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Posts posted by Polanyi

  1. He is Somali. My blad intelligence servces have even pinpointed his clan. lol. Anyway, the negroe is a self hater. He should bleach his skin. He probably has minimal, if any, contact with Somalis. You will never see him eating baris with his hands at the local makhi.

  2. no, it's my way of telling you folks am single.lol.


    I just remember these cadans i worked with for two days(this other somali lad did it for 1 days) doing baggage handling. They would have their food and thought it was funny to fart in those little cars u drive round the airport. akh!

  3. The Islamic Cushitic Cyber Government of bladland today announces that it is retiring from all political service on the net. Bladland has active for five years in standing up for the poor, oppressed peoples of Latin America, Indonesia, SOmalia and all across the globe. Bladland once dreamt that the Somali people will soon unite once again; however, this dream is yet to be realised and the Somali across the globe are still downtrodden as ever. The government of bladland has realised that is futile arguing and debating with other Somalis on the internet. There are no real benefits or changes which come from this. We will be focusing our attention on conributing to the development of the Somali communties in the diaspora, improving the education, the development of Somali Martial arts, researching the ancient history of Somali,spreading love, creating self sufficient Somali businesses,fighting gang violence and increasing the Somali population.

  4. Ibitisam, anigu I support whoever is against foreign intervention of SOmalia and stands for one Somalia under Islam. This is why I supported ICU, but I don't Support Shariff when he crossed to Adiss Ababa. It seems alot of people around here support personalities rather than what these people stand for. That doesn't mean I support everything these groups do. I actually respect Somalilanders more than any other group on here because they seem to have unwavering principles and now what they want. I can't really stand the rest of the flipfloppers though.

  5. Nur case was it? was the saviour of Somalia. Sheikh Shariff was next and some of us were demonised for merely criticizing him. Now Farmajo, the same man who goes and gives presents to AMISOM everytime they kill a hundred SOmalis, is the saviour. You people got nuff jokes. No principles whatsover. Abadan! No wonder Ngonge says Somalis are fickle?

  6. Duke, what makes him any more special or important than thousands he had helped killed via Amisom bombardment in his bid to capture Bakara Market? I don't see anyone saying AUN to them or condemning Amisom here. Infact, the advances AMISOM made along few streets was celebrated widely here even though they had slained many innocent Somalis.

  7. Cawaale, I have no time to read stories from officially braindead puppets like you. Weren't you the same guy who posted a story about Alshabab slicing up a man's body in the heart of Amisom held territory. The source of the story was a girl you had been shukansying on facebook. lol. Just about sums about the level of your intelligence.