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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Big Government, Bureacracy and market intervention are the stuff hyper-liberals fanatasize about in their wet dreams. Most ordinary people, on the other hand, care about taxes, jobs, schools, immigration, etc. Somalis mainly care about two things: asylum issues and social security. How will tories tackle this issues and will it benefit Somalis?
  2. So what is the general consensus here? I take it most Somalis are split between liberals and laybar?
  3. Polanyi


    ^^The average life expectancy of a Somali Male is around 50. So,for the skinny niggers, there is no time or money to waste on being healthy. I drink fizzy drinks, but I would probably give a good long distance race to most long distance county runners. So would my third granfather. Genetics, baby, baby. You are right about the shirt though. A damn shame.It would have been good to redistribute some money back to poor from the extortion of timajilics. ASWRB. good day.
  4. Polanyi


    ASWRB. If someone brought a fizzy drink from a timajilic cornershop and when they opened the drink it somehow splashed all over their ironed white tee, can they sue the shopkeeper for gross damages to personal property? Is the person entitled to a refund at least. The person didn't shake the drink or anything. It is entirely the fault of the timajilic. If not, would it be lawful to go back and have a go at them just to make up for looking like a clown with humoungous brown marks of his whitetee. :confused:
  5. Originally posted by Cawaale: Laba nin oo fadhi ku dirir ka daallay, go'aansadayna in ay TV-ga la tagaan to to have a wider audience! This was an academic Islamic discussion on the permissibility of destroying places of shirk. So don't belittle it if you have nothing to contribute. I actually think the brother did a good job exposing the Qadariyah fella and the latter embarrassed himself by claiming that videos showed bones being exported for business incentives, lol.
  6. I guess there was something true about the mole tag after all.
  7. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: So why is Shabaab better than AMISOM if they shell civilian areas too? AMISOM shelled far off areas in which there was no record of Islamists fighters. Most Muqdisho residents know that their shelling is indiscriminate and AMISOM has no regard for civilians. Alshabab and XI, on the other hand, launch mortars at specific military targets, but sometimes their fighters miss and civilians get caught up . Both are wrong actions, yet there is a difference between the two for those with intellect. This was understood at one time by your cult hero Shariff: Monday, 29 September 2008 Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) The Presidents of the African Union (AU), Uganda and Burundi The Secretary General of the League of Arab States The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Heads of Concerned region and international human rights organizations Your Excellencies: As you have been following the latest crisis in Somalia, I regret to inform you that for the last week, AMISOM has been using tanks and heavy artillery indiscriminately against the population of Mogadishu. As a result, according to the latest estimates, over 100 people, including children, women, and elderly have been killed; more than 300 others have been wounded, and about 3000 have fled their homes, where the Ethiopian troops and the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) militias have been looting their homes. Before this time, committing this type of massacre has been limited to the Ethiopian occupation troops and the TFG militias. However, it is now apparent that AMISOM is also adopting this evil practice. The latest carnage is a clear indication that AMISOM is assisting Ethiopia to achieve its objective of occupying Somalia and denying the Somali people their fundamental rights of life, liberty and property. AMISOM spokesman has claimed that the troops were defending themselves from the attack of some insurgent group(s)!! But the available evidence regarding the directions and the distance of the shelling does not support this argument. It is obvious that AMISOM had used unnecessary force and targeted heavily populated quarters and markets far away from the fighting area(s) which can only be taken as a deliberate mass killing. Since AMISOM had not come with the consent of the Somali people, lately, we have been spending a significant amount of time and efforts to convince our people to accept AMISOM as a peace keeping force, but the latest terror has seriously damaged the image and the mission of AMISON in Somalia. Moreover, it will most likely have a profound negative effect on the on-going UN brokered talks in Djibouti. We consider this AMISOM action as a war crime; therefore, we urgently request the UN as well as AU to send an impartial fact find mission at the earliest possible time to investigate these atrocities and swiftly bring the culprits to justice. Shaikh Sharif Shaikh Ahmed Chairman, ARS Oooooh, and AMISOM are occupying invaders.
