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Posts posted by Polanyi

  1. London2010;404567 wrote:
    To be fair to him. about 80% of what Peacenow said was right. We have had cultural influences from Arabs that has just served us very very badly. It's a miserable life and who is to blame....Arabs.




    lol. what a loser. London2010 is peacenow. ha ha.

  2. I was told to describe myself in three words. "Tall, Dark and Handsome" is the best I can come up with.



    I was told to translate for a man at the doctor. I told the doctor the man said, " wind entered his body,his ear exploded, his muscle jumped, `cold entered his body".


    I was asked in an interview: where do you see yourself in five years time? I was tempted to say " where you are sitting, sir".



  3. ^^ Not everyone is from whitechapel like you. lol.



    Multicultularism is an interesting topic. When i was a kid my area had alot of racism and there were only a few sOMALIS. Now, the area is really multicultural(plish, somali, nepalese, pakistani,and every other nation you can think ) and many of the cadans have moved of their traditional areas towards the extreme outer London areas. Nobody says much about this, but, as my white colleague says, " the tensions are boiling underneath". just a reflection.

  4. That would only make Sambus traders fiflthy rich.Imagine: "walaal, meet me near the dariq behind the clan x makhayad. I have a bag full all of fresh Sambus. Make sure no one sees you and bring the money".



    But I am told from bladland unreliable sources this isn't true.

  5. no1.You know when you pop into someone you haven't seen for ages and they say to you, " ohh, ala, i just thinking about you". And I am like thinking in my head, " nah, mate, you weren't, nagada, you were probably thinking about what you are going to eat for dinner, watch on tv, or bills you need to pay, or a girl you need to call". You probably forget I existed.


    Random thought: the other day I was on the bus and this girl was sitting behind me. So the girl is on her phone. Nothing major. But then she does this really annoying thing. Everytime the person on the other line says something remotely funny she says " aaah, ahaaah, lol". aaaaah, lol". Yacni, she is saying LOL. The computersation of human has began.


    Slangna ka warama? I am big fan of slang, mar, mar, dee. There are times when it gets annoying. though Like when this kid said to me, " bare manz are boying me off". Say what?errrrrrrrrrrr.Dowlada Bladland.com

  6. Brother, you can't destroy the pure Islamic tribes of Somalia because you would have to kill yourself( unless your father is not Somali). Secondly, the destruction of tribes would result in the loss of some really talented peole. For example, my subclan is the best Somali clan at designing webpages. Furthermore, it is the Somali tribes who have given us beautfiul cushitic Somali women.

  7. ^^ Well done! Clap Clap! So? It is still a Muslim based charity, no? Muslims are contributing to it, no? The "only black man with a suit in the whole of Milan" who posted the topic is trying to imply that Muslims and Arabs aren't doing anything about the drought and only gaalo are helping. This isn't true. The Muslim Charities forum(UK) met the Somali diaspora to discuss ways to tackle the problem. Saudi Arabia,yes, the evil Saudi Arabia who hates Somalis and "ethnic SOmalilanders" donated 1o million dollars to the WFP to help with the drought of Somalia. There are penty more examples I can give, butYou are playing his cheerleader because Arab governments don't support your Somaliland god. And he just hates everything Islam and Muslims, hence why every issue, even people donating to a drought becomes a point of attack against Arabs.Let's get to the point here. Stop hiding behind starving people. The starter of the thread loathes Somalis more than the most racist Arab in the world. That's why he refuses to serve them at shops and calls for the mass sterilisation of Somali women. Bladland aint having these crocodle tears!

  8. Horn of Africa - Drought Appeal

    Update from Somalia - Muslim Aid is on the ground delivering aid




    Muslim Aid began distribution of emergency aid on July 10 in Mogadishu, handing out food packs, water and kitchen utensils to around 1000 people on the first day of distribution. The first stage is targeting IDP camps in Mogadishu and Afgoye corridor, a region of Somalia with already alarming high numbers of internally displaced people. After Afghanistan and Iraq, Somalia is the third largest refugee-producing country in the world.http://www.muslimaid.org/index.php/what-we-do/current-campaigns-live/horn-of-africa




    Gulf Arab countries and Muslim charities have given millions of aid to Somalis. Maybe you should some reading and stop making retarded posts?

  9. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;730534 wrote:
    Are Pete Sampras and Boris Becker still playing? How about Steffi Graf and Arantxa Sanchez Vicario?



    Maya, Maradonna is playing.