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Everything posted by Geel_jire

  1. ^ that is the part that soured the whole thing for me as well......... i just hope it is political bluster
  2. Originally posted by -Lily-: Freedom fighters do not kill their own, set up road bombs which take innocent lives. I don't think Al shabab are the answer, if anything, they are aggravating the situation even further. They brought beheadings and bombs to Somalia and their particular brand of Islam is questionable. That they are one step above the TFG, a murdering organisation, does not credit them much. ^ reminds me of a recent court ruling in Italy blaming a women for wearing jeans as proof she could not have been raped ... 'they brought this on themselves' mentality does not work. Lily I believe you have the best interest of the common somali at heart unlike some SOLers who are unabashedly pro-xabash and pro-dabo-dhilif. our difference is i believe al-shabaab to be doing the honorable thing by fighting this filth and their dabo dhilif we simply disagree on the methods and to what extent. The success of their tactics is evident as you can see in this post cowering xabash this is evidence the ends justify the means
  3. ^ adiga wax kuu soo dhow ma jiraan ? you are more than one order of magnitude higher on the posting scale ....... cajiib
  4. ^ waxaan ka wadaa ....... why be so excited by the weekend if your not doing anything special you'd think the man was getting married or divorced
  5. What is the obsession with the weekends ? when it is Wednesday this guy at the office calls it mock-Thursday and when it is Thursday he calls it mini-Friday only to spend the whole weekend sleeping dadbkaan waxbaa u dhiman runtii !
  6. Originally posted by Malika: ^Am disappointed yaa Geeljire,why do you need to explain is the Al Shabaab,the new warriors of Somali resistance,maxaa kenee "explain myself" Where is the burning fire,the determination at any cost gone? what explanation are you talking about ?? I make no excuses for Al-shabaab to some of you they might be terrorists but as North pointed out they are freedom fighters and they enjoy good company in the U.S list of 'terrorism'......... shame to see you people parrot the lines of a country that was bombing us less then 2 weeks ago. just in case I have not been clear enough Al-shabaab ha noolato !..... Ethiopia and their dabo dhiflif are the terrorists here !
  7. ^ ma reer jabuuti bad tahay ? (you dont have to answer). I've met 1 aragsan and 3 ugbaad and all were from jabuuti
  8. this is more of a compliment than anything else....... Hamas a democratically elected party is considered 'Terrorists' by the U.S ...... as far as im concerned al-shabaab are in good company. U.S is just like Ethiopia.......... bombing tuulooyin yar-yar in the name of targeting terrorists ...... what they have to say has absolutely no value.
  9. watching the video has a much greater affect.... the man can give an amazing speech.
  10. ^ it is a compliment to be considered a terrorist by the U.S of all governments you might not be aware but Terrorist is just another way for them to say 'Muslim'..... and if you are not even muslim by U.S standards......... then you are hopeless
  11. the man is a master politician ......... probably the only speech by a politician that i was able to listen to in its entirety
  12. what a coincidence this weekend I was at a conference where SEDA (Staged Event Driven Architecture) was being discussed as a solution for overloaded web servers. In conventional web server design when overloading occurs 'load-shedding' (server drops new incoming connections)is used ... but this only happens to connections made after the point of saturation whereas SEDA proposes that if overloading happens all client connections should immediately experience uniform degradation resulting in no single client being refused a connection but earlier connections will experience a degrade in performance. In other words the current system favors those who came first while SEDA is more socialist i.e if there is a scarce resource everyone should be treated equally. Apache is the worlds most popular web server(currently used for SOL) and under stress testing it performs adequately for the 90th percentile which is more than enough for most of the sites....... SEDA is only an option when response time reaches the 1 second range (this is very slow , response time is usually measured in milliseconds) it is a theoretically interesting but almost impossible to implement design as all internet applications would have to be re-written to comply with the SEDA staged event way of handling things
  13. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Nothing much to do but will make sure i'll sleep most of the time ,,,,,, some changes of the plan baa dhacday. I Just Love this now ............ wax weliba lugta ma kula jirtaa ninyahow ?
  14. ^ his full name must have been SAARANE KAMA DEGE....... if that is who you are referring to i know this fellow as well
  15. kk..... hadiiba aad wax dhagaha u laabayso .... wadanka ayaa lagaaga baahanyahay ... dadkii la raadinayay ayaa tahay..... halgankaan rag iyo dumar waa loo bahanyahay inay ka qayb qaataan. waxaad ka caawin kartaa Al-shabaab dhinaca recruitment-ka rag badan baa dhaga si fiican u raariciya markay gabadh wax u sheegto..... bal arinkaan ka waran ?
