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Sheekh Yuusuf


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You're right, that was rude and vulgar. Its difficult not to be to this outpour of...of...nonsense by grown up men.


But I'll retract it nonetheless.

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Emperor...I saw mostly here in the west and there was a sizable non-Somali community especially in our capital, but we are digressing from the main point here as the marriage of Somalis to foriegners is not issue at hand but rather the presence of people with diffirent faith than ours. They always lived among us and will continue to do so in the future. Obviously, this might be shocking and completely undesirable for Somalis who would like to think Somalia is one homogenous society.

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^^The presence of Non Somali or foreigners with different religion or cultures have never been popular in our country in it's hey days, having said that It's not so suprising to see them than seemingly one of your own behaving differently in the country. It's a reality coming us which I don't deny but whatever they may be, foreigners or non foreigners they will have to adhere and respect the rule of law and the culture of the country as we do in any foreign land.


Somalia is my country and will not let it go easy, Im not fan of these tolerance towards such notions and the idea of having Somalia as Multicultural and religion. I can see that picture coming to my head, and is killing me... that my honest

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^^^^You are entilted to your views, but Emperor how do you reconcile your views with the fact that it is multiculturalim that allows to thrive in these foriegn lands?.


And just how much could really do about Somalia. It is already slowly populated by Oromos as Somalis continue to flee their homeland.

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^^Oromos are Muslims, remember what Im emphasising on is Islam.


You present a supposed fact of Multiculturalism being a path towards a thriving and succesful nation, I disagree I believe that is more of a fiction than fact. However, If still agree with you and said that to be the case, I think culture of other Muslim brothers and freinds from across the world could be tolerated given that the respect the law, and that's entirely different from religion and will still help provide to opportunity to thrive. What am agaisnt is the introduction of new religions and completely alien culture in my little TUULO where my grandfather made his prayer knowing that all his neighbours were doing one too..


Again, an American Muslim or from any part of the world is not a problem.

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As long as its a Somali Yahud no problem here. If the guy is Yahud danihiisa ayuu u yahay, isaga iyo eebe mid u dhaxaysa weeye. Anba ma jeclaan lahayn in diintaydalaygu takooro, maxaan marka ana qof kale diintiisa ugu takoorayaa?

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^^The presence of Non Somali or foreigners with different religion or cultures have never been popular in our country in it's hey days, having said that It's not so suprising to see them than seemingly one of your own behaving differently in the country. It's a reality coming us which I don't deny but whatever they may be, foreigners or non foreigners they will have to adhere and respect the rule of law and the culture of the country as we do in any foreign land.


Somalia is my country and will not let it go easy, Im not fan of these tolerance towards such notions and the idea of having Somalia as Multicultural and religion. I can see that picture coming to my head, and is killing me... that my honest

In my views, you are a foreigner in our society, i.e. the Somalis I hail from, only because you believe and sleep with the Ethiopians who invaded our motherland!


Don't be a hypocrite about your core agenda here!

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Sababta ninka fariinta noo soo gubdiye weerar culus loogu haayo ayaan kasi la'yahay. Muxuu galabsaday ka ahayn his right to voice dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa oo shisheeye ka ilaalinaayo.


Soomaaliya goormee dal 'multicultural' noqotay? Mise dalalkii Galbeedka aan ku raagnay ayaa been noo sheegtay?


Warka meesha la keenay aan usoo noqdee. Warkaan aniga ma aaminsani, mana u dhawo credibility wax ah, oo Yahuud maanta Xamar degan ayaaba iska yar.


You want a little proof? Read below.


He speaks nostalgically of back when “the government used to have control” of the Islamic courts, and daydreams sometimes about returning to Yemen — where there are at least “more Jewish people”. But he knows, he could never leave his mother (presumably, alone) in Mogadishu.

They, and along with that purported person, write this. Soomaaliya does not have a central government for almost 17 years, yet they said the purported guy is a 19-year-old who longs and dreams "the government used to have control of Islamic courts."


So, markuu dagaala dhacaaye, this purported man was only, we assume, two or three years old toddler. How can he long "nostalgically" the days of the government?


Beenta meesha ka socoto ayaaba igu daran maalin caddeey.


And intee Maxkamadaha iyo dowladaas Kacaanka isku arkeen? Mise waxee ka wadaan dowladaas used to control, spy on some wadaado waagaas jiray?


And if this 'government' laga wado dowlad ku sheega Baydhabo deganayd, they never controlled anybody, not themselves.


There are a few, one or two, sites out there that claim to represent Soomaalis who diinta ka baxay as well; none ever produce names iyo wax la xaqiijin karo, marka this is just another hoax oo run ahayn.