  8. Originally posted by Raamsade: quote:Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: So why is Shabaab better than AMISOM if they shell civilian areas too? Because Alshaab are Muslims and AMISOM are supposedly Kufars. It is OK for Muslims to kill other Muslims but apparently not Kufars. As much as I and other Kufars may disagree with this sentiment and deem it hypocritical, I must concede that it is at least consistent with history. More Muslims have been killed by other Muslims in the past 100 years than by all Kufars combined. As soon as Mohammed died the swords came out and Muslim on Muslim violence has become the pattern of Islamic history. Nothing has really changed. Don't hold your breath for "peace loving" Muslims to stand up against violence by their own coreligionists. Once again you show how much devoid of logic you are. Then again, this is not suprising given the fact that this nonsense is coming from someone who once said Muslims are commiting shirk because they also "believe in prophets". FYI, the actions by Alshabab have been the most condemned by Somali Ulema and this is way more than any condemnation of AMISOM. Furthermore, the condemnations given out against Alshabab by fellow Somali Muslims is also way more than any dished out to AMISOM. How many people condemn AMISOM on this forum visavis AMISOM? Secondly, you display ignorance of Islam when you claim that it is ok for Muslims to kill each other, but not kuffars. Open any Islamic book on Jihad and you will find entire sections dedicated to the sanctity of "Muslim" blood. Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf is considered to be the one of the most brutal Islamic leaders in history because he killed so many Muslims. The Khawarij are considered to be the most evil group because they shed the blood of fellow Muslims. Likewise, today Alshabab and Alqaeda find to hard to gain support from Islamic Scholars because many percieved them to be killing fellow Muslims. I can't recount the number of Islamic conferences in which they were condmened for being perecieved as people who revolt against Muslim rulers and civilians. Alqaeda was being condmened by Saudi Scholars in the early nineties, and this is way before they struck in the west. Of course, you would have known this had you done research on these matters, rather than relying on the western media. The very reason why Alshabab is becoming increasingly hated by certain percentage of Somalis is because they are percieved to be killing fellow Muslims and not invaders( the support for them was stronger when they were fighting ethiopians). So, in a nutshell, to argue that Alshabab is being condemened when, in fact, they are the most condemned Islamic group, is a complete and utter bogus argument, which is driven by someones anti-Islamic prejudices.
  9. Originally posted by Haatu: quote:Originally posted by Kashafa: Haatu, Xamar will fall inshallah very soon, taas la iskuma hayo, abti. It's a matter of when, be it days, weeks, months, or years. Constant progress is the name of the game and concrete accomplishments are the cement to the foundation of the Mujahideen's national dominance. Now, unlike my opponents on this forum, oo uu bartay inay iska hadlaan oo iska butacaan, I will provide evidence to back up my assertions of the Mujahiden's steamrolling momentum and national dominance: This just in, Roonir-good in Shabelle Dhexe falls to the Sons of Somalia: quote: Maamulka Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ee Gobolka Shabeelada dhexe ayaa sheegay in Ciidamadoodu Saaka lawaereegeen gacan kuheynta Degmada Roonirgood ee Gobolkaas. Waaliga Xarakada Al-Shabaab ee Gobolka Shabeelada Dhexe Sheekh Bukhaari Aadan oo Maanta Saxaafada Shir jaraa’id u qabtay ayaa sheegay in Ciidamadoodu saaka ka saareen Degmada Roonirgood Maliishiyaad uu kutilmaamay ******** qaswadayaal ah oo is aruursaday. Not a day passes by without the news of the liberation of yet another Somali degmo or magaalo from the bandits of the Ethiopian-funded, Ethiopian-armed, Ethiopian-directed clan militias.(which you support, correct?) Today, the people of Roonirgood will join the rest of their Somali-Muslim people in 10 provinces and across hundreds of thousands square miles by sleeping in peace and waking up in peace, secure in the knowledge that their sons, their daughters, their wives, and their wealth are all protected from dhil, dhac, and kufsi by the Iron and Blood of Xarakatul Shabaab Al-Mujahideen. And they are forever grateful as this young brother shows in (0:58 to 1:20) Sxb, the Khawaarij days are numbered. As for who I support, I support dowladnimo, kala dambeyn iyo isu tanaasul. As for you sxb, I suggest you make sincere taqwa and head for Damaj where you may learn from Sheikh Yaxye and come back to the Jamaca. Here is the Emir of the Jamaca, So, rejoice: Special envoy Nicholas Bwakira is appealing to the international community for sustained diplomatic and political support for efforts to establish a stable administration in Somalia. After briefing the AU Peace and Security Council, Bwakira said he had been assured by Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, a Somali cleric, that his government would not be religious. " He also indicated that ... on the matter of religion, it would be the government, the State which will outline the policy, not the clerics," he said.
