
Garacad port is a great lesson for Somalis every where

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Xataa haddee run tahay xilli ku haboon la sheego ma'aha xilligaan maadaama dhulal iyo hanti badan dowladda dhexe lahayd maamul goboleedyo iyo dad kale iska qaatay, siiba dekedihii iyo garoomadii.

Xilli kale sharci la isku waafaqsanyahay la sameeyo oo dowlad dhexe loo dhanyahay jirto ayaa haboon.

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So, there is land worth 20m in Galkacyo? Where is it? Are we sure he did not mistake 2m for 20m?

So, 20m is just under 5% of the total investment, and with the project being a public-private partnership, would that not be Puntland's stake in the project?

And with their being no Federal land policy, PL land policy applies, where it requires any public land being sold, must be subject, and passed by the Local District, and if its value is over 50,000, it must be passed by the Parliament.

A chance for you make a thread of all the public lands in the country being sold off, and taken over, and begin with large cities incl. Xamar, Hargeysa, Kismayo, Baydhaba, Burco, Galkacyo etc.

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7 hours ago, Illyria said:


A chance for you make a thread of all the public lands in the country being sold off, and taken over, and begin with large cities incl. Xamar, Hargeysa, Kismayo, Baydhaba, Burco, Galkacyo etc.

Just assume badankooda in la wada qaatay, except dhulalkii wasaaradaha caanka ahaa, dekedihii, garoomadii iyo iskoolada badankooda.

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I am not familiar with Xamar, but someone made a list of 17 prime public land locations in Xamar being either sold off, or just taken over, a good example being Daara Salaam gated community, which was a military base, and most of Hormuud occupied land. An interesting one I observed whilst in Xamar a couple of years ago, was the old cinema, Equatore, I think in No.4, which has been taken over by the current President's family, since then building a large 5 storey tower. When I enquired with my local driver, he said it was normal, I asked whence he [President] got the money, he laughed saying  'You Qurbejoog are naive'. Imagine that. The family, which owned Equatore cinema are languishing, as refugees, in Europe.   


And here is Daljir with a longer list.



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39 minutes ago, Illyria said:

I am not familiar with Xamar, but someone made a list of 17 prime public land locations in Xamar being either sold off, or just taken over, a good example being Daara Salaam gated community, which was a military base, and most of Hormuud occupied land. An interesting one I observed whilst in Xamar a couple of years ago, was the old cinema, Equatore, I think in No.4, which has been taken over by the current President's family, since then building a large 5 storey tower. When I enquired with my local driver, he said it was normal, I asked whence he [President] got the money, he laughed saying  'You Qurbejoog are naive'. Imagine that. The family, which owned Equatore cinema are languishing, as refugees, in Europe.   

The family sold it cheap in early 2010s. Waa sugi kareyn and now would have sold for two million something dollars. Waa isqasaariyeen. My old man's villa in Hodan waa lix boos, kuwa yimid leh $1.3 million dhiibeynaa la diiday.

Xasan Socdaal reerkiisa ayaa gatay shaneemada una dhiibay reer abtigiis. There some other famous shaneemooyin sidooda wali u dunsan, sida Shaneemo Misiyoon iyo Xamar oo Reer Uunlaaye lahaa midkood.

Meesha guryaha cusub Daarasalaam laga dhisay dhul dan guud bannaan ahaa. Xirooyinka iyo xarumaha keydka hubka militariga waxee ku yaaleen Jidka Warshadaha oo xadka Xamar ahaa, dhanka kalena dhulal bannaan dowladda leedahay ahaayeen. Dhanka Tarbuunka marka laga baxo la aadaayo Dayniile ayaa xirooyin hub yaalaan militari ku yaalay iyo wakaaladii biyaha lagu keydinaaye. As a boy I once walked from Tarbuunka to Dayniile in late 1991 after the start of Caydiid iyo Cali Mahdi four-month devastating war. I passed xiro after xiro ku yaalay, qaarkood diyaarado la furfurtay ka buuxay iyo gantaalo wali sidooda ah. Hadda kuwaas waala kala ootay, dad gaar qaatay oo kaaman barakacyaal ijaartaan ka dhigtay iyo bakhaaro.

Xamar, unlike any decent capital city, does not have a single public park. All waala qaatay, starting with jardiinooyinkii ku yaalay isgoysyada. These little park jardiinooyin magaalada aad ayee u qurxin jireen. Bo more

Now Xamar has fee-based private parks oo laga dhistay dhulal dowlada lahayd, sida dhulkii boosteejadii Ceelgaab oo hadda ah Beerta Nabadda. Our own xaafad jardiino park at Isgoyska Bakaaraha dad ayaa little park iyo maqaayad ka dhigtay. Lacag ayaa dhiibee ku galee saa u fadhiisatid in the green shades and plants. Yaab.

I am now afraid for Tarbuunka. It is still there in prime land and can become a decently designed public park, but I don't think in Xasan Socdaal's corrupt cliques dhaafi doonaan to privatize it.

It is all concrete jungle in Xamar, xataa geedigii talaalka ahaa sar walba horteeda ku yaalay waala gooyey to make parking spots and such.

  • That is really sad! 1

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What does not quite compute is why they would make an issue out of nothing when they are sitting on a ticking bomb?  If that list by Daljir is true, then there is no hope for this nation!

The Garaad project is 500 million project, and even if the 20m land sales proceeds had been used towards the project, which I think was very smart, it would be part of the stake PL owns in this public-private partnership project, barely 5%. The Fed. government decided to sit on the funds for the road funds by donors, which is now being privately financed, yet here they are slinging mud, which does more harm to them than any other. The level of vagrancy and incompetence is astounding.

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