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Everything posted by Somali_Friend

  1. Originally posted by Nayruus: Mr. DUKE INA SEED. I thought your friends had dictated to you the introduction to military science and you can explain lay people like me how on earth your friends will able to defend the supply lines from addis to baydhaba when 95% of the land these supply lines pass are resided by Somalis and other Muslim ethnic groups. You are disappointing me. Or are you saying your uncle yeey’s cousins will protect these supply lines from raids of Somali mujaahidiin? Convince me how Amxaaro and your uncle will jointly be able to govern Somalia, yaa Duke ina SEED before you brag “it is nearly over”. So now you are counting on the poor people of Jijiga to fight for the supreme leader Aweye. If you only knew the reality on the ground. The demonstration in Jijiga against Aweye was more stronger than any fake and orchestrated demo I have seen on propaganda from ICU. TFG has now connected from south to north through west. What supply lines are you talking about? How about the military genius of Aweye/IndaCadde trying to get foreign fighters from the slaughter house (no kidding) in Kismayo, forgetting they are fighting Barre Hiraale the defence minister. Their reinforcement didn't make it, obviously.
  2. Elias Redman is vice president so he is not the Grand Mufti. I guess you missed that. Its permissible, thats why I clarified the shiia equivalent. Its your choice to have or not to have a Mufti or Gran Mufti syetem of organization. The issue here in the thread and in Jijiga is who took over ICU. Ethiopians seem to know a lot of shiek Aweye and his murderous ways of innocent women and children. He (his group during mengistu days) are also accused of lives of WSLF fighters that disagreed with them. You cannot or No need to introduce shiek Hassan Tahir to ethiopians. That explains the point better. Actually ethiopians have equal knowledge of Hassan Tahir as southern Somalis if not more. You can't "sell" us Aweye under any guise. Period. We are not buying. If you buy his shenanigan, thats your choice, but you cannot force us to buy him under supreme leader or consultant.
  3. Originally posted by Socod_badne: The dog is French Poodle and can not possibly threaten my life despite terribly frightening me everytime I see the damned thing. So being man of civilised disposition, law abiding and reason, I find other ways to alloy my fears. A dog that is prepared to chase you to your living room (IndaCadde to Addis Ababa) is not a joke. N.B. I am not calling anyone a dog, i am just using your example. In most civilized societies dogs are not to be public nuisance by making noise in the middle of the night, barking on children and passers by. The dog also is checked for something else and put down.... The dog who is out of control of his owner is a stray dog and will be taken to animal care centers in the town i live. How about that.
  4. Northerner, Lets not go into theoretical discussion. I give you a practical example that happened two of them: 1. An ethiopian cabinet minister, a moslem, and the majority of ethiopia's federal cabinet ministers are moslems,(take only one for this case), was called to a cabinet meeting and informed that his fellow moslem in Mugadishu has called for Jihad? a. Put yourself in the ministers place and tell me what is the right thing to do, I will tell you what the minister did. b. For this case ignore nationality or ethnic, we are only dealing with a moslem minister in a federal government of a secular regime. 2. A moslem member of ethiopian federal parliament. You have been informed your fellow moslem in Mugadishu (if it matters to you, but it shouldn't)has called for Jihad, holy war or any name, but Jihad. You are asked to support a resolution against him, presented by a cabinet of a secular government. what would you do. What ethiopian parliamentarians did is public information including the postponement by a week.
  5. Originally posted by Nayruus: ^^didn't you write the script for radio jigjiga? I am not that important. BTW this picture and the editorial was written months ago as soon as the supreme leader (Grand Ayatollah -shiia version)was announced with so much fanfare. It was a shock to somali ethiopians who supported ICU against warlords. It gave people that sinking feeling that some imposter has used the people's desire to have peace and order in their lives. A usurper has hijacked somalis in the south. The name Aweye in somali state is associated with many things, but none of them are good.
