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Your Family Opticians: e-Nuri Brand is rolling out!

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Nurtel Corporation 2003




Nurtel Opticians (e-Nuri)

Where beleiving is Seeing



As a response to Brother DARMAN and other brothers like Entrepreneur, and sisters like Rahiima dn Raxmah, who have encouraged me to open my business on this SOL site, here is the first imaginitaive production for this season, exlusively on Somaliaonline. Others will follow inshAllah.


After successful business launches in the area of Navigation maps, Fine foods and consumer electronics, such as the Roadmap to Paradise, iimaan calculators and the Hasanaat Restaurant, We are happy to announce yet another intersting business venture to address an accute visionary need for the Somali Nomads worldwide.



Many Somali Nomads who have migrated to the west since the great Nomadic uncivil wars found themselves confined in a three dimensional world comprising of walls and apartments, living like birds in contrast with the open green savaanah pastures, camels and the blue skies, instead, these Nomads are placed in boxes known as apartments, hooked to TV and the Wide World of Walwal, staying up all night blinded with the glitter of lights emanating from the automobiles, TV Computer terminlas, street lights and the list goes on and on. Add to this the amount of reading a Nomad is turtured with on a daily basis which took the place of the Nomads pure oratory curriculum. All these new changes in the lives of these Nomads have caused a severe vision problems that severely impaired their perceptions, and forced many Nomads to use the wrong glasses and frames of reference to view the world around them and as a result added to their misery and pain as they aimlessly go through life without a definite purpose.


And although these wrongfully prescriped eye glasses make some of them look very scholarly and sophisticated from the outset, deep inside, these camel herders, are suffering from a spilt personality as a result of the double vision their current glasses offer, a love of this worldly glitter and a yearning to their faith and maker, conflicting requirements indeed.


so in recognition of this myopic mess, e-Nuri Corporation has embarked on developing

a unique product line for this market segment, and as a result e-Nuri (A Single Nomad owned and operated Holding Company based imaginatively in the Garas Baalley Technology Corridor) is opening a new business line, on-line @ Somaliaonline to cater to this growing market segment.


In our initial business plan SWOT analyses, we have identified the following Strengths found in e-Nuri Corpporation:


1.A broad familiarity with Nomadic life style as the Chief Execucutive himself has actually herded camels as a kid in the Mudug Baadiye and drank many a Haroob of Fresh Squeezed Camel Milk)


2. Success in selling other products to Nomads like iimaan Calculators, Hasanaat Retaurant, and Roadmap to Paradise. Allahu akbar wa Lilaahil hamd.


3. A well known brand name and reliable products spanning 6 years and successfully proven in Somali and non Somali Markets.



We have also identified the following weaknesses


1. Lack of resources ( specially time, I need your prayers)


2. One man show, company is fueled by a single Nomad in need of Barakah and powerful iimaan engine.


3. Nomad himself suffering from Myopia.


In light of the above strengths and weaknesses, we have identified the following opportunities:


1. Hundreds of thousands of Nomads with vision problems


2. A high rate of return starting day one of the operation


3. The first mover advantage, the first online vision correction service



But, to be diligent, we recognize the following threats:


1. competition by fake vision correctiuon products sold by blind Somalis produced by blind westerners.


2. Complacency of Nomads who do no effort in sharing these good products with friends and family



Our target customers:



Online Somali Nomads (Half Somalis like me included) in all continents, all age groups, tribal affiliations, genders, social status, educational and income levels, who suffer from vision problems.



Our product line:



1. e-Nuri Baseerah line, Allah and Akhirah lenses ( Many designs to be released soon)


2. e-Nuri designer, Purpose of life Frames ( works best with Baseerah line lenses)


3. e-Nuri advanced peace frames (add-on for improving relationships with self, friends and Family)


4. e-Nuri ( Qurrat Acyun) Virtual 3D Day of judgement Visualizer


5. e-Nuri iimaan contacts (to stick to iimaan once found, to be cleaned with tears at night)


6. e-Nuri Kindness Magnifying Lenses ( magnifies needs of less fortunate so you can notice and offer help)



Our product development department is also busy developing new cutting edge technologies to be released in the next three years after revenues

from the present product line start flowing in to make investors happy by paying happiness dividents.



