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Everything posted by Somali_Friend

  1. Originally posted by me: Keep running xabash, keep running the first and best defense is run. a vietnemese saying
  2. Originally posted by Northerner: Somaliland should use this 'asset' better. Berbera port is hardly used by Somalis (small medium businesses). Bossasso is the main route for goods in and out of Somaliland by sea. But be careful of Djibuti. Thats why Djibuti doesn't want any somalia port taking business from it. Djibuti will do whatever it can to monopolize ethiopia against eritrea or somalia. Sudan of course is beyond djibuti reach. The parts of ethiopia they consider their sphere doesn't also overlap.
  3. me, enjoy your delusion. when you wake up from it, we will be in the same camp cheering for reconstituted, peaceful, prosperous somalia. untill then I don't see this line of argument or do you think I am so delusional like ICU to invent Axum or Negash and tie it to Addis Ababa government. I don't. For all I care it coud have been any one of our anscestors that was in Axum or Punt or Meroe or Habeshait doesn't matter now dealing with Aweye/IndaCadde imposters.
  4. Originally posted by Centurion: However, it is foolish to write off the UIC already, they have shown to be able in the battles of Xamar against the Warlords, and their formidable conquering of half of Somalia. The UIC had support not only in Somalia, but even in ethiopia when they fought the warlords. I remember the prime minister Meles in Parliament answering a question as follows: "The ICU is a mixed bag. There are people who wnat peace and order in Mugadishu and want Government and their country reinstituted, those we support. There are also terrorists who are known to ethiopians among the ICU. We have to wait and see which one is in control of the developments." It was only weeks after that Aweye was announced as supreme islamic leader of "somalia". I expect even the speaker now to reconcile with the TFG and find a means of getting the ICU member organizations separated. The supreme council will be dissolved.
  5. Originally posted by me: Do you ahve any prove that there are OLF, Pakistani's or terrorists in Somalia? or are you venting hot air again? come with proves. Gievme locations, names. Another question, what is the OLF? Is there no OLF in Ethiopia? Shall we invade Ethiopia and help you search for OLF in AIDS Abeba. Check Kismayo for Pakistani and OLF. You will also find it here on SOL if you check the times the terrorists invaded Kismayo. As for OLF, if you have the capacity you are welcome. All we want is peace to get out of poverty and backwardness. nothing else. If you want to help us achieve thse you are welcome anytime. We are poor, but we try to be rightous and generous to the best of our ability.
  6. me, you are angry and you are not thinking straight at all. let me make you laugh or cry, at the low level you have descended now. The Harreri is as haabesha as you can find. Actually he is Tigray. ask any ethiopian. The opposition will tell you that the Harreri is closer to Tigray than anyone else in ethiopia. 1900 there was no somalia yet. The italians haven't made you yet. 1977 was made by northerners and its the northerners that are now living in good neighbor policy and practice with their neighbors ethiopians. tell me which one made you laugh and which one made you cry. Take it easy, nothing serious.
  7. me, Body count didn't help the eritreans from signing away almost a third of their territory to UN. Its also a lie. Only advancing armies have the opportunity to count dead and left wounded of opponent. Retreating armies can't. Even a child knows this. Don't make more Fartaags. ONLY the TFG has the opportunity to tell terrorists killed and left wounded, as well as its side. If TFG wants or not is another matter. But ICU cannot tell of Beletweine from Jowhar or Mugadishu while running in panic.
  8. Originally posted by me: Enough pictures on the net of dead invaders. maybe you should see for yourself, how the invaders are being welcomes in Somalia. You don't need to welcome us, if you don't want us as friendly guests. Just welcome your countrymen and kinsmen and your president and federal government. we are there to eliminate eritreans, OLF, Pakistanis all terrorists. Just be careful. we all live in glass houses. If you use your house to harm me, expect nothing less in return. Somalia and ethiopia are not like You and I. Millions of somalians and ethiopians have introduced each other in the last 15 years than they ever did in centuries before. There are enough somalians in Addis Ababa to make a city, I am sure there are similar ethiopians in Northern parts of Somalia. somalians is to differenciate as citizens of somalia republic and not ethnicity.