  10. ASWRB: If you are atheist, I accept checques.
  11. Originally posted by Norfsky: Haven't seen Chelkov get an 'ammering like that since before the Gullit days. Arsenal are back in it. Ps Bale had a great game. Dawson isn't World Cup material. Terry has had it. Drogba is a baby. Ferraira is aweful. Dawson is more world cup material than upson and half the useless lumps england use in their games. ps.guys, you need to give this prediction stuff a break. football isn't a science. ps. i forgot to reply to ur pm. (am not him).
  12. wow! what a shock! bale and dawson have to be two of most improved players this season. especially dawson, good to see classic wing play back.
  13. plagiarised version: Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Muwaadin U Dhashay Gobollada SSC eeh somaliiland Oo Caawa Toogasho Lagu Dilay Magaalada Boosaaso- Lasanod Online- Friday, April 16, 2010 Laascaanood,(Lasanod Online)-Waxaa caawa lagu dilay magaalada Boosaaso muwaadin u dhashay somaliland isagoo dilkiisa ay ka danbeeyeen rag hubaysan. Marxuumkan oo aan magiciisa naloo xaqiijin ayaa la toogtay xilli uu ku sugnaa meheradisa oo ku taal badhtamaha magaalada Boosaaso. Dilka marxuumkan ayaan hada la ogayn cida gaysatay balse dilkani wuxuu dabada ka raacayaa dilal isdaba jooga oo dhawaanihii ugu danbeeyay loo gaysanayay dadka kasoo jeeda Gobbalada SSC eeh somaliland ee ku dhaqan magaalada Boosaaso. Marxuumkan caawa la dilay wuxuu la hayb yahay marxuum Cabdilaahi Qudhac oo isna waqti aan sii fogayn lagu dilay magaalada Boosaaso. Dilalka isadaba jooga ah ayaan ilaa hada aanay wax wara kasoo saarin maamulka Puntland iyo kan Boosaaso. Wariye: Abdiqani I. Goox admin@lasanod.com Xafiiska Wararka Lasanod Online, Laascaanood. Original Post: Bosaaso,(Lasanod Online)- Waxaa caawa lagu dilay magaalada Boosaaso muwaadin u dhashay SSC, isagoo dilkiisa ay ka danbeeyeen rag hubaysani. Marxuumkan oo aan weli magiciisa naloo xaqiijin ayaa la toogtay xilli uu ku sugnaa meheradisa oo ku taal badhtamaha magaalada Boosaaso. Dilka marxuumkan ayaan hada la ogayn cida gaysatay balse dilkani wuxuu dabada ka raacayaa dilal isdaba jooga oo dhawaanihii ugu danbeeyay loo gaysanayay dadka kasoo jeeda SSC ee ku dhaqan magaalada Boosaaso. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in Marxuumkan caawa la dilay ay isku jifi hoose yihiin marxuum Cabdilaahi Qudhac oo isna waqti aan sii fogayn lagu dilay magaalada Boosaaso. Dilalkan isadaba jooga ah ayaan ilaa hada cid loo qaban, wax hadal ahna kasoo saarin maamulka Puntland iyo kan magaalada Boosaaso. Wariye: Abdiqani I. Goox admin@lasanod.com Xafiiska Wararka Lasanod Online, Laascaanood. Detective Sharmarke Holmes, Islamic Government of Bladland and Moorishland. Have a good weekend folks.