  6. Originally posted by Socod_badne: This AU is the selfsame organisation that allowed marauding Janjaweed to carry out ethnic cleansing of half million black muslims of Darfur. Now, they give carte blanche to another group on a bellicose course. Are they aiming for perfect record or what? Secod_badne, This is the justification for our self defence: Deeply down in that criminal showbiz were also some side kickers, and floor dancers, Sheikh Aweys, an army colonel in the Al-Itihad destroyed late Somali Army, and his top lieutenants in the current top leadership of the ICU, were part of it, were they willfully wanted, and sacrificially desired the dark destruction of Somali people, and their land from bottom to top! A short time of period the Somali society was completely destroyed, perpetrated by that dark coalition lead, and brained by Mengistu. At least most of us know who paid in blood for that evil plan of ruining, and killing off the Somalis. The innocent Somali people were only victims of this Hitler, and Mussolini minded genocidal killings! Mass murderer Hitler Sheikh Aweys become top leader of the Al-Itihad organization in Somalia we’ve just read how the last plan had ended, now let us see how the other plan from Sheikh Aweys, and his lieutenants’ might take to us. Mass murderer MussoliniThe Al-Itihad group believes that they are making Somalis to be good Muslims. “This is stranger than fiction” Radio Jijiga editorial after the announcement of shiek aweye taking himself the supreme leader of "somalia".
  7. And what do you call this man? Deeply down in that criminal showbiz were also some side kickers, and floor dancers, Sheikh Aweys, an army colonel in the Al-Itihad destroyed late Somali Army, and his top lieutenants in the current top leadership of the ICU, were part of it, were they willfully wanted, and sacrificially desired the dark destruction of Somali people, and their land from bottom to top! A short time of period the Somali society was completely destroyed, perpetrated by that dark coalition lead, and brained by Mengistu. At least most of us know who paid in blood for that evil plan of ruining, and killing off the Somalis. The innocent Somali people were only victims of this Hitler, and Mussolini minded genocidal killings! Mass murderer Hitler Sheikh Aweys become top leader of the Al-Itihad organization in Somalia we’ve just read how the last plan had ended, now let us see how the other plan from Sheikh Aweys, and his lieutenants’ might take to us. Mass murderer MussoliniThe Al-Itihad group believes that they are making Somalis to be good Muslims. “This is stranger than fiction” Radio Jijiga editorial after the announcement of shiek Aweye as supreme islamic leader of "somalia"
  8. Originally posted by Northerner: There are conflicting reports. You mean about Jowhar. Here is what has been reported about Jowhar: At the same time the Beledweyen and Galakayo front is now quieter after former warlord “Mohammed Diri” was welcomed by residents in a warm reception to town. Source told us the task force would now march towards Jahwar leaving a day or two of quiet period. Somalians at last are taking matters in to their own hand and people from liberated areas in this front are establishing a network to connect with their brothers and sisters in towns controlled by extreme UIC elements.
  9. ... destroyed a military camp for the “Jihadist” and extreme elements of the UIC in “Baledogle”. The camp is now deserted and useless.
  10. Ethiopia action in Somalia backed Islamic courts fighter at Mogadishu airport The Islamic militia wants foreign fighters to join a "holy war" The African Union says Ethiopia has the right to intervene militarily in Somalia as it feels threatened by an Islamic militia operating there. An official also admitted the African Union had failed to "react properly and adequately" to the Somali situation. Ethiopian jets bombed two airports in Somalia on Monday in support of the transitional government's battle against the Union of Islamic Courts. Ethiopia's prime minister has said his country is "at war" with the Islamists. Fighting had flared last week between the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), which holds most of central and southern Somalia, and Somali government forces, based around the southern town of Baidoa. Ethiopia admitted for the first time on Sunday its troops were fighting in the country. The UN estimates at least 8,000 Ethiopian troops may be supporting the transitional government. Stabilisation force Patrick Mazimhaka, the deputy chairman of the AU's Commission, told the BBC the African Union would not criticise Ethiopia as it had "given us ample warning that it feels threatened by the UIC". He added: "It is up to every country to judge the measure of the threat to its own sovereignty." Mr Mazimhaka said the international community had a responsibility to support the transitional government. Map We will overcome the Ethiopian troops in our land. Our forces are alert and ready [to] defend our country Abdirahman Janaqow Islamic Courts spokesman Ethiopia's Somali test Q&A: Islamist advance Send us your comments The African Union would meet in two days to discuss the situation, he said. "The African Union must plan to get a force to intercede and stabilise the situation," Mr