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The Tigre Crackdown

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The cit of Xamar may have been under oocupation but the past few days the situation become even graver. Since the news outlets have been shut down, the current massacares being commited are going unreported.

Yesterday alone the Ethopian soldeirs being led by Somalis have taken over 90 persons from their homes and no one where they have taken or even if they are alive.


Their policy has become shoot to kill, any person, weather men, women or chidlren are being murdered if they try to venture out of their homes or refuse to leave the city, Shabelle have puplished the pictures before it was closed down so u can only the situation has become even worse.


The world media chose to ignore, as they always have done.


I know we Somalis have our differences, but never in our living memory has a foregein force terrozied the Somali people, expect of course the O.Gadenia region, shame on us for ignoring their plight for so long, but now we have a little taste of what it feels like to be under gumaysi.


There is long way to go before Somalis can reconcile with each other but there must some unity against the evil that is happening today otherwise we could find ourselves being phylogically targeted even in the comforts of the west .. Ethopia rules by fear and if we let them carry out their plans that fear will surely to each of us. We may reach the point where one has look over their shoulder before they dare critisize.

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This is called "Divide & Rule" Sxb...I'm sorry to say this but for me dadkii dhulka lahaa wey geeriyoodeen oo waa kuwii dhulka markii horeba gaalada ka xoreestay...marka maanta Soomaaliya waxaa isugu soo haray CAADAQAATAYAAL iyo kuwo aan damiir iyo diin midna leheen...


dadkii ayey kala dileen oo waxey nookala qeybsheen qoys qoys ilaa aan gaarnay maanta heer ay kuwo naga mid ah ku farxaan xasuuqa lagu sameeynaayo maatada Muslimka ah ee Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Muqdisho...soomaalidu waxey ku maahmaahdaa "Ninkii Walaalkii Loo Xiirow Soo Qoyso Adiguna" meaning if you watch and enjoy the current genocide in Mogadishu...soon or later you will be the next after all Ethiopians don't give a damn which tribe you belong as long as you're Somali you're on their hitlist...



Don't despair soon or later all these traitors and their Ethiopian masters mid mid ayaa dhagta dhiiga loogu dari doonaa...mark my words...this is the beginning of the end of Ethiopia as we know Insha Allah...



Peace, Love & Unity.

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