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I hate this day. Its official.cirdey was complaining about weather, he has not meet real doom. 2/12/ i will always remember you as a day of futile hopes, endless misery, and surface of old skeletons.


why today?, i woke up early prayed my salat cleaned everything(5 a.m in the morning). Things were bloody meant to be facilitated for me. :mad: , i woke up early for gods sake!!


today,events so old reached through the years, sunk its claws into my life and twisted all that followed. waking up early i prayed, cleaned and made my way to the shop, so i can withdrawal some money. Then to my horror there was no money in my card (mind you i was singing "pay day is happy day" as i made my way. NOTHING! how can this happen?! , of i was to try the other card(it must be the other card, something bazaar like this can not happen). If things could not plundge any worse, it did. both cards did not work and everybody was looking at me like a misfit. With steamy ears, red cheeks i stormed out of the shop and made my way home, to enquire what was going on. In my storm of rage, i did not notice the guy standing at the intersection that i was approaching. out of all people it was my crush. Do you know how hard it is to get an audience with this god forsaken man- as i walked past him he murmed something, my fury clouded my judgement i had no idea who i just ignored and gave an evil smirk. :mad:



if the ordeal did not end there, i made my way home to fix the god damn money problem. out of all custmer service reps, i had to get the one guy, who was ingrate, selfish, stubborn and who bloody had the nerve to tell me "i was not a patient woman". He excused my claim like it was mere ramblings of an "impatient woman"? , o.k. if he said you are being impatient that would've been a momentary lapse(i would've forgive him) but he said i was not a patient woman, "who are you to tell me what i am and what i am not".As if all that "yelling and screaming for 1/2 hour were supposed to get me anywhere". i have to wait till tommorrow. i hope he burns in hell.



a dark cloud was hanging over me, i was disconcerted, my head was almost bending out of the sheer misery. My sister asked me to go to my little nephews school to fix some forms. Normally i would say i have plans-but come on who was i kidding :mad: . The school was just the next block, but what can i say alot can happen in the next block.ALOT. My ex comes out of no where driving a flashy car with some chick at side( i could swear she was not laughing at his jokes). Why couldn't his car hit the pole, why, WHY.Wait how can such situation be carried out to work so well in his favour? :confused: . does god hate me?



so here i am unable to go anywhere(cancelled all my plans as they involved some form of shopping), sitting in front of a shitty screen, with nothing to do but to go on sol. Yes that an the fact that i am left with constant reminder of how i "snobbed" my crush :mad: (mind you he has been telling a friend of a friend that he thinks i am a well-mannered and genuine chick). oh the pain-it hurts.subhanallah did my prayers not get accepted. :( What a day, 2/12.

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Hmmm, I was thinking you were talking about February 12th. Now that is a terrible terrible day.


Sorry your day didn't work out so well. But really, your ex probably drives by your house 11 times every evening hoping you will see him with the new girl (that's why she wasn't smiling). Also, it's a good idea to snub the crush every now and then, gives them something to think about. And FINALLY you probably saved yourself from buying something on impulse, so your money will be waiting for you tomorrow for a more rewarding purchase.


Counsellor Cara over and out.

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let me get this...This is your worst day because


A) your bank card didnt work

B) you saw your crush and didnt say anything to him

C) you saw your ex with a girl


seriously ...where's the problem?

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what can i say, Pucca :


i know in your side of the world such incidents(which happen so random of a day and with much consistency) are not that common, but i am enraged. but yeah, seeing a moose in a icey- morning only to find that its blocking your way is much more devastating. ;)

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thanks cara!



your ex probably drives by your house 11 times every evening hoping you will see him with the new girl

yeah the probablity of finding me at the right time, in the right place and in the right STATE(sheer-misery)is much questinable.

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sorry i know its a triple post, but what can i say, what else is there for me to do but to over-analyse in my depressive state :(


imagine my card did work, i would've been OUT and would not have to see that loser(dont even know why i dated him).

imagine my card worked, i would've got the chance(finally) to speak to my crush. he is a doctor finding time to ever see him or crosse paths is very hard. oh the list goes on.


Since i have started to relent, i can not do this day justice-without telling the further devastations i had come accross. about two hours after i wrote this , i went to hand in my enrolment forms for uni -then suddenly three bulky men in uniform came to sit next to in the tram only to ask me for my "ticket" i didn't even get time to figure out that i had no ticket!! and there i was fined. i told them i forgot and i will issue it now(i mean only two stops passed). What can i say they would have no other way.



i think i should stay indoors, avoid all calls and stay away from doing any thing that requires actions that could possibly lead to any results...period

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che, what is it you are trying to show. wouldn't be surprised if everyone could see it except me-i seem to have a cloud of misery following me everywhere todai. :(

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^Pucca, let's put in terms you would appreciate. It is like seeing your khamees donning Korean getting cozy with another Xalimo behind the Masjid

well if thats the case (which isnt, since she said he is an ex) i wouldnt be in the house sitting behind a computer sharing my sad tale with you lot. I'd have made a few phone calls, transfered $$$ from one account to a new one and called in the movers (i leave with the furniture). Then i'd call up the sheikh and divorce the cheater.


luckly my korean-love is faithful and this shall never be the case, Alhamdulilah. what does he need Xalima for when he's got pucca? smile.gif


hayat, huuno dude's an ex for a reason...let him drive around with whome ever he wishes. And you might want to make the 'first' move on that crush.

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It's not as if Hayat threw herself in front of the car, Pucca. She just had an unpleasant surprise to cap an unpleasant day. If you cannot empathize at all, it's probably because you lack life experience, while not possessing enough imagination to fill in the blanks.


What's with all these smug Canadian kids?

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