Mazimhaka said. On Monday, Ethiopian jets bombed the international airport in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, and another at Balidogle, in the south of the country. Two senior leaders of the UIC, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys and Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, landed at Mogadishu shortly after the air strike, a clear sign that the attack there did not disable the runway. The Ethiopian government said it hit the two airports to stop "unauthorised flights", the AFP news agency reported. A spokesman for the UIC, Abdirahman Janaqow, told the Associated Press the Islamists would stand firm against Ethiopia. "We will overcome the Ethiopian troops in our land. Our forces are alert and ready to defend our country," he said. The Islamist group has appealed for foreign fighters to join its troops in a "holy war" against Ethiopia. Somali and Ethiopian troops also captured a checkpoint outside the flashpoint town of Beledweyne. UIC forces then left the town, the scene of sustained fighting on Sunday. There were also reports of heavy fighting at the central flashpoint of Burhakaba, close to Baidoa. Red Cross plea Ethiopia began attacking the UIC across a 400km (250 mile) front line along the border on Sunday. PM Meles Zenawi said Ethiopia was forced to defend its sovereignty against "terrorists" and anti-Ethiopians. Children fleeing fighting in Somalia Aid agencies say all sides must protect civilians "We are not trying to set up a government for Somalia, nor do we have an intention to meddle in Somalia internal affairs. We have only been forced by the circumstances," Mr Meles said. "We want to end this war urgently and we hope that Ethiopian people stand by the defence forces." The Red Cross has urged all parties to protect civilians from harm. Thousands of Somalis have fled the escalating violence, and the Red Cross says the fighting is straining an already weak support system in the country. Red Cross official Pedram Yazdi told the BBC that the organisation was treating 445 people injured during the fighting, including combatants and civilians. Aircraft are taking some two tonnes of supplies into Somalia from Kenya each day in an effort to keep hospitals adequately supplied, he said.
  11. Originally posted by Northerner: Typical xabashi, run when the going gets tough. I hope this is repeated on the battlefield. Northerner, The field is not like the keyboard. Or you are declaring Fartaag moment here on me. I have shown in at least 3 threads why the ICU call to Jihad on Negash was wrong. I have shown what clerics, teachers, shieks, followers and moslem politicians had to go through according to the proper process, validation and procedure of Jihad. If you are still interested let me know, I can link the threads for you here.
  12. Originally posted by mystic: SF You are hallucinating, there is no such thing as AQ. You sound like the typical Islamophobic western. Mystic, We know Alqaeda when we see one. Check Jijiga to see the Aweye terrorists murdering women and children. Ethiopia also has handed arab countries their terrorist citizens captured from Aweye's Alqaeda.
  13. Originally posted by Taliban: Why is the TFG begging the ICU for ceasefire? Incredible how we try to be different yet we are all the same. The opposition in ethiopia also said the exact words of the government. Since when is seeking peace and negotiations being taken for weakness. Is the ICU world a world of rambo under saudi and pakistani garb?
  14. Originally posted by mystic: quote:Originally posted by Somali_Friend: . ICU of course has special powers. They can make a dead american helicopter in Iraq fly to somalia and shoot Silly you mustn’t know that American navy ships are right out in the Indian Ocean and they also have a base in Djibouti. My laugh was at another Fartaag moment for the "people of the book". Only in Mugadishu would you have people who tell us they are "hollier than anyone" and the next word that comes out of them is untruth, to say it politely.
  15. Lets see who is housed in Kismayo: 1. Alqaeda for its operations in all of eastern africa shores. Primarily to kenya and tanzania 2. OLF sent by eritrea to attack ethiopia from there, simply because OLF cannot operate from eritrea (1000km border), Sudan (another 1000km border) Kenya (about 600km border) Somaliland, Puntland and Bay and Bakool covering most of the 1000km border. Kismayo will prove to be deadly for ICU. The pushing of Barre Hiraale completely to TFG side and also leaving him with no choice, but to accept Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia as friends to fight against Pakistani terrorists and eritrean/OLF mercenaries occupying his area.
  16. Originally posted by Northerner: SF, ya xabashi, are your shiekhs 'holier' than the ICU memebers? Northerner, I think you know better than that, unless you are too angry to violate some basic decency. Its only the imposters of Mugadishu that claim and say things thats against the Religion. Lets leave whats in Allah's(SWT) domain to Allah(SWT). Somalia and ethiopia are both constructs of man, man made. Lets not mix things irresponsibly like the merchants of death and destruction in Mugadishu, who go by the name of ICU and are lead by "supreme islamic leader".
