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These guys got Joke

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Waxaas ayaa ku leh dal aan maamuleynaa.


And what is he trying to say hortaba? Maskaxdeena wey madowdahay suu jirkeena u madoowyahay? Haddaan ummadaha kale (probably Carabta iyo wixii lamid ah ula cad) wax ku darsanana (guursano, iska dhalno) waa caddaaneynaa?


Ilmo cad cad my behind.


Iskaandineefiyaankii aad u cad caddaa ayaa Iswiidhan ku indhobeeliye u maleynaa maadaama uu meeshaas deganaa. :D Wiswis ayuuba ka qaaday jirkiisa.

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^LOL@Wiswis.It made me laugh Walaahi.I think ninka kale uu soo dhaweenaya and saying let's accept him or what not.You know how somalis have wiswis towards dadka dhogarta cad una maleeyaan wada gaalo.



Taloow,What's the other guy saying in Arabic ?

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^^ He is probably telling the bothers not to be too hard on themselves smile.gif .


Even though he is joking I wonder how come the Somalis dont get female arab mujaahidaat it would have atleast motivated men like the honourable sheikh to fight more enthustically. Then we can savely say the way to a mans fighting is spirit is through his ******.

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