.gif

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Why don't u post a little of it here J11? I was stopped in my tracks by all those pdfs. What's the most bemusing one? I need a lil entertainment today; dragged myself out of the cranky side of the bed. :D

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i see there is alot of feminism advocates in the house,

i didn't get it... why you all getting defensive out of the blue

my mali sis..i am not anti women and to the contrary i luv women and i have alot of respect for them, can i be anti women when i come from women, i am against any kinda of voilence against women and i will never sit tight if i see a women being harrased let alone beaten

but ladies you need distinguish between women who are feminine and those who are inverted.

A feminine woman is receptive to men. She exudes cheerfulness and inviting warmth. A man can make a friendly remark and be well received.


An inverted woman, on the other hand, is fearful and defiant in the presence of men. She has been taught that man is a competitor, or worse, a predator.


These women are out of touch with their nature and you can tell. Woman's essential nature is to be an incubator of love. Her natural role is to create an environment in which living beings thrive. Her destiny is to love a man, and through him her children. Her reward is their love and happiness.

Sexual intercourse and childbirth are manifestations of a spiritual relationship. A man must first plant his spirit in a woman's heart and find a warm reception. That spirit takes root and love grows into a sapling, and then a towering oak. Finally, a child is the expression of this unseen reality.


What are the elements of this male-female dynamic?


The male must present a woman with a spirit that she can embrace. Men generally use money or power to appeal to women. However, a man is much more than a provider or doer.... Every man has a divine mission and purpose on earth. This mission imbues him with a confident masculinity, which appeals to a woman's higher instincts.

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