Our locations:



Somaliaonline will be the exclusive point of purchase of all Nurtel Vision correction products. The moderator, Libaaxan-San-Ka-taabte, a brave young man who dares to touch the nose of a hungry lion is an example of the potential of Nomads if they are given the opportunity and challenge. This is a rare opportunity for Somaliaonline Nomads to invite all of their blind friends who are lured to

fake and confusing optician websites so that we do not upset relatively healthy vierwers like sister Lateafah ( she almost lost her vision

after unintentially viewing bad material on this site)


Because e-Nuri owner himself is a nomad ( Garab Rarato) you should be warned that in case Br. Nur senses lack of interest in this ophthalomic business, he can pack up and go to look for a better shopping mall to set up his business, so it is important that Nomads do not pass up this lifetime opportunity. we need to make this

business venture a success, so invite all of your friends, InshAllah we are going to do a lotta vision correction.



Our Customer Service Department:


Our products and customer service subscribe to Ammanah Standards, the highest in the Universe, a standard even the mountains refused to subscribe to for its stringent requirements and rules, but out of ignorance, e-Nuri Opticians accepted the challenge, so help yourself with a better vision by helping poor Nur meet the challenge.



How to pay for this service:


1. You make a lot of dua for Brother Nur

2. You share your new vision frames with loved ones, how cute! they'd exclaim





E-Nuri Visionaries


We show you the big picture, you focus on what counts most!


In case you are curious of Nur's other half linneage, rest assured that it is no Navajo, Apache, or Tibetian, Nur's other half is also Somali, this comment was placed to see if you are a critical reader.

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waaaw, Bro Nur,can I be ur partner with this great business? I also have some good idea to add to increas our business ? huh what u think :D



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OG Girl


Off course you can be my partner, let me summarize for you our e-Nuri Partner Program.


As an authorized e-Nuri Partner you can choose from the following menue of products and services that you can offer your own vision impaired customers.


First Services:


The e-Nuri Vision Correction Service:


As an e-Nuri Certified Service provider, you will be able to set up your business on one of the pages at Somaliaonline, preferably where you have most of your vision impaired customers'




1. Completion of an intensive e-Nuri Diagnostics Exam, your own vision has to be calibrated to match the product line that you are expected to showcase in your location. After reading some of your past responses, I think that you will pass the exam with flying colors, so I encourage you to apply early.


2. Choose from one of the following line of services:


A. e-Nuri Baseerah line, Allah and Akhirah lenses ( Many designs to be released soon)


This line of services are targeted at clinically blind Nomads, they usually stumble on your site by mistake so you have to be careful to help them see better by showing them the beauty of the word , the highest word in your tagline, Allah. Once they focus on that word, they are sedated, now you can sell them other services such as:



B. e-Nuri designer, Purpose of life Frames ( works best with Baseerah line lenses)


After they have underwent a fair exposure of realization of Allah in their lives, then you move on to sell them designer products on your shelf, start with Purpose of Life Frames, your customers would love to try on these frames as they will immediately begin to see farther than their noses, like the reason for being on earth, and beyound, show them (Police Angels sun glasses) if they want look cool and sophisticated. After they put on the Police Angel Sun glasses, they are ready to try on the:


C. e-Nuri advanced peace frames (add-on for improving relationships with self, friends and Family)


Now your customers are looking cool behind the e-Nuri Designer Police Angel frames, so they want to show off to their family and friends, so sell them add-on gadgets like the advanced Peace frames. these frames were designed to improve Nomads realtionships with family and friends, these frames are Sunnah compliant, so you would have no problem selling them, and as a vertical selling sell them the:


4. e-Nuri ( Qurrat Acyun) Virtual 3D Day of judgement Visualizer


Which will show the Nomad that family is indeed Qurrat acyun, and the best way to make the trip to the wonder world of Akhira is to accompany loved ones and make them your helpers on the road, not as an impediments as their current glasses show them when they look at their loved ones.


