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Posts posted by Taleexi

  1. Markaan diinta sida fiican u baran jirey amaba ku dhex jirey intaanan qalin daarmin, afar hab baa waxna lagu xalaalayn jirey, waxna lagu xaaraamayn jirey:


    1- A'yad quraan ah

    2- Xadiis sax ah

    3- Qiyaas - Analogical reasoning

    4- Jamhuurul culamaa, waana meesha diintu open ended-ka ka tahay ilaa maalinta la wada qaawan yahay, waa dheeraadka in Alle loogu mahadiyo mudan. Teeda kale, labada laamood ee diintu waa caqiidada iyo axkaamta/shareecada, caqiidadu waa lama taabtaan balse sidaan u fahmay shareecadu waxay ku dhafan tahay (function of ) oo isla bedeli kartaa goorta iyo goobta (Time & space), Al Ma'kan & Al Wa'qti. Beryahan danbe sida wax walba oo kale loo bililiqaystay, culimadiina waa la bililiqaystay, qof walba wuxuu ku leeyahay anigu arrintaa ma garanayo waxayse ila tahay, hadda ogow anaana ka kow ahe. Waa la' yaab, amankaag iyo fajac isla socda oo la mid ah; dab dhaxamooday maxaa lagu diiriyaa, dawo bukootayse maxaa lagu daweeyaa. Isku soo xoori, haa meelo suubis lagu dari karo baa jira.

  2. DoctorKenney;910375 wrote:
    The animosity Somalilanders have towards Somalia is alarming. I've spoken to dozens of people from "Somaliland" and I've heard countless rants from them about how "barbaric" Somalia is. And I understand that forcing Somaliland into a Union will cause further animosity between us as a people. They can't stand us, and it's sad to see that.


    But what would you do? Think about the repercussions if Somaliland was given independence. What's stopping the people of Awdal, or the people of Sanaag from "seceding" from Somaliland and re-joining Somalia proper? Wouldn't you think that creating a framework with a decentralized Federal government to be the best solution to this issue? This would at least create some sort of compromise where Somalia stays united but the people of each region can run their own affairs and establish their own regional government.

    Waa su'aal muhiim ah that will hunt down the founder's of SL in perpetuity. Clan states have no end.

  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;910410 wrote:
    I think they are cursed

    Somalis are like both bitter and sweet on the same spot but overall we seem to be cursed. Muxuu yidhi MLK: Darkness cannot drive darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that

  4. If every clan can have its own state is the bitter bill that we Somalis need to manage to swallow; if else, Somalia shall remain one country. No one clan will ever be able determining another clan's destiny thus, SL is a clan project that has almost a zero chance of securing an international recognition with the consideration of all the empirical facts on the ground. There are many methods of addressing ethnic conflicts where mutual trust of the fractured societies can be restored, should we decide to live together, perhaps those models could be useful.

  5. Che -Guevara;909560 wrote:
    Alpha, for all we know, you are Tahir.



    lol@XX, nagadaa dee. Somaliland keeps the South together. I guess you have not paying attention the last decades. The South is busy with itself, no time for anything else. You had 22 yrs to secure independence while the South was killing each other.

    Like northerners are together :)

  6. Ahahahah, war waxaan daba joogo ma aha magaca. Waraaqo badan baan ka qoray reer waqooyinimo xalaal ah inay inoogu badinayso haddaynu koonfur kula wada hadallo balse taasi suurogal hadda ma aha. Fursado badan baa ka lumay reer waqooyi una muuqan mid xalkeeda hogaamiyayaasheennu u diyaar yihiin ... I think sectarian politics will go on for some time to come.


    Teeda kale aniga iyo adeerkay hadda xagga siyaasadda iskuma waafaqsanin.