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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. Is one able to understand one better when the medium changes from forums to dialogues? ~~Just a thought~~
  2. And he knows what he talks about It was tempting me Castro I plead. So easy tempting Now I have to go for confessions.
  3. Originally posted by Simply_I: Castro is not my type because he is very religious and parades from politics to science and there is no stability. Castro you can be more blunt........tell her to back up those claims sxb
  4. Originally posted by Callypso: ^What? Lmao I had questions flying above my head too after reading her reply (I think it was a reply). Simply_I could you explain what you wrote. I am one of those erm..........slow hicks Muhammad I take offence who do I talk to regarding your statement? Personally I think they over-reacted with the whole issue and I am basing it on the fact that most of the immigrant blacks didn't find the piece offensive but the african americans did. Here is another letter that was also written by another black student that didn't make it into the paper: Today, I was happy to see that there is a section in the **Name of Paper** on Rosa Parks. The day she died was a sad day for many people across the nation. As I continue to read the **Name of Paper** I became bothered by what was mentioned in the Opinion section. “ I thought all Black people were ‘worthless piles of crap’ that only commit crime . . . but I’m sure I can find you some examples that fit that description.†I am Black and I am also a Californian and I believe that was a racial comment and should not have been posted in the newspaper. I say it is racist because the individual is humiliating and singling out Black people as a whole. By posting stereotypical remarks like the one that is stated above, basically it is telling people that it is just fine to say that and published it, in the **Name of paper**. If one will get mad at an opinion made on MSN, what do you think will happen if it is said in **Name of paper** (rhetorical question)? For future reference, do not bring your MSN arguments to the University Newspaper leave it on the Internet. (Written by A)
  5. Can I get your take on this situation. Its a huge issue at the moment and it would be interesting to see if this subject were to be removed from afroamerica/white to somali(cause maybe some of you being called black might not meet with your sense and sensibilities/white what would most of you do? Columnist opinion: "When I write a column about something that people disagree with I expect to hear about it. This never bothers me. After all, I wouldn't write this column if I wasn't afraid of some banter. This happened last week when my angry rant against Halo 2 somehow ended up linked to a pretty highly visited Halo 2 website. Needless to say my popularity dropped pretty quickly. Anyway I had a couple random guys from different states add me to MSN messenger so they could do a little arguing with me. Thats all fine and dandy, until one of the pretentious batsards decided to basically tell me I know nothing because I'm from **insert my beloved hick town**. Hey, wait a minute. You can bash me all you want for my views on Halo 2, but you are playing with fire when you call me stup1d and then link it to where I grew up. The problem is, this know-it-all is not alone. The citizens of State XYZ end up getting this ignorant hick stigma against them, simply from being from the Midwest. What angers me the most is that its a form of widely accepted discrimination. Now, if I had said to that genius from Seattle (the pretentious batsard) that I thought all black people were "worthless piles of crap" that only commit crime, he would have let me have it. Off course I don't think that way, but I am sure I could find you some example to fit that description..............(written by R) Rebuke from the black students: " I agree it is incorrect to judge a persons intelligence based on where they're from. But to compare this to saying that all black people are "worthless piles of crap" who only commit crime just doesn't make sense at all. Then, to make matters worse, you say "Of course I don't think that way, but I'm sure I could find you some examples to fit that description." So, you're trying to tell me that you personally know some "worthless piles of crap" who only commit crime, but you don't believe that's all they do? Well when you come up with a good list, you let me know. What does insulting where a person grew up have to do with insulting an entire race? Nothing. It's a false analogy! In case you don't know what that is, I'll tell you. False analogies are comparisons between two situations that are not alike in most, or important, respects. I hope you see the point I'm trying to make." (Written by V) "For R to "hypothetically stereotype" all black people is ignorant. For the editor of the **Name of Paper** to let her publish such a thing is equally ignorant. The statement in the column was inappropriate and unprofessional in the least bit. Undoubtedly, the individual in Seattle was bias towards small towns, but to match his ignorance reflects a lot about your own character. For you to lash out at black people as a whole and try to use race as if you were trying to prove a point is absolutely inappropriate. I was hurt by your statement "Now, if I had said that I thought all black people were worthless piles of crap that only commit crime." There isn't an "if" about it. YOU JUST SAID IT! According to you, black people have no worth and we are big piles of manure who do nothing but commit crimes. So all black people, including Rosa Parks, are criminals? But you didn't stop there. You could've been political about the situation. You could have used your journalistic instincts and rose above your own ignorance and shown some intelligence. But you said, "Of course, I don't think that way, but I'm sure I could find you some examples." YOU JUST CONTRADICTED YOURSELF IN ONE SENTENCE. "I really do think like that, but if I say that I don't, then it seems as if I don't." That is how it came across. Then you say, "I'm sure I can find someone if I look hard enough." So that means that you would have to go out a find someone that fits the bill, and it wouldn't be hard to do................................Nevertheless, the article was very unprofessional, unfair and untrue. In my opinion, no discretion or common sense was used in the article. The comment you made was very disrespectful and without tact. If I may ask, what did writing