  9. Originally posted by me: Whether Aweys or the ICU want courts in Somaliland is irrelevant, at the end of the day its about what the people want. Aren't Somalilanders people too? Don't they bleed when hit by terrorist, don't they feel sad when they lose one of them to terrorism........? What are you saying. If you don't care about the beings of the rest, why do you expect me or anyone else to care if Aweye or IndaCadde are unhappy with the tactics they chose and the "unholy" choices they made. At least Aweye/INdaCadde had a choice, wether to follow the right path or the wrong path they chose. Their victims in Jijiga or Somaliland didn't.
  10. Does anyone know how it flew to Somalia from Iraq? Was it shot down by a christian "Jihadist" from eritrea? whats next untruth from Mugadishu ICU who declare they are hollier than others?
  11. Originally posted by Northerner: quote: Elias Redman is vice president so he is not the Grand Mufti. I know that, i was refering to the organisation you have in xabash land (Supreme Islamic Council) which you some how think is wrong to have in Somalia. I think i have cleared that up for you. The rest of your post is just garbage! a) Understand the same quotes you have been posting all over this forum from so called shiekhs who live in a non-muslim country who seem to think the ICU's jihad call was wrong b) Offer anything in the way of support for your argument apart from the 'Aweys is a bad man' line. You are but a confused xabashi! There is no Islamic state in all of africa or middle east. The way you say islamic country is unIslamic. You are calling Islamic country, which were made by christians and Jewish from europe. nice going. The ones you are saying so called shiek are shieks we hold in high regard in their communities. Lets conclude the garbage here: The Jihad call by Aweye/IndaCadde is not legitimate. It was also called by unqualified persons to do so. It was used as political instrument just like mcdonald uses some wizardry for commercial. The people of somalia will punish them for this transgression, failing that the immediate neighbors will punish them for the fakery. feakery harms religion more than its percieved or declared enemies. Thats the stand and understanding of most ethiopians across the country. You don't accept it on SOL you have choice, Aweye/IndaCadde and the terrorists from eritrea, OLF that they counted upon will not have choice.
  12. Originally posted by me: ^^This boy is daydreaming. Dear Xabash, we will see, how many Ethiopians support Meles Zenawi. me, If only the city of Jijiga supports him, it is more than any support Aweye can ever get on the face of earth. Thats more than enough. I have seen it. There are families who were victimized by Aweye terrorism who would like to see him face justice in Mugadishu or Baydhoa where the TFG chooses and these families can present their witness against the murderer. I also hear that he is wanted in court in Somaliland.
  13. Originally posted by Northerner: ps quoting a few so called shiekhs here and there does not prove anything! Someone who accepts terrorist and women and children murderer Aweye and IndaCadde as shiek calls ethiopian shieks so called. lol
  14. Originally posted by Thierry.: is to speedily bring the war to a successful and victorious end in the shortest time possible." This must be the funniest thing I have heard in months, if Meles thinks he will be out of Somalia anytime soon then I suggest he gets better advisors. Dubya bush is still in Iraq and Afghanistan 5 years down the line. This will be a long and pain full war it easy bombing cities from the air try to keep hold of them and we will really see what you are made of. Aren't you forgeting one basic truth: 80% of Somalia accepts the TFG territorially, population wise lets not get into percentages Puntland is 30% of somalia Bay and Bakool and now Hiraan will constitute state governments and function in time just like Puntland. The Gedo and other provinces will have to build states as ICU collapse. People in regions will be self governing and since all have accepted the TFG including Mugadishu, its only a matter of time and effort, but not lack of will. Ethiopia in Somalia cannot and will not move an inch without TFG request, and if ethiopia requests like destroying the terrorist collection in Kismayo, it will only be by TFG approval. Barre Hiraale who is not probably a friend of ethiopia is the one that will approve military co-ordinations. He accepts one fact: Either the terrorist collection in Kismayo has to be cleared by TFG or TFG have to ask for help of its choosing.
