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Somali girls coming of age are caught in cultural tug of war

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Originally posted by Continental Batchelor:

Do you think the Somali Sista's are adapting to this western culture Flying-Still?.



I do...but there are sisters that stick to their religion. And alot of people can't make the distinction between religion and culture. Its always good to take the good in both cultures with out messing with your diin. ya feel me?

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Continental Batchelor that is good Article i got it from friend of mine and mansha'allah i was so proud of them sisters.. i hope both of those ladies stay dat way for ever.. and yes alot of have hard time livin here coz when u came here at a young age and u see all ur friends doin this and dat it is easy to change and just start becomin one of dem.. n as flyin still said there are some of them who mansha'allah stick to their religion..


Continental Batchelor.. i wouldn't say alot of the brothas are dat bad.. atleast not as before. and mansha'allah they are changin.. but i like the idea to open up some sort of psychological analysis clinic for mentoring their behaviour...if u n lucky need help holla at me since im majorin in psychology i might help u with the lil i know :D


lucky yeah smell the roses hahahahah lol.. ;)

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^^^^^GirL what heLL are you guys taLking about? SmeLL the roses?What roses---somebody fiLL me in asap!

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I was raised here since I was the age of four. I knew that I was different from all the other people because I was muslim. I felt like I was the only muslim but that made me strong cause I loved wearing a hijab and wearing skirts. They looked so cute on me.


But anyways, there are some who can't cope with the change. They try to "blend in" and in the end they feel that "covering up" is not neccessary. Which brings me to the fact that Somali's are changing, but I believe if they keep their heads up and don't let "western culture" get to them then they will do just fine. Now as flying-still said there is a difference between culture and religion.


They can be covered up and still participate in gym. They can talk about boys and make-up after all we still women. But just cause we try-out for a team or watch a soap opera doesn't mean we not religious. We just gotta balance it out, na mean? I'm not saying go infront of guys and wear shorts but you can wear tracks and be with girls.


Well I said enough. I'm just gonna leave my mark as always. Tottles!


.:peace n luv:.

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