such a derogatory statement toward African Americans accomplish? It further led me to agree with the man from Seattle. You absolutely have no clue what is going on in the world and not because you are from State XYZ, but because you are who you are. And yes, sorry to burst your bubble, but you might be the biggest hick in ..." (Written by M) Apologies: "I just want to clarify something before anybody kills me. In my last column, when I made the derogatory reference to black people, I did not mean it to be taken literally. The only thing I was trying to prove is how stup1d it is to assume things like that. I wanted to use such an extreme example that nobody could possibly think I would believe that way. Evidently, I failed. When I said I could find an example of a black person that fit that description, I was just trying to prove that there are bad apples in ANY race and people should not judge the rest of the people in that group using the worst example. Much like calling all people from State XYZ dumb hicks because of meeting one hick from here. That's all I was trying to prove. I have no problem with any race, nor would I ever write anything that could be so purposely offensive and stup1d. I apologize if I offended anyone. I just want to make very clear that my intentions with my column were not racist, but were to point out how mindless discrimination actually is." (Written by R) "When running a paper, the editor has to choose what should be printed and how things should be worded. There is a fine line between freedom of speech and printing a column that is more than offensive. It was my job to decide if the column should be run. At the time, my impression of the article was that it made very direct accusations. However, at the same time, I believe strongly in freedom of speech and being able to say what you truly feel. However, I failed to edit the story for its derogatory remarks. I belive a point can be made without using certain words that were chosen.I personally am apologizing for letting the article go to print as written. Working on the **Name of paper** staff is a learning experience for all of us. My staff doesn't only put out a paper each week, they learn how to design pages, how to make things look better, what makes a good article and what can be printed." (Written by Editor) Reaction from student body to Apologies: " I think M was too harsh on you, overreacted, and missed the big picture. Even though I may not like it, I fully acknowledge that hicks exist in State XYZ, but that doesn't mean everyone living in State XYZ is a hick. M, if you don't think R or anyone else couldn't find a couple of black people in the United States who are detriments to society, you are simply in denial, as I would be if I tried to claim no one in State XYZ was a hick. In saying this, I am in no way trying to declare that all black people are that way. If you missed the point made by R's comparison, here it is: no matter how people are discriminated (by race, sex, creed or national origin) it's hurtful and disrespectful. My "XYZ-ness" can be disrespected the same as your "Blackness." (Written by a Senior) I beg for your indulgence once more because I had to paste this reply in its fullness. "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." This quote by Mahatma Gandhi is pretty self explanatory: practice what you preach.In reference to the letter to the editor by M, before you criticize one for being a racist or ignorant, take a look at your own actions. I looked up your Facebook profile and found it littered with the very language you criticize. Using racial slurs like "nigga" are not only disrespectful to the people who fought against that, it makes you look more ignorant than the person you wrote your letter to the editor about. How would Rosa Parks feel about that? In regards to your "there's no 'if', you just said it" argument, there IS an 'if.' This makes it a hypothetical situation as you stated. An educated person should be able to recognize this situation as an extreme example towards the argument at hand: that stereotypes are ignorant. Had the sentence been, "I told him that I think all black people are worthless piles of crap who do nothing but commit crime," you would have been justified in your argument. As for writing professionally, next time you want to seem credible in your letter to the editor, don't include a personal ad. Being educated, intelligent, tall, dark and handsome has nothing to do with your argument. Moving on to V's letter to the editor. She has a false analogies argument, in which she states that racism has nothing to do with making fun of where someone grew up. This can be answered in one sentence: "We don't tolerate racism, so why is OK to make fun of XYZs?" Here is where the previous examples in the article tie in. It's not about race, as most people have viewed it. Rather, it is about prejudice. In case you don't know, prejudice is the unjustified bias against someone based on his or her race, culture or region. As for the editors of the **Name of Paper**, apparently you hadn't found the comment derogatory until someone else made a fit about it. If you are going to print a column, you should stand by the author of that article. The words not only reflect on the author, but on your own opinions as the editors. I feel that your spineless actions have not only sided with the R-bashing, but have also made you look as if R is a little kid who cursed and you have to apologize for it because she doesn't know any better. Why do you feel that you would have to explain the situation when R has already addressed it with a follow up column? By apologizing, you make it appear that you have something to apologize about-- which you don't. If anyone had actually read the article and taken it for the message it was trying to convey, nobody would have any reason to be mad ... except for maybe that guy from Seattle." (Written by a Sophomore) You be the judge of this mountain out of a mole-hill situation :cool:
  6. Someone is stirring a hornets nest. Can't you let well enough alone. Do you have to impress your ideals on others? Seriously though its kind of tiring to deal with battle of the sexes every other thread. ~~Just a thought~~
  7. Let me add another questions to your pile.......what exactly is a moment in SOL terms? :rolleyes:
  8. I saw this a couple days back but I am suprised that many people around my area didn't hear about it. The leak from Brits that Bush wanted to bomb Al-Jazeera :eek: talk about freedom of speech :eek: Read more about Al-Jazeera bombing fears.
