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Intelligent Design...

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I can't watch the youtube right now for obvious reasons.


Nevertheless this is a very contraversial issue in the states. I kinda feel lil bit bad about the fact that I tend to agree with conservatives and the evangalical crowd on the basic intelligent design thesis that there are supreme power that has a hand in creating life and regulating what we call the natural law (gravity, cosmic movements, as well as the laws that govern the sub atomic interactions) -- a group I strongly disagree in many other areas.


I guess this is one area that one must question the basic premises of evoluation theory -- not diversity nor the reality of evolution but the notion that replaces the supreme being with natural selection as the creative power that's behind the life on this universe as we know it.


There is a good book that goes by the name of Darwin on Trail -- very popular book that touched the nerve of the neo-Darwinists of the day, the big cats like Dawkins and J. Gould of Harvard.


What Phillip Johnson does, that's authors name by the way, is he gathers all the scietific evidence that underpins the evolution theory, and proceeds to dismantle them one by one and the end of the book he proves that based on what we know no one can't take the role of the the said Supreme Being out of the creation process. He doesn't prove that God has a hand scientifically if you follow my cantrabaqash.


Interesting stuff all around.

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