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Why are somalis men not romantic

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To hear myself reproached and blamed

Of all things that I love most fair

For then perchance her is named (1)

Whose mention bids me not despair.


I quaff reproached, as though a cup

I drain with purest camel milk replete,

And after, having drunk it up,

Devour my lover’s name for sweet.


1. Her is the representative of the Somali female.


Such are amongst many sonnets our contemporary Somali men penned down for love; love they have given to their beloved Somali sisters;. Perhaps words that are valued only the refined can never be understood by many of those who complain out apparent lack of romance. Romance needs to be defined. If buying chocolates whenever the man wrongs his wife is Romance and continue to wrong her for he found a way to get to her then that is not my darlings a romance but the exploit of the week sprits among us--- this does not mean we should not buy worldly delicate things to please those who are dear to us all; wouldn't you be happy to see her being swept by joy; that sudden weeping for your love (though I doubt most of the Somali females shed tears of delight for their beloved-- ladies men are like seeds, the tears of your joy will caltivate and blossom them to be whatever you desire them to be-- I am not suggesting that you should cry for happiness when he does a little thing like going shoping with you to New bond street and buys whatever your heart desires! that would just be lame).


I think this sweeping generalisation needs to be in check. I know not only one by numerous Somali brother who are valued greatly by those none Somali females they are romantically involved—women who have grown up with chimera of a romance. They hold Somali men at great esteem. It is pity to witness such slurs oozing from our sisters who just have a vogue (yes the magazine) idea of what romance is.


Until you define what Romantic love is, then please do us favour and stay away from instantiating topics which you have a slight grasp of it.



DnB: Darling you are so well enlightened.


Ameenah: Well done; that was spot one Walahi.


Thus Spake I

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Allah inagaa wax aragnay...ragii soomaliyeed walee waxbaa heysta...I say this, romanticism bul Allaha ka about that :rolleyes:

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Qac Qaac   

ROMANTIC ROMANTIC, cajaa'ib. always this word romantic this and that. who cares, FOCUS ON YOUR EDUCATION AND YOUR RELIGION BE SOMETHING, and stop thinking about wasteful stuff.


Ameenah said it all.

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