  9. I couldn't help it I've being ignoring this thread for a minute Khayr I want you to do yourself a favor sxb. I am sensing that a history lesson is in order and I don't think I am wise enough to teach it. I will give you a name; one of the scientists of faith. He is Muslim and a scientist and probably discovered the fact that the earth was round before Galileo. His name is Al-Biruni . To the moon question Ali Kushchu would be one to look up. The "Age of the Scientific Revolution/Renaissance Period" is chockfull of scientists whose primary aim was the exploration of the universe and nature that God created.Their main goal being coming nearer to God by discovering His laws. Some of the scientists known for their devotion to God and who made much impact in the world of science were Boyle,Newton, Kepler, Copernicus, Bacon, Galileo, Pascal et al. Lmao about why the guy in south pole wouldn't fall off Are you finding it hard to reconcile your faith with scientific facts.........waa yaab :eek:
  10. Originally posted by Castro: ^ Nice. So, what you're saying is, Social Darwinism, since it doesn't involve religion, is easily adopted (or twisted) while biological natural selection goes against Creation and therefore is rejected outright? No what I am saying is there is no distinction in the theories for me. You either agree or don't agree with Darwin. The modifications to the theories should not cloud the fact that if you dissect the arguements only the fittest (morally as they say it these days) come out on top. You can't have the cake and eat it too.
  11. Castro sxb Darwinism/Social Darwinism..........same thing to me. One developed from the other. Anyway I will take a plunge in the rabbit hole. Darwin's theory in a nutshell was in nature there is a pitiless fight for survival, an eternal conflict. The strong always overcome the weak, and this makes development possible. Though not verified there are many who believe that Darwin was influenced by economist Thomas Malthus's essay on the Principle of Population. Darwin himself thought his theory on evolution could also be applied to ethics and social sciences. If you read the compilation of his letters Life and Letters of Charles Darwin you will come across a letter he wrote circa 1869 to Thiel I believe. With the theory of evolution being accepted as fact, conflicts in the name of Fascism, Racism, Communism, Capitalism, imperialism, and the efforts of strong peoples to crush peoples they perceived as weaker were by now clothed in a scientific facade. Funny I thought I mentioned that we bend things to suit with our agenda Now Herbert Spencer, the so called father of Social Darwinism, believed if someone is poor then that is his mistake; nobody must help this person to rise. If someone is rich, even if garned his wealth by immoral means, that is his competence/intelligence. For this reason, the rich man proves the survival of the fittest theory. In Sociology I never did see any mention of morality attached to his theory but I might be mistaken I would say that there is a spin off somewhere along the way that added morality to this theory though :rolleyes: If you ask me I think the morality issue got added in the theory by E.A Ross (An American Social Darwinist). This quote says it all for me ""The shortest way to make this world a heaven is to let those so inclined hurry hell-ward at their own pace." So dear Castro since this theory has being twisted by so many I don't see how conservatives cannot rationalize it to suit them i.e accepting the social aspect and disregarding the evolutionary aspect. :eek: :eek: Anyone with a brain would see that it for what it is;a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  12. ^^ Dee sxb mareekan majoogtiid.........sidee ku baraaneeysa aff fransasiis? Seriously someone need to start an SSL course for some of us Maybe you should get to know the residents around your area. I met her through the mosque.She teaches arabic to children but I kinda don't like the language so I opted for french to begin with. Cheers mate and good luck on your quest.
