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lool bloody'ell so there was a aussie team there :eek:

little does the farm boy knows :rolleyes:


Zu haa sxb though i do come to Melbourne often ,i'll visit u guys sometime insha allah i'll let you know smile.gif

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Zu yea your right..they were lacking some player. I wanted to help them if they reached the semi finals but they didn't make it. I met this brother named yonis from melbro Aus. He played sweaper. He is a good football player. Also warsame their striker very fast guy but I gave him realy hard time when he played for some team called Iftin. The team was realy good but they were not fit.


Next year Y'all should come back with them because if they had subs, they would have won that tournement. But I don't know about our

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I know Both Yonis and Warsame..They Both Good Players...I did played with ethem and against them...But I do play with Cbdi qani regularly...


Anyways...May be Next year I will make it my final tournament to play before retirement...




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ZU say:


Northerer..I do remember you claiming that you are playmaker and how you re Mr football and you were like 10 I am wondering how did you end up being defender in the tournament...or you are like Mathuas of germany..playin at the age of 38, wearing 10 jersey and yet being defender....hehehehe gettin Slow huh?....

lol, somthing like that, due to a lack of fitness i was put at centre back, having always played as a striker it was a good role for me, knowing what the strikers is going to due and how to stifle his runs, like i did against Ottawa even tho they scored a lucky goal due to a mistake by the left

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Legend of Zulu, no wonder North-BOY said that I was talking about the other tournament.(I had no idea there was another tournament on the semi finals, I figured everyone got beat and those four teams were the only ones left off the tournaments, thats why I was a little confused about him pretending not to know if I was referring to his team)


So I must have seen the UK TEAM WHO ATTENDED THIS TOURNAMENT, either way I was very disappointed, and YES ZULU, I have seen some of the Aussie players, they were being pampered too much if u ask me.




Who cares if they travelled from a distance, they came to play, they shouldn't be treated different from the rest, first time or not, (I attended the tournament for the first time, u don't hear me complain)


I think this whole business of two teams, same city coming and taking part of these tournaments and later putting all the blame to the organizers??? it disgusts me



This whole Qabiil bs is just making my blood boil to tell you the truth.


I know I am getting off topic here, but I figured that if these pple who couldn't find a common ground to host a tournament as big as this together couldn't come as one, why did these teams participate????


If you are a player, a coach and you are reading my post, answer one question for me, what makes you any better of a man than those who allowed this to exist????


I have to admit, now that I know there was two tournaments that existed that same weekend, and the entire tournaments, from first to last, I wouldn't have attended it if I had known what I just found out...after northern said I was referring to the other uk team who attended the other tournament.(I would have never allowed to contribute to this so called ignorance that exists within our own pple)


I use to hear stories about these tournaments getting ugly, because qabiils from each part would sit opposite ends of the stands, but I had no idea there was tournaments strickly for each category of qabiils....(This will be my first and last, that much I know now)



Looking at it from the outside, I say the coaches who allowed their players to take part of this are as much to blame as those so called airheads who came up with the split of somali pple in general.



I would have much rather given my $10 contributions on that weekend to a dying/hungry child in somali, maybe I ought to start sending $10/per month just to clean myself from the filt I just game my hard earned dollar to, I FEEL NOTHING BUT DISGUST towards those cowards and their participants...including myself

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I have to admit, now that I know there was two tournaments that existed that same weekend, and the entire tournaments, from first to last, I wouldn't have attended it if I had known...

That is what a lot of people did, including me and some friends; it was a silent protest to let them know exactly how sordid it was. Beside the splitting, one tournament should have been free or at least some discounts, as the city provided some great funds this year.


Also the reason behind parallel tournaments was mostly related about qabiil, but also roughly another dispute arose relating about sharing the funds they received equally by hosting one tournament; in other words about money. Well, they had realized their mistakes now, and are already talking about uniting in the future.

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Waraa maskiinka xagee ka dhacday !!!!!!!


Ziyaaro aa ku maqneed aa ladhahay..waxaa soo ziyaraneysay abkoogaa oo ku dhintay madagaskar..


warka soo afuuf kaabo..


Lazy the spilit was about money more than it was abaut qabiil. 180,000 to the tournement!!!!!!!Thats lots of money for only two weeks of games.


Iinsha allah they will unite because they are talking.



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