5. e-Nuri iimaan contacts (to stick to iimaan once found, to be cleaned with tears at night)


Most Nomads need the iimaan contact lenses, they are light, seamless and safe to wear, and at night you need to wash them up with your tears to see things clearer in the next day. And finally :



6. e-Nuri Kindness Magnifying Lenses ( magnifies needs of less fortunate so you can notice and offer help)


Nomads on these pages seem to Narcisitic, they indulge themselves and do not draw their happiness from helping others who are in need or at disadvantage, these magnifying lenses will show them little things that can earn them big profits, like heloing a fellow Nomad come in term with Her Maker, or lending a Nomad some money, or ridding her of her problem or finding her a Good Nomad for a husband.



Let me know when you want to start your business, our Business Development Manager and Channel Support Engineers will be dispatched upon your request.


Note: We have cleared the Ribaless Bank to finance your start up plan, your credit rating is Good.





2004 e-Nuri Consumer Products and Services

Perspectives For A Better Vision

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OK, Nur , u remember once I said I don't read ur posts coz they r too long? Well, I read this one more than 5 times .


The longer I stay , the stupider I get. because I spend too much time simplifying my language in order to be understood, it seems to me that my thought r also getting let me start .


I always think I have some thing very good and every one needs and looking for BUT the only problem I am not brave enought to show what I got to the people in order to sell for them with affortable price.The other reason is I am too busy thinking how to interduce what I have or how to presuade.However I still thinking whom r my targets? what they need most, what they looking for exactly?


ok to explain my point let me share with u this conversation between me and midage guy .


PS: for some reason I can't post all my artical at once so I will post several posts

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From no where he interduced him self to me starding with his name and his nationality .

I did same started with my name... added nice to meet u (his name).after few sentences about weather he noticed I am not intersted talking about bla bla specially with totally starger guy.

So he said:you are doing islamic studies?

my answer was short " yes" then I added I am in share'a islamia.

He said: that nice to learn about the details of our religion ... actually it is important.

I thought he is not waitting any answr from me so I keept silent. after few silent moments , I asked him what is ur career? ( since he didn't look student).He answered : basically I am civil engineer...i had then masters in corrosion science....PhD in engineering....and MBA.....then a diploma in Technology Management......I am now the director of a semi-governmental industrial organization,I am responsible for the development of technologies & business environment for the building materials industry.... I was like waaw this guy most be Lucky guy!!!The next question was, r u married? He answerd:yes I am married.... that happened 15 years ago....I have two beautiful kids, a boy and a girl... all I could say was Masha Allah God bless them!.he continued ..

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as usual....marriage at early age not always right way of true happiness..... however, its the order of God that we follow,

emotions and mind early age they are not mature enough to know which is which


as time goes, one starts to understand things for the first time....but unfortunately, this only happens tooooo late...its the rule of the game in this life....."no second chances"

he keeps talking but this time he got my fully attention , I said can u explain to me ?u r very intrest person .

He said :thank you.......I mean.... as you go in this life you are always faced by two choices...both seem so close and similar......but infact each will take you to a completely different disteny,so one should be so second chances. I was like hmm

and said:

what about if I found I chosen wrong way and I want to correct it ? his answer goes :the time factor......things today are not the same tomorrow....even if they look the same, correction....but just remedi and repair actions,like the make-up old women use to repair the act of time.. I couldn't help but to laught, his example was kind of funny , so I appologized and told him that I found the example amuse.he said :i am glad i made you laugh, by the way how old r u ? I told him 20 going 21 . his answer:the perfect age to dream about tomorrow....and to feel the inner powers of yourself,at this age i used to feel its only a jump and i could reach the sun<-- couldn't understand.I said :to be honest I am confused I don't see the future . he said :I understand.... the culture, the society and the environment put restrictions on the screen..... not because you are a girl....even boys have their own restrictions.I said : but really, there is a lot about being here that sucks,human been with out freedom is just animal, he smiled and said: if you have the full chance to express yourself and choose....what will be your first choice to do? like he hit me in my head .. I did not know what to say!! well finally after hassitation I said: I need chance to make mistakes to learn to develop.