  16. ^ waa nasiib daro.. jamacadaha xataa in khilaaf la keeno. waxaan xasuustaa dhowr sano ka hor. khilaaf ka tagnaa jaamacada Camuud ee Awdal hada way waa la xaliyay lakin it was a shame on a otherwise excellent institution. jaamacada ka dhisan dalka waa waxyaabaha kaliya ee weli lagu faani karo . hadii iyagiina khilaaf la dhex geeyo waa dhibaato
  17. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Goobjoogayaal ayaa sheegay inay Ciiddamadda Ethiopianka mamnuuceen inay gaadiidka soo galaan ama ka baxaan Degmadda Diinsoor, iyadoo la xayiray dadkii Xoolaleyda iyo Beeralayda ee u foof tegi jirey shaqooyinka. Ciiddamadda Ethiopianka, waxay kaloo farriisimo ka dhigteen daafaha Degmadda Diinsoor, waxayna ilaalo ka hayaan dhammaan Waddooyinka soo gala iyo kuwa ka baxa Degmaddaasi ^ did you miss that ? Is that not a direct result of last weeks beheadings ? where before they walked around arrogantly as if they owned the place..... now they have to constantly watch their backs for fear of loosing their heads *literally* ninkii yaqaan xabashadi ayaa ka warami kara .. fulinaymo waxay ka qabaan in habeenkii musqasha ay ka cabsadaan inay galaan . guryaha dhexdooda ay ku saxaroodan (seriously ) ....... waxa hadafkeenu yahay dharaarta cad inay saldhigooda ku saxaroodaan cabsi darteed !
  18. ....... am i being a bully by picking on little dukey......... mise isaga idiin soo dacwooday......... since it is a petition I will consider it......... no promises though !
  19. ^ last weeks execution is producing the desired result ....... they should not get a wink of sleep.......... thinking 'who's next ?'......... slowly but surely this will pay off
  20. funny somali names loooooooool, all the Somali names you could possibly think of and more
  21. This is just the most interesting portions of an excellent analysis of the situation in Somalia Despite the disillusionment with the process that produced the current Transitional Federal Government (TFG) October of 2004 in Kenya, war-fatigued Somalis, those in the homeland and the Diaspora alike were willing to give the benefit of the doubt to a government formed neither by its vision nor capacity to deliver, but by the clan one belongs to or by the brutal reputation or the deadly arsenal one possesses. It did not take long for the TFG to demonstrate its incompetence. It failed to articulate a new vision and grew more dependent on Meles Zenawi's regime (Ethiopia). Furthermore, it adopted an ill-advised mantra of threat and polarization and failed to set a foot in Mogadishu due to the instability created by the same warlords that the TFG was made of. Despite their lack of good public relations and a holistic view of world politics, for the six months that they governed Mogadishu, the ICU has afforded Somalis, particularly those in Mogadishu, a sense of hope, empowerment, and national pride that mobilized the locals to organize volunteer services to clean the city's mountainous garbage and debris of the devastation. More importantly, after a decade and half of lawlessness, they established safe route for the delivery of food aid and ensured equitable distribution, and they established law and order to the point that Somali women of Mogadishu could leave their homes without the fear of being raped or robbed. Now the current situation; Somalia is under a ruthless occupation that killed 7000 civilians in its first year, created approximately 1 million IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons), and pushed 1.5 million people on the verge of utter starvation thus creating what is officially recognized as "the worst humanitarian crisis in Africa." Author: Sadia Ali Aden
  22. Duke gaalnimo yay ku gaarsiin qabiil difaac waa iga digniin !
  23. ^ enlightening walaahi. raga qaar damiirka ku yar........ xataa ka xishoon mayaan shalay waxay ku hadlayeen maanta inay wax ka soo hor jeeda la soo shir tagaan.......... ragan diinta inay ka baxaan baa dhow.......... siday qabil uga daba jajabayaan kan la yidhaa Duke baa ugu daran xataa waxay gadhsiisay inuu saxaabi uu ku tilmaamo munaafaq.............. horta maalintaas ka dib maba aragee talow ma anigu iga dhuumanyaa ?
  24. ^ if that is the case..........and this happens your stance on the TNG would not change ?
  25. bullet proof stone. the stone fragments caused by the bullet is ten times worse ........ good to see indha adayga keligeen maha