  15. Originally posted by Northerner: 1) When is Jihad geniune? 2) How is it implemented? Please explain with the necessary back-up (Quran and Sunnah) and not a so called xabashi shiekh! Northerner, I have to give you the benefit of the doubt and we are discusing to learn from each other. In the interest of fairness: 1. please stop mocking the ethiopian shiek. Its very similar/same how communities or villages in ethiopia and somalia call a person shiek, it may have an element, but its a community recognition of a person's ability to provide example, to recieve from generation before and pass to next generation preceeedences..etc. You are expected to accept as shiek if a community in ethiopia accepts one of its citizens as shiek. secondly, I have given you how an ethiopian moslem reacted to the call of Jihad from Aweye/IndaCadde. Its only fair you tell me how Aweye/IndaCadde reached at the call for Jihad. Question: Are we going back and forth between nationalism and Islam or you have agreed we stick to one? Thats very important. your turn.
  16. How about Bassasso, Kismayo and Mugadishu. Djibuti is run out of its witts now. All east africa will be peaceful and good neighborhood. Fair and brotherly competition in commerce. Help each other in distress. The destructive djibuti type unfair competition by creating instability and war in southern somalia is not fair or humaine.
  17. Originally posted by Northerner: ps the 'why are Somalilanders talking of ethios etc when they got help from them' argument will prove to be a redundent one and you know that Shouldn't you have fairness towards the somali in Mugadishu who has not seen the peace, order and government you northerners of the east and west have had? Shouldn't you have fairness to the somali in Kismayo to have the same friendship, good neighborly relations you northerners enjoy with ethiopians? I cannot understand why some of us want to have peace and prosperity at the expense of our brethern somewhere else. Is everyone of us becoming like egypt that gets 2.2 billion every year from israel/america, but wants the poor palestinian in gaza to keep fighting isreal with bare hands. Puntland as an example should wish Bay and Bakool state to have peace in itself, peace with neighboring states of somalia or ethiopia as puntland has achieved for itself. Thats only fair and humaine. Have trade and friendship with all neighboring states just like Puntland has.
  18. Northerner, It is simple and is supposed to be made very simple for all followers to understand it. Yes it is difficult to do, but should be simple to say. There is nothing complicated about Jihad if its genuine and called and implemented the right way. You cannot have it both ways: If you want to discuss based on Islam, you should discuss regardless wether you are somalian, djibutian or ethiopian. If you want to be nationalist on me, be fair, I am also nationalist of another country. Isn't that fair and right? Don't mix the two to satisfy the imposters and fake in ICU. somalia doesn't mean equivalent to Islam. Somalia is a country like any other. Somalia is made by mortal man. The current shape was actually made by a chrisytain man. Islam is more than somalia unless you want to pull a fast one here like ICU fakes tried, that failed.
  19. Originally posted by Abdi2005: Pro xabashis are celebrating to early, the courts polled out orgnized from this plases. Inshallah you will soon se the outcome. I would say leave the Haabesha out of this. We were keenly following the military genuis of Al Ithad Al qaeda terrorists, who are in Kismayo. we were interested for 2 reasons: the Alqaeda to use Kismayo as base for kenya and tanzania operations and the eritrea/OLF to use as base for ethiopia operations. ICU has no interest what so ever in Kismayo other than terrorizing the town and make it comfortable for eritrea, OLF and pakistanis. Well Yesterday the genius of Aweye/IndaCadde got their international terror brigades from the slaughter house to come and help in Bay and Bakool. They forgot Barre Hiraale is defence minister. You don't want to know what happened to eritrean, OLF, Pakistani reinforcement that was eagerly and in panic being awaited in Bay&Bakool state. Lets just say ICU didn't get the reinforcement and was evicted from Bay and Bakool.
