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To be or not to be....

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Okay going on from that previous tread "what turns you on in a man?"


I know that everyone has lists about what they would like in a potential partner, and its so easy to say oww let me see. tall, good looking, blah blah, good shoes!! (Come on he can always buy new shoes)


Anyway what i wanna know is would these mental lists evaporate if you met someone that did not meet anyone of your supposedly "essential" aspects.


Or would you never meet say a short guy because well he is short and you could never consider him potential partner.


So what iam asking is(in a drawn out way but better late that never) How flexible are you with all these requirements?

Would you discard them all if you met someone that proved to be inessential?

Or would that simply not happen because your determined to meet your "standards" that you set.


Okay share your thoughts ppl of Somalia.

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well to tell ya da truth destiny works in mysterious ways list or no list namean... but i guess if ms.wrong came to me witha right mindframe,shyt will be ofda shizzy........ :D:D




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These days, I'm not too fussy about the looks, the intelligence, the height or roundness of the woman of my dreams. Because she's just that; The woman of my dreams. She changes everyday(last week, she was the shop assistant at my local M&S). I'm of the market but there is no harm in window shopping from time to time, you get me? :cool:

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^ Interesting..., This is a honest question! think your wife does alittle *window shopping* of her own? me an unrealistic romantic..but i would looooove to believe that once a person is married thier partner is thier dream catch..heh


To to orginal question at hand..

Would i discard THE standards if i met this inessential person..umm...yes..i would...attraction is a very.. loose thing.. a person whom you never thought about before..could someting else..once you get to know them and find them compatible..

So..i would say they are rather flexible..but the limits are naturally the persons level of Iman, and his Deen and .... bieng a bit vain.. Hieght...being married to a short brother wouldnt just work..(short as in nything smaller then 5'8)i am not planing on being the circus couple.


Peace in The MIddle EAZT !!!!

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Qac Qaac   

Am I applying for a Job?... maxaa waaye the list. just for me to pick one woman, i have pass all the criteria... don't make something easy so difficult. isku fududee, and u'll see u'll pass all your friend to your man.

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