Xataa -- which I absolutely do not believe -- haddee run tahay this purported man to exist, ma'aha in uu Yahuudnimadiis iyo wax loo joogin lasoo shirtago maadaama uu asagaba qirtay in uu Soomaali ahayn.


Soomaaliya iyo Soomaalida degan dalkeena 100% Muslim ayee ahayeen, walina yihiin. Few fara ku tiris that live in West diintana ka baxay, Eebbe ku caasiyeeye have no right to claim Soomaalinimo.


They should forfeit Soomaalinimo as they denounced diintooda suuban ee Islaamka. Muslinimo iyo Soomaalinimo ma kala haraan. Diinta maka baxeen, Soomaaliya ha iska iloowaan, ha iska joogaan dalalkee ku noolyihiin.


I, however, had no problem men like Maykal Maryamo diin aan diinta Islaamka ahayn ku dhashay, oo eed ma laha ninkaas camal. Midka ugu xun waa kan ama tan diintiisa/teeda ku dhalatay ka baxday kibirnimo, jaahilnimo iyo waxmagaradnimo, oo Eebbahooda abuurtay kibir ugu jisaaray kuna caasiyoobay because Galbeekda ee deganyihiin ayee a little macmacaan ku arkeen, oo noloshii la macaanaatay. Kuwaas xaq uma laha Soomaalinimo iyo sheegashadeeda. See diinta ugu caasiyoobeen ayeena bari ugu caasiyoobayaan Soomaalinimo.

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Suspicious about the article.


But lets live and let live shall we.


Placing a number of SOLers as leaders would be interesting indeed!

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Origninially posted by Alle-ubaahne: In my views, you are a foreigner in our society, i.e. the Somalis I hail from, only because you believe and sleep with the Ethiopians who invaded our motherland!


Don't be a hypocrite about your core agenda here!

LOL sxb, why would I want to be a hypocrite, yaa ka baqanayaa anigu nin Laandeera waan ahay, Lafta geela badha adeer maad maqashay, Muslinna waan ahay, Marka I don't have to hide myself or agenda, Intaan ku ogaysiiyo ayaan hadana Sandulle maskaxda kaaga galinayaa Alle-ubaahnow :D


Do you know that I like your character.

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Muslinimo iyo Soomaalinimo ma kala haraan

Widaagiis adigana goormaad surwaalka gaabsatay. Qof kasta ikhtiyaarkiis buu leehay. Haduu gaaloobo asaga iyo Eebihiis u dhaxeesaa. Muslinimo iyo Somalinimo are not mutually exclusive. One could be Gaal and be Somali patriot. This culture of intolerance gotta stop brother.

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Originally posted by Zafir:

che, show him this.
Oh-ooh this one even has a straw. Bonus.


Hi Naden.

Lol, Zafir. Reminds me of the gods must crazy. Did you ever watch it? Hilarious. Get a glimpse.




PS: Sorry I know I am hijacking the topic- intentionally that is.

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The question is now can there be non-muslim Somalis?


That Jew dude said he is Yemeni. So he is not Somali.


I am starting to change my mind now, in my dictatorship, Somali=Muslim.


People from other religions can live in the country but they can't be Somalis.


If a Somali person wants to leave the religion he automatically looses his nationality.

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Intaas waxaa ka hadlaaye. Soomaalinimo iyo Islaanimo ma kala haraan.


Any sane Soomaali person diintiisa/teeda ka baxay/baxday, in my mind, automatically as well can forfeit his/her Soomaalinimo.


Che, surwaalgaabnimo ma'aha, waana i ogtahay aniga iyo reer surwaalgaab inaa isku meel istaageynin, xaalka waxaa waaye qof Soomaali sheeganaaya, hadana diintiisa ama teeda ka baxay/baxday, xaq uma laha Soomaalinimo iyo Soomaaliya in uu xaalkeeda ka hadlo. Never.


Soomaalinimo iyo Islaanimo is [i cannot call 'are' since one yihiin] intrinsically connected one another. Maba dhici karto wax kale. Dalkeena diinta Islaamka universal ka ahayd, still ka tahay.


I have some respect for Maykal Maryama, daljecel, a nationalist Soomaali as such, though Muslim ma ahayn; the reason has to do, as I pointed on that prior post, diinta Islaamka kuma dhalan, oo kama bixin. Kuwa kibirka ugu baxay diinta, ku jisaaray -- kuwaas is another story.


Soomaalis are hardly peculiar when it comes this. Malays in Malaysia follow this; to them, being Malay and Muslim waa one and the same. So are with Bashtus in Afgaanistaan. Just to give a two examples.

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