  20. Originally posted by Northerner: SF, you are running away from question posed to you which you cant answer. Give and go back to a xabashi forum! You are repeating this in every thread, is there anything wrong with you today? I understand the anguish. I was old enough in 1991 to see it in ethiopia almost the exact same thing thats happening in Somalia south was going in Addis ababa. Let me summarize for you: We ethiopians are convinced, beyond any shadow of doubt that the Aweye/IndaCadde called Jihad is not legitimate. We are also sure that these peasons that called the Jihad and declared to march on Addis Ababa are not eligible to call Jihad (non-emergency). None of the process or procedure of calling Jihad was followed by the imposters in Mugadishu. You can take that as conclusion. Let me also make it clear to you that the government of ethiopia being secular is not fighting for Jihad against the imposters. Even if we had a non-secular government and Islamic state, it will have to wait for the people of Somalia who are geographically nearer to the imposters and also are moslem population. When Aweye/IndaCadde called Jihad on us, they were on the offensive. They captured Kismayo long after they declared Jihad, so don't tell me there was an emergency and the ethiopian moslem had to drop everything and go to help them.
  21. Does anyone know what Kenya is doing? Uganda is already on the ground. Nigeria is committed, when they will land is not announced yet. Yemen also has not announced anything yet. Yemen is very busy. Probably the only Arab cuntry that has door wide open communication with somalis from all walks, wether the Federal Government in Baydhoa or Puntland State and others.
  22. Originally posted by Northerner: I'm still waiting for you to answer and present your findings to my earlier questions. Therefore, before we continue any further please present your findings otherwise i will take it as you not being able to back-up your statements and disregard having any future discourse with you. What is so difficult to agree on some foundation, which is the basis of a follower wether he is minister or member of parliament follows? Why don't I tell you then what the minister did. 1. He asked that the meeting not reach any conclusions and that time be given, intelligence agencies be available for questioning..etc. 2. After all this he still was not sure if he can make up his mind and reach a conclusion 3. He went to see a highly regarded scholar, an Immam, a few shieks he knew and trusted. 4. The conclusion he reached was that this group in Mugadishu that has called Jihad is not genuine and I shall not join them. The member of parliament also did similar. The parliament debated for 2 days and some members asked for a week of recess and postponment. The political parties also did the same. Some parties, especially the opposition party that voted in favour of the resolution supporting the government sent persons to somali, Afar, Benshangul and other states, communicated with knwledgeable persons from foreign countries, including somalia. At the end everyone of that party members voted in support of the resolution. Those who opposed the resolution (90% of those who opposed were christians) opposed it because the government insisted that eritrea be included, so if needed action can be taken on eritrea without a second resolution. Most of the conversations of the minister or MPs is private, but some mentioned that they have consulted and obtained advice from such and such. Nobody mentioned about Fatwa they may have recieved or not. These are heavy words in ethiopia, unlike ICU where everything is an Aweye jesture away.
  23. This thread should answer your questions why we are pleading with TFG to control Somalia and make it safe for the somali people first and safe for the whole neighborhood. We don't only plead, but we are willing to contribute our share in the attainment of peaceful neighborhood.;f=9;t=007908#000000
  24. Northerner, If you are waiting for Jijiga to fight for "supreme islamic leader of somalia" Aweye, please look here.
  25. Northerener, There is something you and I can easily come to an understanding. Any country cannot be called Islamic country becaue all or most of its citizens are moslems. Do you agree or not? Ethiopia is not a christian country, somalia is not an islamic country. Ethiopia is a country of moslems, christians, jewish and Traditional religions. Somalia is a country of moslems (lets not get into details). Countries are man made. Djibuti and somalia are man made and made by very far away man too. so is ethiopia, kenya, sudan or egypt, yemen, saudi arabia...etc. Do you agree so far?