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Nandos in the UK

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That's one of the great advantages i have living in Africa..I never worry about if my food is Xalaal or Xaraam as i don't have to go non-muslim owned restaurant or super market to get what i want and in this country we have Nandos owned and run by Muslims but personally speaking i hate Bisbaas (even their so-called too much for me) so no Nandos for me...


a friend of mine once ate Fox meat...this isn't a joke...we once went to a nearby country where they don't speak one single word of English and normally when i travel around i don't eat anything and i only purchase fruits and water, unless i am going on a long journey where i know how long i need to drive to get to the next Muslim owned grocery.


I was more experienced than him when it came to this particular journey as i have travelled along this route more than he did and once when we stopped at a gas station i told him to buy anything he needed now as i was planning to sleep (it was his turn to drive by the way) and there weren't any Muslim owned stores with in the next 4 hours..


Wouldn't you great friend told me it was Ok and he could hang on for four more hours and we drove off...i fell sleep along the way and i suddenly i woke up after i sensed that we weren't moving anymore..what do you old buddy was busy enjoying his meal..i asked him where he bought this meat from and he replied (even telling me the name of the store..which was owned by a Portuguese)!


in this country if you ever eat anything owned by a Portuguese then i am afraid there's every chance that what you ate were 99.9% Xaraam as they only sell Pork and other not Xalaal stuff.


I told my friend to stop eating that meat right away and throw it away as it wasn't Xalaal...the cheeky monkey thought for once in his life he would WIN and i lose..he said..relax..i asked him not to give me Pork....i had to laugh..really really laugh hard as i knew what that guy sold apart from Pork... :D:D



I am still laughing now...Istaaqfurullah.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by Urban Legend:

oh ffs, i've never been to nandos before, and just when i was convinced to try it, i see this thread..


also, that website says Ribena is xaram?
"..It has been alleged that Pork Gelatine is used as a filter during the production of the soft drink Ribena.." lol


"alleged"? by who?


as long as they don't say anything about Oasis, i'm good..


subhanallah i've drank tons and tons of ribena :eek:

and i've stuffed my face with nando's chicken ..

I don't get how they have halal certificates if their food is anything but???

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