  14. Originally posted by Hales: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/16/world/africa/16somalia.html How comes you monitor these groups? you get lacag incentives or you work 4 free? :confused:
  15. Polanyi

    Clinical Trails

    ASWRB. Medical trials are designed to destroy the feritility of the african race. You have been warned, ya ikhwan. The peruvians( Immortal Techniques tol) are related to Somalis- through the Eritrean branch of the Islamic Jeberti group. Real War(talk in Somali)!Thupaq Amaru, the Native Indians and over a 100 million were wiped out using biological warfare and medical warfare. Go to Adeer google and type "syphilis African American". You will see a dramatic-real life case of biological warfare. Today, it is feared Somalis will take over Britian. Their streets are being flooded with khatcocaine. So, if I were you, I would stay away from medical trials. Otherwise, you will not be able to produce over 12 Somali Melanises Children. Alxamdulilahi Rabilcalameen. Wa Salatu Wassalmu Cala rasulilah! Allahuma-Cazil Muslimeena wa fi soomaal. Allumaizal mujahidina wa fi kuli makan. ameen.Good day!
  16. Will Hold: For the innocent ppl who were cleansed, both this week and in the past, by the African Occupation Troops. Followed by cambaareyn: As you have been following the latest crisis in Somalia, I regret to inform you that for the last week, AMISOM has been using tanks and heavy artillery indiscriminately against the population of Mogadishu. As a result, according to the latest estimates, over 100 people, including children, women, and elderly have been killed; more than 300 others have been wounded, and about 3000 have fled their homes, where the Ethiopian troops and the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) militias have been looting their homes. Before this time, committing this type of massacre has been limited to the Ethiopian occupation troops and the TFG militias. However, it is now apparent that AMISOM is also adopting this evil practice. The latest carnage is a clear indication that AMISOM is assisting Ethiopia to achieve its objective of occupying Somalia and denying the Somali people their fundamental rights of life, liberty and property. AMISOM spokesman has claimed that the troops were defending themselves from the attack of some insurgent group(s)!! But the available evidence regarding the directions and the distance of the shelling does not support this argument. It is obvious that AMISOM had used unnecessary force and targeted heavily populated quarters and markets far away from the fighting area(s) which can only be taken as a deliberate mass killing. Monday, 29 September 2008 Shaikh Sharif Shaikh Ahmed It makes clear that obeying legitimate state authority is an Islamic obligation . This principle applies in Somalia where the current Somali TFG government is based on the consensus of the Somali people and recognised by the international community. It is a religious obligation to recognise the legitimate authority of the government. Ibn al-Qayyim said: "The Religion is not just leaving off outer prohibitions. Rather, it is to fulfill what Allah Loves along with this. Most religious people today don't do this except when it comes to things that the majority of people accept and agree with them in. As for Jihad, enjoining good and preventing evil, giving advice for the sake of Allah and His Messenger to His worshipers, giving aid and victory to Allah and His Messenger and Book and Religion - these obligations don't even occur to them, let alone evoke a desire on their part to carry them out, let alone be carried them out by them! The lowest of people in the Religion and the worst of them with Allah are those who abandon these obligations, even if he practices the most zuhd from everything in this world. It is rare to find from them one whose face becomes red for the sake of Allah, and who becomes angry due to His limits being violated, and who gives all he has to help his religion. Those who fall into major sins are better with Allah than these people." And a trustworthy person told me that Shaykh al-Islam, the leader of the da'wah in Najd (Muhammad bin 'Abd al-Wahhab), once said: "I saw some people sitting in the mosque with their Qur'ans, reciting and weeping. However, they didn't enjoin the good if they saw it and they didn't prevent evil if they saw it. I saw people sitting near them saying: "These are the source of benefit," and I said: "These are the source of disgrace." Someone heard me and said: "I can't say they are a source of disgrace!" So, I replied to him: "They are blind and mute." ( Imam Hamad