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thats thye dilemma....we live what we have to do....not what we love to do,and sometimes we have our share of blame in in my case..... i am the one who chose to commit myself at that early age,I said but u had the choice right?

I had the choice at the wrong time..... now I don't have the choice although the time is right, the result is the same....1+1=0

..i said how is that ( looking more explanation). he said :

nothing really interesting to live for .... you add things together and the result is empty... he saw question marks on my face so he started to explain: I mean...when you pay too much effort and sacrifices to reach happiness...and you reach nothing......isn't it equal to if you didn't do anything?that what i mean by 1+1=0. I said : well ,well, Allah said In Quraan " he will not waste any one good work..... till end the Aayah" he replied :akeed...and i believe in that..... but at the end of the day i am a simple human being.....I need fuel to go on ...AS I need happiness to build on another happiness,

and for me... happiness has only on foundation....which i didn't find,believe me ...deep inside me I feel the pain of not having the foundation of happiness.the culture we live doesn't allow maturity of feelings,like a small child... he can't ditinguish which is which

I said:hmm isn't sad . He said :nooo... it could be sad if we ignore the facts he keeps talking...feel free to talk and express yourself ... take me as just a sound coming from nowhere...i went far thinking deep inside me as I found this is guy is real me Not the one I want people to know .Suddenly he shocked me again he asked: did you allow lust to control your relationship?

hell no, I am not that kind of person!

he said trying to calm me down :i didn't mean anything wrong.... I was just trying to reach the deepest point inside you to let you talk,and don't be confused,

and plz plz we always say in decision-making, don't think inside the should get out of it to think correctly....

jsut think about the words I said.... think about them whenever you get a chance .

diffenetely i will think about them ..... the conversation is End....

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But his words rings in my head i can't take off from my mind ... he is me real me .... He is well educated , have good job , married have kids and STILL not happy!! he is looking happiness just like Me even thought I have every thing in this life every girl wish for .... very understand father who I don't know where I would be high starder living..going school list goes on ... Ahmamdulliah for that.


So, Nur, what u think about me ? I am really confused I don't know where to start selling my merchadaces they r Hight quality, well known BUT for God Sake tell me how to reach my custmers? Don't we need good advertisemen?

Well answer my Questions and wipe my confusution provide some answers. take me step by step , show me the light . believe me I am good student as I am fast learned. wont be sorry I promise u .


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mansha-allah i like your SWOT ANALYSIS. one question can i buy a share seeing the busines is profitable with 0% risk. :D


you forgot to mention the brand logo (Nuru-diin)

and the slogan (If you cant see things in black and white its about time you checked your eyesight)

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OG Girl


Was that you who lived next to Cag Biciids house in Qabri Daharre?


After reading your case, I think you do need a vision examination of the light side. I do not handle female patients you need to see sister Rahima who apart from the poligamy issue has great vision.



Honey D sis ( aka RHM)



where in Australia have you been , New Zealanders say Australia is an Island, but i beieve it is a continent because it houses someone like you. Whre was i? 222222 BBBBBB ZZZZZ, I just found a freak free time, I hope it lasts a while.




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Honey D


Yes my dear, I am relaunching my business after a long absence, word has it that few Nomads on this SOL board are loosing Vision, and I have a value proposition they cant object to.


My products as you can see we at e_Nuri and associates are targeting the mildly miopic Nomads on this site, and the severely affected, legally blind posters on this site, specially the who want to change the direction of Islam's Express train, to pass infront of their house, since they cant see the trains destination screens, So much business, so little time!




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