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Bill Cosby has more harsh words for black community

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Actually according to malcom x who actually came up with this terminology a house ni****er is a black man due to his position will identify himself to his own identities immolation with the white owner of the plantation.

Considering himself to be higher and better than the other n****ers doing the house work.

So Condi and Powell fit into that category ?!?!?!


Still think that cosby had a point.

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Bill Cosby has the right to so harshly criticize the African American community because he puts his money where his mouth is!


As blacks we need to value education more. And the spread of negative-hip-hop culture has damaged respect for education and hard, honest work.

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Originally posted by Dalmar Hassan Q.:





"Let me tell you something, your dirty laundry gets out of school at 2:30 every day, it's cursing and calling each other n------ as they're walking up and down the street," Cosby said during an appearance at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition & Citizenship Education Fund's annual conference.


"I can't even talk the way these people talk, 'Why you ain't,' 'Where you is' ... and I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk," Cosby said then. "And then I heard the father talk ... Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth."


"You've got to stop beating up your women because you can't find a job, because you didn't want to get an education and now you're (earning) minimum wage," Cosby said. "You should have thought more of yourself when you were in high school, when you had an opportunity."

Conclusion from Mr. Cosby's statement:


-Black Kids are Dirty Laundry (something that is filthy, unclean, unhealth to be around) :confused:


-Black people don't have interviewing skills and they talk ebonics and read ebonics at the university level. :confused:


-Black men are Wife Beaters. :confused:


-Black men are Jobless :confused:


hmmmm, interesting


Mr. Cosby, what roles were you playing in the 70's blaxpliotation films and the movies you did with Sidney Pointer? Did you forget those roles?


What does putting a group of people in PUBLIC

ever accomplish??? Upliftment?(Oh, we just got embarassed in PUBLIC, so we feel much better now and we will aim for higher goals Mr. Cosby!)

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According to Jesse Jackson, churches have been preaching this for a long time. And this is not the first time African-Americans have heard this. The only difference is, this spiel was picked up by the networks. So imagine the disdain of the community, when they are scolded by their own on CNN.


Another thing, there is NOTHING wrong with what he said. I live in detroit, and have heard about what the highschools are like for my friends and it is not pretty. But who is responsible for it? Partly by the parents....and the TEACHERS. Trust me, the teachers don't really care here, why is that? because they dont get PAID enough. you see where this is going.... inner cities are being disenfranchised in more ways that we can't imagine.


On top of that you got kids raising kids.


That's just recipe for disaster.

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What Cosby said was meant strictly for the African American community and was not intended for Somalis.

I thought Somalis become African Americans the minute they swear their allegiance to the dollar , or do they ever?

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Damn, the man is talking to his community frankly and without holding back his feelings. It is true that the black community, whether they are in US or here in UK they're living in illusory life of bling bling, when they're claiming gov't benefit. So what is wrong with saying 'you are all crap, get off your ar$es and do something about it?' I say nothing.


I also hear that he once said, the Klu Klan Klux (the white supremist group) dont have to do anything, the blacks are doing it for them thru drugs and daily killings.


To support Cosby's point, there has recently been a research conducted in the US into the black youth and their behaviours. Unsurprisingly, they found out that the average black boy in the ghettos see Hip Hop and RnB singers as his role model, but not anyone who is into schooling or doing business. That is how bad it is.


I think it is something that should have been brought to light by the black people a long time ago.



P.S. I feel sorry for the Faraxs who trapped in this scenario with the baggy trousers and these days wearing earings. They've come from Gaajo and now look at them! I'm afraid these don't have a Cosby.

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I agree with what Bill said 2000% because I do believe that some blacks are definitely headed in the wrong direction if they are not already there.. Alot of what Bill talked about are things that black ppl need to change.. they need to start paying more attention to their responsibilities and owning up when black pp fail those responsibilities... I believe black men and black women need to start doing right by each other, they need to build their lives and never let anything come in between their union.. Success comes from the outside but what you bring to the struggle for success comes from within and they cant ask anyone else to respect us when they aren't respecting themselves... they cant ask whites for a hand until they extend the other hand...


That being said,


Sadly, there are white people out there who - no matter how versed, educated and professional a black person may be - are STILL going to pass that black person over for the likes of someone more like them... There are still black kids that are going to study from the time they get home until they go to bed - but if he is studying materials so old they are INNACURATE - where is the gain or intelligence in that?? There are still STRUCTURAL issues with racial equality in this country that no matter how intelligent or educated you are black people will not be able to penetrate until whites are willing to let their end go...




If he is going to stand in a room full of people and berate blacks for not doing their part the LEAST he could have done was evened it out.. He should have spoke of the very same structural issues that I just spoke of.. He should have said something about knowing what black people are up against even when they are doing exactly what Bill spoke of... He should have laid blame on BOTH sides..


The "black" issue is not just our issue.. It is an issue that they will only begin to conquer when they BOTH are ready to, when they take a stand or otherwise it leaves one side trying to solve the problem alone which they haven't been able to do since they were brought over here...


Again, I agree with Bill 2000%, I would have just liked to see him spread it all out instead of making blacks feel like they are the white mans "equal" and black people just choose to have nothing...

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