Ibn Atiq) Ibn Al Qayyim Al Jawziyah also famously said: “So what Din, and what good is there to be found in the one that sees the prohibitions of Allah being committed, His prescribed punishments being laid to waste and abandon, His Din left, and the Sunnah of RasulAllah (saw) being thrown away while he is of cold heart with a silent tongue, a dumb-mute Shaytan just as the one who speaks falsehood is a speaking Shaytan?! Is the tribulation of the Din in other than these, who if their source of food and position is safe, then there is no concern for what happens to the Din? The best of them is the one that feigns and pretends to be sad. If however, a dispute arose with regards to something that is important to him in his rank or wealth he would most certainly spend out and expend and make strong effort in earnest and he would have utilized the three levels of censure according to his ability. [This is in reference to the hadith of RasulAllah (saw): “Whoever of you sees an evil then let him change it with his hand. If he is unable then with his tongue. If he is unable then with his heart and that is the weakest of Iman.” (Muslim)] For these, along with them being removed from closeness to Allah and Allah hating them, they have been afflicted in the world with most tremendous affliction that can be whilst they perceive not, and that is the death of the heart. For the more complete the life is in the heart, the stronger and stronger its hatred is for the sake of Allah and His Messenger and the more complete its assistance and victory is to the Din.” (Ilam al-Muwaqqi’in 2/121) xafiiska Islamic government of Bladland and Moorishland. Jumcaa Editorial.
  17. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Ladies and Gentlemen - introducing Nick Clegg First off, f**k you And the click you claim Lib Dems side when we ride Come equipped with game You claim to be a playa But, your wife voted for me We bust on ethionian boys for life Lib Dems f**k for Life Plus Puffy Brown tryin` to see me weak Hearts I rip Gordie & Dave Some mark as* bas*t*ars We keep on coming While we running for yah jewels (votes) Steady gunning Keep on busting at them fools You know the rules Vince Cable will ask you homie How i`ll leave yah Cut your young as* up See yah in pieces Now be deceased Margaret Tatcher, Don`t f**k with real as* G`s Quick to snatch your ugly ***, off the streets So f**k peace I`ll let them white trash know It`s on for Life Don`t let the Lib Dems Ride the night [ha ha] Bad Boys murdered on Wax and kill Don’t vote for me And get your caps peeled You know, See Grab your voting cards when you see Lib Dems Call your friends when you see Lib Dems, Uhh Who vote for me?, New Labour's son" across the belly, I prove you lost already Brace yourself for the main vote Y'all impatiently waiting It's like an AIDS test, what's the results? Not positive, who's the best? Nick, Gordon and Brown Ain't no best, East London, West London, North West, South, flossed out, greedy I embrace y'all with New Labour Blows up, no guts, left chest, whole parliament gone How could Gordon be garbage? Semi-autos at your cartilage Burner at the side of your dome, come outta my parliament New Labour got this, locked since 1997 I am the truest, name a politician that I ain't influenced Gave y'all Budgets but now I keep my eyes on the Prime Minister With One eyed Scottish fame, kept my name in his politics Check it
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: Give us feed back lads.... Duke, I was only making a commentary based on the body language. Hopefully, the others can update you on the outcome of the debate.
  19. The big dog, the pitbull, the scottish terrier, arrrrrrrrrrrrg, BiG G, Gordon Brown- looks like he is smoking the other two clowns. I am not even going to bother watching it as Big G looks like he has already man handled the Etonian toffs.Body language speaks volumes. Getta the hell outta here man.lolllllllllll Vote Somali Bariis Party.
  20. Originally posted by Voltaire: quote:Originally posted by ailamos: Why construct the second-tallest when they have the $$$ to construct one taller than Burj Khaleefa? That would be the start of a race on creating the tallest building between two desert dwellers who are little (or nothing) off the Stone Age in terms of progress (scientific or otherwise). Totally dangerous endeavour. Not a good idea at all. And you're french, farax voltaire,eh?
  21. ^^ reincarnation of a previously deceased user. different ppl, same spirit.
  22. Originally posted by NGONGE: I have no faith whatsoever in these foolish courts. Is it the dresscode of the judge or something else?