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Everything posted by Peacenow

  1. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH: With a veterinarian for prime minister and butcher for president, Suuqa Xoolaha must be a very strategic capture for the TFG. So funny.
  2. When a very sizable population of Somalis is living out of the cvountry, we leave the risk of being further and further exposed to this inhumane dogs ambition on our land. They covet our land, there is no doubt about that. They are after Zeila in the far north, as that is the nearest port to them. The traitor installed regime in the TFG will no do it, but we must remove at once, every Ethiopian, friend or foe from Somalia. The ethnic Somalis can stay. They others, must be removed by force. Some have even learned to speak Somali, and hide amongst the people, you can't even tell who is Somali or Ethiopian. Require them to have visas to visit Somalia and then issue it very strictly.
  3. Why are Northerners more civilized and have achieved more? Because they are educated. They take it very seriously. Universities are springing up and people are being trained. Siyad Barrer never bothered to invest the money to educate people and the result is all clear. The focus should be on education, 100%, if only rid to the Somali of the clan mentality disease.
  4. A pragmatic approach on the part of Sudan. A very political judgement too, given the present circumstances. The leadership of Sudan is quite impressive. They have managed their economy well, with good policies and they have now good results.
  5. I will not sign it. Somalia is one country and should stay united.
  6. Originally posted by Fresh2Death: Yall scared of him, eh? Getting anything and everything this man for ur own sick reasons.. Let me tell u though, History will tell and show that this man is the hero of every somali person that is really cares for somali unlike others who only support their favorite warlord because of sharing the same qabiil with him.. I have no relationship with shariif hassan or sheiikh Ahamed but they are my heros for being independent minded and care about every somali no matter of qabiil difference... I hope this man don't leave the political game because he got my vote on what ever he do. My sentiments exactly. He is principled. He tells the truth about this so called government being controlled by the Ethiopians. He speaks what everyone knows. He speak his mind and I support him. I hope he becomes the voice of a new party and challenge this puppet goverment and use the good ties he has in Europe to further this. I will be watching him.
  7. Yes, the PINR is a consistently good read. The TFG backers should be made to read this. We have to deal with and find a final solution to the Ethiopia problem, once everyone sees this, then we can work towards Somalia for the Somalis.
  8. I would actually prefer the sthiopians to stay. The longer they do the better chance we will have of routing them. The top leaders of the TFG should then be killed, in the most brutal way. No sympathy. No leader is accetable unless he is Silanyo, Aden the Speaker or Sheikh Sharif. No one else will do. Remember it took the Iraqis a full year to galvanise their people and pick of the Americans one by one. So stay, you filthy ethiopians
  9. Now they reverse their ban. This puppet government is a complete joke.
  10. The TFG should never be forgiven for bringing in the enemy and fight for them against Somalis.
  11. Eritrea and it's people have always been allies and friends of the Somali people. So I don't understand your motive for this. It is also inaccurate. Because, as you know, they were no Eritran troops in Somali at all. While both the Ethiopians and Americans are there in Somalia now in force.
  12. There is no logic to this imperative. They are sending peacekeepers, but there is no peace. There will be no peace, cause this government is not seen to be a government of national unity by the people. So what these people are backing is the further imposing of this group. Secondly, allowing South African troops in, who every one is HIV+ is not a good idea.. We allowing disease to spread in the country. I would accept only
  13. I doubt anyone of you is Somali. You are all dirty Ethiopians. The Somali lion will teach these traitors what will come to them.
  14. Those troops from those countries, they are infected with high levels of Aids. South Africa is 25% Hiv rate. We don't want those kind of troops in our country. The Arabs are out of the picture, the peacekeepers should be from a muslim country. I would suggest Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia or Indonesie to be good candidates. Though Pakistan has been burned in Somalia before, it would be hesitant. They are all though expecting to be paid for it, and that should come from the EU. Whatever happens, a clear separation should happen, between the forces acting like a surrogate army of the TFG, who should be left to stand and fall on their policies or lack of.
  15. They will have to do better than USD16million.
  16. Koshin Mohamed: New Somali Ambassador to Washington. Has been chosen by A/Y. Who is this man? What his background
  17. Give the ***** minister a break, I think he has embrassed himself already.
  18. Exactly look at the size of their economy USD11 billion!!! They have 70 million sharing USD11 billion. That is beggar land.
  19. They can't afford to stay on. Not unless the US is funding it directly. Look at the pitiful state of the Ethiopian economy and how small it is. It is the same size as a small island in the Carribean. They simply don't have the money to fight continusly for any length of time.
  20. This new analysis from PINR is a MUST read but is not positive at all.
  21. The population census of Somalis was in 1975!! No one knows how many Somalis there are, cause they has been no government to carry out a census. Now if they say 8 million today. This is the same figure that been brandished since the 70s. If we have the highest population rates in the world, and the typical family size of 7 children in Somalia. This figure is way way below the current population size. Despite this, the UN Report lists a population size of 45 million Somalis in its Population Report. The more Somalis we have the greater strategic depth we have, so the more Somalis, the better. Angola, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Somalia, Uganda and Yemen expect to have very young populations, with median ages lower than 23 years in 2050.
  22. We have to assasinate the top elechlon in the TFG and replace them with men of integrity. Like the Speaker of the parliament. No doubt, the TFG leaders will be mudered soon because of their heinous acts.
  23. ''If we are going to choice our leaders they should have a clean record. The TFG leaders lack that. And that is something called the truth''. That last sentence says it all. It sure ain't the two master traitors who are there now.
  24. He gave a good interview to Janes Weekly a while back, Opposing foreign troops in our soil. I wonder he is now and how this will effect him. I swear him and Sheikh Sharif are the best we have.