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Have u told someone that .......

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I caught a glimpse of a show

tonight called 'elove' and the couple

met up after talking for a while.

Anyways, the poor sap planned a romantic getway

for this women that flew 2500km/miles for him.

Things are flowing nicely and they look to be having a great time, but the young lady

appearance to be 'unromantic', 'unintimate'

with the poor sap (guy).

So my man is catching these mixed vibes.

Anyways, on their second night at their romantic trip/getaway, the women tells the guy that

she likes him as a 'FRIEND' and not





But she sticks around for the trip

and enjoys the ride/trip.

(She looks to be having a great time with him

but just as a 'FRIEND'! :rolleyes: )



when my man leaves/drops her of at the airport

she starts to ball out/cry.


Well, question came to my head,

has any nomad done that to someone before.


Told someone that u only liked

them as 'friends' or 'just wanted to be friends'




They GREW ON YOU and you started to fall for them

but b/c of your earlier words,

you don't know how to approach them now.


People do GROW ON YOU kinda like a Virus.


If you are not physically attracted to a person

at first sight but the more time u spend with them, u develop an attraction.



What do you do? What do u tell them?

How do you approach the situation?


And if you are on the other end,

would you stick around with the person/feel attracted towards the person after they told

that you were 'unattractive' to them?

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well brotha khayr since no one is brave enough to interject this matter, u got the unfortunate luck of getting a response from rudy@lol!! dont worry women will cry on every lil thing! its their nature!Lol! even if they cry, it dont mean they love yah! women just shed liquid when trouble comes! its like a clowns tear drops! its fake!! :eek:

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Bro....I also have sometimes seen the show ur refering to....and u have to understand, these ppl only talk via internet, therefore its hard to say whether they will like each other in person, i mean -have physical sometimes one party feels it and the other doesnt...sometimes the men don't like the women vice versa....i dont like how u implicated that she stuck around for the trip, making her sound like a golddigger, the point of the trip is to see if both of them like each other...and need i remind u that she paid for her ticket, therefore she too has invested something in the meeting....


anyways, nothing wrong with her sticking around and enjoying his friendship, even if a romance btw them is impossible for the u said, ppl can grow on u...but for the most part, if u are not attracted to the person initially, its hard to become attracted to them later, but it does happen....


those ppl that are told that they are not what the other individual is looking for...they should cut their losses, instead of waiting around like puppies hoping to get noticed...


I personally notice the men having a harder time letting go of an infatuatuion they have of a certain woman than the other way around...lesson the brothas is...if a girl says she wants u or only sees u as a friend, ur likely to stay in that stick around if ur truly sincere in developing a friendship, or hit on the next xalimo and cut ur losses....



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anyways, nothing wrong with her sticking around and enjoying his friendship, even if a romance btw them is impossible for the moment

Isn't that using the person?

Isn't that kind of Selfish,

oh but its being done by the women so its OK. ;)

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No, that's not narrow or selfish, that's called a friendship...after all the person scorned is benefited by still being able to contact the person, although now its on a dif level...the person who says that they are not attracted to the other, has the right to cut all contact, but if one wants to continue a frienship, that's their prerogative.


Also, the one who so called got their heartbroken, isnt a victim but a willing participant...if he or she no longer wants any contact, easy...break the ties and finito!


why ruin what first started off as friends if a friendship is possible after both parties know the other one's views, that's called progress bro, get with the program!


u amaze me with ur neanderthal notions

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