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The Eastleigh Murders

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A rather sad story


According to credible sources which the News On Foot's (NOF) Minja Qodax has interviewed, that last night in Eastgleigh, one Somali was killed while three others were seriously wounded by an armed gang that has terrorized the whole of Eastleigh till 7 oclock this morning. The incident comes few days after a similar gang has been reported to have robbed a Somali owned lodging in which monies and approximately 40 mobile phones have been robbed.


Last night's incident has affected 7 Somali owned lodging which the gang has robbed simultaneously. So far, local media and press houses have not picked up on the story hence the News On Foot's dedicated covering smile.gif .


On other stories, the police are still cracking down on the so-called 'Mungiki Sect' resulting in the killings of men and women with an alleged connection to the sect. The media reports that the government has uncovered the remnants of uniforms worn by police officers who have been killed in Mungiki's retaliatory acts.



Our news is credible. Credible because it is carried on foot. We are certain that what we say is true because its our stories are right out of the bag and delivered to you when you need it and how you need it :D . Thats The News On Foot for you.

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Wararka uu Minja Qodax soo tabiyey waa dhacdooyin mar kasta laga hirgaliyo xaafada Eastleigh, xaafadan wey hoogtey, ba'dey oo lagu tuntey, nimankan budhcada ahna la iska qaban waa, dowladiina iyo askartooduba dan kama lahan, waayo badanaa dhaca waxaa ka danbeeya police iyo niman baarqabyaal ah oo iyagu la shaqeeya.



War Paraganoow, is ilaali, feejignoow, anoo kale ha noqon, intii 12th street laiga kaxeestay anoo Matatu kasoo dagey xilli danbe from Section 3 ayaa la ii taxaabey Shauro Mooya Station, marka niyahow is jir bal meesha caadi ma ahanee, nimanka anagaa lacagta barney oo badraaminey.

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In Kenya robbing somali businesses seem to be something "halal" persmissable. The police themselves or gangs loyal to them and to local authority are believed to be behind most of these robberies. Even these so-called somali sujuis in the government cant and wont help their somali at the times they most vulnerable and need their help. Imagine, the Kenyan police chief -as I heard- is a somali himself, let alone other high ranking somali officers in the army and yet they cant defend their own people. They are just tools there to be used when needed by their bantu masters.

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I know all about the Kenyan police and their downright aggression against the Somalis in Kenya. Still it occurs to me that we can’t say that there is an open campaign to harass the Somalis by the Kenyan government and thugs. There is a peculiar array of habits and attitudes by the Kenyan police solely reserved for the Somalis.I hate to chuck the truth under the nearest waste bucket I can find, but to accuse the Somalis who are in authority for the mistreatment of their breathren is a little over the board.


There could be subtle unintentional lack of support from this leaders, but I am sure that many Somalis would look out for the welfare of other Somali when in the environ of outsiders.But behind these solidarities would always lie a human selfishness of not caring about something that doesn’t affect you.Unless you are shipwrecked in an incident you wount take a look at the world that surrounds you.I am sure that if those Somali leaders you are talking about walk in the streets of Eastleigh at night they will definitely be stopped by the police.


For one I will agree with you that they as leaders need to step up to the plate and help the Somali guests(although I doubt if they can be called guest any more having lived in the country more than a decade).In personal opinion I think the Kenyan government have really helped the Somalis .

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Aawey waardiyaashii. Every looj hortiisa after midnight waardiyaal ayaa fariisto oo garuun iyo bud isku wato. Ooh, meesha qori ayaa ka socdo miyaa, masaakiintaas waa inay ishubeyaan iyagana.


Waxaan xasuustaa waardiyaha Hoteel Ilsan oo markii la gaaro 11 p.m. irida hore quful weyn dhakab ku dhajin jiray, oo boorso jaad ah iyo bud weyn agtiisa isa soo dhigi jiray. He doesn't care waxa ku jiro oo marti ah hoteelka ama kuwa ka maqan. Habeen aan kusoo daahay guriga ayeeydeey, oo hooyadeey markaas kusoo degtayna oo ku dhagan hoteelka igu xiray.


Markuu furayna lahaa, "War meeqo saac baa socotaa ..." Wah, 11:30 fiidnimo lee waaye ku dhahay.

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Originally posted by Awlugeeye:



I know all about the Kenyan police and their downright aggression against the Somalis in Kenya. Still it occurs to me that we can’t say that there is an open campaign to harass the Somalis by the Kenyan government and thugs. There is a peculiar array of habits and attitudes by the Kenyan police solely reserved for the Somalis.I hate to chuck the truth under the nearest waste bucket I can find, but to accuse the Somalis who are in authority for the mistreatment of their breathren is a little over the board.


There could be subtle unintentional lack of support from this leaders, but I am sure that many Somalis would look out for the welfare of other Somali when in the environ of outsiders.But behind these solidarities would always lie a human selfishness of not caring about something that doesn’t affect you.Unless you are shipwrecked in an incident you wount take a look at the world that surrounds you.I am sure that if those Somali leaders you are talking about walk in the streets of Eastleigh at night they will definitely be stopped by the police.


For one I will agree with you that they as leaders need to step up to the plate and help the Somali guests(although I doubt if they can be called guest any more having lived in the country more than a decade).In personal opinion I think the Kenyan government have really helped the Somalis .

(Socoto) Awlugeeye,

Agree, Kenya did help the somalis and as the result of that Kenya reaped the benefit too. We all know somalis helped boost the economy. Bringing in cheap and affordable household appliances, mobile phones, TVs, helped cut down unemployment and so on. A police man can get a month's sallery in just one day by nicking a waryaa from the street for not having his/her paper (kabanda) in order. So all in all who stup1dly would want to kick these rich refugees out.


Taasi waa taas, ta kaleto I haven't accused somalis who are in authority for the mistreatment of their breathren, rather I am criticizing them for not doing enough for their fellow somali. These somalis in the government, in the police and in army should do more to stand by their fellow somalis and to protect their interests in this country.



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