  13. ^^^^I can't help but to smile when I read your antics. Homer really does fit your character. Continue with the I wishes.....
  14. Originally posted by Castro: Social scientists have long understood that one’s economic status in society is not a function of one’s moral worth. It depends largely on the economic status of one’s parents, the models of success available while growing up, and educational opportunities along the way. Maybe also a business mind........but I need not say more Castro I know you were trying to provide direction to tackle the topic but me thinks different. Darwinism has being used to back up a lot of things;Evolution, Societal norms/abnorms and my pet peeve racism . Aryans used Darwin's theory to wreck havoc on the world due to their belief that they were the superior race. Should it then come as a suprise that conservatives are using Darwin to further their agenda? Ah well we all bend and spin things to fit with our ideals...........who am I to judge indeed! :cool: PS:- SeeKer being the wuss that she is acknowledges that her partaking in this arguement will eventually lead her to revert on her earlier stance showing support for capitalism as a lesser of two evils
  15. Duly noted I suppose with the precautions come a manual? Provide an alternative or do you believe in experience being the best teacher? Thanks for the compliment I had to edit cause you rewrote your answer. I am learning the language from an immigrant lady from morrocco. She used to teach french so she is equipping me for a trip to France. Je suis compétent dans l'anglais et swahili au point je peux le parler dans mon sommeil. Le Somalien que je dois perfectionner pourtant surtout puisque j'ai tendance à échanger les dialectes régionaux. PPS- Changed your sig I see
  16. Kash........mind if I call you Kash I am lazy noh Je crois que la jeune dame a demandé la direction et il le fournit. A dévoyé ce pourrait être. Vous faites une injustice pire en permettrssant tel travestissement.......... Sheesh I am toeing the line here I am still learning this language as it is . By the way I am in the same boat as she is so I am advocating for my own gain here.
  17. Originally posted by Kashanre: ^Then you deserve to listen to him! Tsk tsk ......L'envoi d'un enfant aux loups n'aide pas l'apprend à ne pas jouer avec les loups :rolleyes:
  18. Ok I will leave it at that I suppose and keep my questions to myself. :confused:
  19. Will do after I get done with presiding a meeting. I should go by starbucks bloody weather sucks
  20. Castro lemme say I didn't read the whole 12 pages of the arguement because I am familiar with SOL debates especially ones which bring doubts into the fine lining of religion. As for what Ngonge wrote I read that before somewhere . Here is the thing since its an all or nothing game. The game is rigged, looking at it from my stance point. We are set up to fail. If we accept faith as the bread and butter of life completely it is then logically you would denounce secularism . Set up to fail for us flawed humans....... brings back memories to questions I had before about faith. Hmmm personally I always thought I could toe the middle line but if I used Ngonge's arguement I would be doomed to pick a side and deal with the consequences of it.
  21. ^^^ Guess it takes me out of the running.
  22. Kill? Hurt? Repentful=forgive? Some people prefer killing thus eradication. Is there a clear path on this or do we follow the whims of the authority judging the "deviants"? Catro as to what you said I will follow-up on it for I am pressed for time at the moment.
  23. SeeKer

    Plan B

    There was once a man who said: Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he isn't. A sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is.
  24. Originally posted by Castro: In the absence of conclusive and verifiable scientific evidence showing homosexuality to be a natural phenomenon Just wondering what that would exactly entail? stats? video? Oh and if you believe that evolution is actually a possibility? Just thought you might want to check out Ultimate Explorer. I do believe that they have some videos that show homosexuality and bisexuality happens in animals............even to within our evolutionary family the chimps/bonobos or should I just primates . Homosexuality in animals. I believe there are links on that page that lead other articles and websites. There is a phrase in the article that also borders what I said earlier about homosexuality being a phase Looking at information provided as to what Islam prescribes as punishment to homosexuality I am conflicted. “And the two persons (man and woman) among you who commit illegal sexual intercourse, hurt them both. And if they repent (promise Allaah that they will never repeat, i.e. commit illegal sexual intercourse and other similar sins) and do righteous good deeds, leave them alone. Surely, Allaah is Ever All-Forgiving (the One Who forgives and accepts repentance), (and He is) Most Merciful†[al-Nisa’ 4:16] It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever you find doing the deed of the people of Loot, kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.†(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1456; Abu Dawood, 4462; Ibn Maajah, 2561. This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 6589). :confused: What to follow?
  25. SeeKer


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