  17. Sheik Muktar Abu Mansur Robo died yesterday after a ground battle fought at the town of Menas near Bidoa. After a heavy attack from the TFG troops, Abu Robu was killed in a hot pursuit. About 350 militants manned by Robo have also been killed. Mr. Robbo reportedly said to have taken military training in Afghanistan by Al Qaeda. (Idemaale News)
  18. Originally posted by Taliban: The bottom line, the ICU didn't go past the Ethiopian border and attack the Ethiopian regime or Ethiopians. On the other hand, Ethiopia invaded Somalia, bombing, shooting and killing innocent Somalis. The Ethiopian regime drew first blood, and assumes all faults and consequences. Taliban, IndaCadde said he will march to Addis Ababa. If he is unable to get there, its not because he didn't want, but he is incapable of doing so. You declared Jihad on us and Jihad has no borders unless those who called Jihad don't know what it means. We will go to the north pole if we can to punish those imposters who played with religion. You don't have to be somali, ethiopian or sudanese to want to punish imposters and fake merchants of death and destruction.
  19. Originally posted by Caamir: Thanks for the info, Somali-friend. Caamir, I know its moments of anguish and mainly the people that even recently suffered from floods are being affected again, but this was out of everyone's hands except the imposters in Mugadishu. The Imposters in Mugadishu also had the timing of their own choosing. I hope the humble, brave and free minded somali who by force of arms is under controlled territory of the imposters, foreign terrorists doesn't misunderstand the truth: 1. We all live in glass houses, lets not throw stones at each other. 2. There are 50 or more million moslems in ethiopia. Not impressed by the Mugadishu imposters. 3. Most ethiopian soldiers and almost all commnders that would be sent to fight the terrorists will be speaking in somali. On the other side the terrorists and the Mugadishu imosters will be speaking foreign languages and the somali people of the south can rcognize them as they did in Kismayo. 4. ICU in facing ethiopia will face somali and will face moslems. What a coincidence even our chief of the general staff is a moslem, let alone commanders in the field of battle. 5. Most ethiopians (with the exception of the mengistu nostalgic) and most somali are hoping that the war ends fast and somalia starts the ardious work of reconstituting itself and rebuild broken homes and families.
  20. Yes indeed I pray that the war end fast for the sake of those caught in it, for no fault of their own and against their choice. It was the people of south somalia that told IndaCadde he is fake, and his call for Jihad on Negash is illegitimate long before I did. I pray for their sake that the war end fast. I am sure the imposters will be on the losing end and the people of somalia will reconstitute their country and rebuilt their broken homes as we did in 1991.
  21. How incompetent are these ICU imposters? How could they forget that they are fighting against TFG and the Defence minster is non other than Barre Hiraale? Our source told us the UIC extreme elements tried to bring reinforcement from Kismayo how ever with a continuous bombardment and assault from the Joint force the line is broken.
  22. Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea: Analysts say is an all-out war witch due to spread all in the horn of African region. IndaCadde to Who has promised the imposters in Mugadishu that he is coming to help them. Djibuti, Eritrea.....thats funny. The war is going to stay in a small area of south somalia. I pray for the innocents there, the war to end fast. Those using Islam as mcdonalds commercial product will be punished for that transgression. We will not accept any one imposter to play games with religion. But long before we do, the good people of somalia who have seen the lies and imposters attempt to hide behind Islam have exposed it.
  23. Originally posted by mystic: WE know that caamir, ethiopians probably don't know how to fly a jet. lol The only thing we don't know is how to make them. Its also the same for the somali. He can fly them, but doesn't know how to build them. ICU of course has special powers. They can make a dead american helicopter in Iraq fly to somalia and shoot
  24. Originally posted by Taliban: quote:Originally posted by Somali_Friend: Does IndaCadde know the road to Addis Ababa? Don't be arrogant and underestimate the ICU. Do you see any arrogance in the three quotes above? On the contrary you see how humble people speak. You can accuse us of many things, but arrogance is not one of them.
  25. Originally posted by Taliban: The Ethiopian regime is underestimating the ICU. It's invasion of Somalia will not be a cakewalk, just as George Bush's invasion of Iraq has proved to be anything other than a cakewalk. We are not invading anyone. We are defending ourselves from IndaCadde slogan of capturing Addis Ababa. Why can't you understand that? You may be angry now, but I hope for the people in South Somalia the war ends fast and soon. I also hope the people of Somalia come out of this as we did in 1991. We are all the same people. You are accusing TFG of being ethiopia friendly. Your counterparts in ethiopia are still accusing the prime minister of being somali friendly, even in Parliament debate. Its completely dishonest. Rather than we ethiopians facing our problems and you facing your own problems, we always find somebody foreign to blame. No country has solved its problems by blaming somebody else.